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- Published: Friday, 07 December 2018 01:21
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Intercessors for the Philippines
Coordinator & Volunteers
CCT Tagaytay City
November 12-14, 2018
Edited: December 4, 2018
Edited: December 5, 2018 (Wednesday); 9::43 PM
This is Peps Kho’s Personal Notes
Taal Volcano, Tagaytay City
Ed de Guzman
November 12, 2018 (Monday); 3:00 pm
We are on critical times. What is the critical call of this season? What is the political landscape. Let us welcome Bishop Dan
Dan Balais
Kuya Dan lang. Robert Misst is here with us. Parang last minutes and he was obliged to be with us and he will be talling about the Divine Counsel. But during that time it was not yet time but now it will be downloaded to us.
Those who are not appointed officially, the Lord told us to fill up the water
pots, fill up the water jars and we intend and for the next these months we will gather and intensify the remnants.
A few weeks ago we are here after the Feast of Tabernacles. We hosted the 1st School of the Prophets. Accoridng to Sadhu God would like to raise up 5 nations for the School of Prophets and Philippines is the first one. We had 500 participants during the School of the Prophets. Also with Jennifer de Claire, editor of Charisma. She came just for one day and taught the Jezebel spirit. And we will discuss that later. Thanks for making the efforts. We spent for P1-M pesos for this.
May surplus tayo during the Feast of Tabernacles. We had only 5,000 people and we had over a million surplus and God told us to use that for this seminar. We have provided over 50,000 people. They believe that Philippines is the Prince of Asia in the last day but they also believed that the devil will not stand without a fight.
We have a supermodel who went to a mountain. A shamma.. She is a priestess and she wanted to have spiritual counsel. She is introduced to a tribal church in Malikongkong to Ptr. Pio. During worship she was delivered and she kept crying and now she have had a video.
Our final thrust to defeat the enemy and take hold our prophetic destiny. Overthrowing the leviathan through worship warfare and intercession and operating in the power of the age to come.
Why gather the remnants of IFP? Because the Lord told us the Gideon 3000. The Lord will use the least. In Judges 6, God told Gideon to trimmed it down from 30,000 to 20,000
We are entering into the most intense and more vicious battle. We have to awake from our asleep because maraming natutulog na iglesia.
Romans 13:11-12
“And that, knowing the time, that no it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light.”
Why Manny Pacquiao’s response when he was asked about the gays, he said, “They will go to hell.” From there his endorser the Nike withdrawn their contract from him and he lost millions. He knew his God.
NFS. Nameless, faceless servants.
Be strong in the Lord. Our strength and boldness is in the Lord and in Christ and in the power of his might.
Midnight is the darkest hour of the night and 12:01 is the coming of light. And we are coming to that scenario. WE started in 1989 but it was born in 1986 after People’s Power Revolution. We started it from that time.
I am overseeing 5,000 churches and my hands are full and I would like to retire. And yet 90% of my time is being spent on IFP. “When I can retire?” And the Lord shown me a tsunami in a vision and from there I did no longer ask the Lord for a retirement.
We thought we own the church. Jesus owns it, not us. God owns the sheep, paid by the blood of Christ. Our blood is high qualified – high in uric acid, high in cholesterol.?
We printed 50,000 tracts during EDSA Revolution. It was a critical time, a kairos time, over 1-million people in White Plains and Ortigas. We stationed our old van in crossing and we distributed it in 20 minutes and 20,000 tracts were gone. And there was this Tora, Tora, Tora, And civil war on the offing. We looked on the heavens and He said, “If you will not pray for the nation, your nation will be destroyed.” We went back to the church and we prayed so hard and as if we had pool of prayers in the church.
Marcos though he was led to go to Paoay, yun pala sa Hawaii. God said, “I will not giving this nation to the communists but I will give this to the hands of the intercessors.”
So I met Beulah Badua. In 2019, it has been 30 years already. The Catholics, Muslims, etc. Called for prayer and God heard our supplication.
Dan. 11:32, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
We are living in exciting times, if not the most exciting times. In 2017, there was this alignment of the constellation of Virgo and constellations of Leo, Draco or Dragon a fulfilment in Revelation 12. That constellation happened every 7,000 years that a virgin will give forth to a child and the dragon will devour the child but the angels defeated the dragon.
This generation especially the so called millennial or those born at the turn of the millennium is called by the prophets and the End Time Generation the terminal germination.
They are the generation that shall witness the Second Coming of the Lord and the establishment of the manifest, physical kingdom of God on earth.
When I was still in the engineering in college we are using the slide rule. That is when calculator is being invented and I would press 2 + 2 and it says 4.
Knowledge has been increased as you type in Samsung and I-Phone now. If you type your name, yayabang ka if you are being praised, magagalit ka if you will be criticized. Better not to type your name. You type there and you see vast resources of knowledge.
SOGIE law is being introduced and approved as SOGIE Curriculum is being proposed in the school. But we went outside, lumabas tayo,
I just came from Vancouver. We have churches in Canada. In Vancouver, legalized na ang SOGIE Law. We rallied against SOGIE with Ed V. And we went to Senate with Sotto, Villanueva. See Congress approved SOGIE. Imagine 200 and zero. Ed V said “Magdadala kami ditto ng 1 Million”. Everyday LGBT rallies at Senate and they are giving the senators roses, chocolate and cakes. We rallied 35,000 in the Senate that blocks the gate. We rally for God’s truth, justice and righteousness.
Bobby Ocampo, Ramos’ former Finance Secretary said . “when the fruit is rotten is falls automatically. But here when the fruit is rotten it sticks still.” Imelda is now being convicted. Yet she is still there.
The 3rd Temple might be built in the next 3 years by now. By 2020 we will be a cashless society, first in Singapore, second is China. Maganda din na magbagal ang internet natin.
The best of times and the worst of time says Charles Dickens, “Tale of Two Cities” which is similar today.
I am sorry, if innocent blood is being shed for a change, in Proverbs 6:17 is it one among the seven abominations to the Lord. You cannot prevent me in speaking out. I love the Body of Christ. History of the church will vindicates me. There is a time to speak.
A time of contrast and contradictions
He wrote, “The best of times, worst of times, age of wisdom and age of foolishness. Epoch of belief and incredulity. Seasons of light, season of darkness...we had everything before, we had nothing before us,” – Charles Dickens
If you open your cell phones it kept telling you about UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE... yet the school is not upgrading. Why they kept upgrading. Now we have Windows 10 before they have Window 1. Are we updated?
Revelations is being released at a particular time. 1700s and 1800’s revelations has been released. The battle of light and darkness that Isaiah spoke about in Isaiah 60:1-2.
We are now in the 490th year of Jubilee Season on March 9, 2009.
The cross was planted in Cebu
Jubilee Marker attended by 4000 intercessor and pastors and placed the shofars.... we blew the shofar in Cebu and dedicated he nation to God. Sadhu rebuked us for our divisions, etc.
Then God gave a vision bout this bamboo that split into two that speaks of church division.
For 6 year di kami nag uusap ng mga Bishops. Bishops Leo and Magbanua di nag uusap for 6 years.
Philippines is in Pleroma says David Damien. And he said again November 2016, “IN Philippines there is the pleroma or the fullness of time. In pleroma you have come to the last arrow. If you miss it you lose it forever. In kairos time you still have the second and third time. “
I am calling a Bishops Meeting in Palawan. We call that “Palawan 4” as “ Bishop and Leaders Summit” in 2016. You are being limited by one in each province because of logistics problem.
Someone prophesied for me that I will receive 1 –Billion pesps. It will not come from here. Should I receive that I will treat you all to Israel.
Tom and Jane Hamon said that the “Philippines is at the tipping point.” Either a time of great reformation or …
Sadhu in 2017 said he saw a vision that a crocodile mounted itself all over the Philippines. “The gigantic crocodile (levithian) has already mounted himself over the whole islands of the Philippines, the intercessors need to rise up and defeat this crocodile through prayers and spiritual warfare.” He wrote that on June 2, 2017.
Bro, Roco from Australia said that the “Philippines is on the forked road.” The eyes of the Lord looks for loyal hearts
Creation of the world is undone, it once again becomes without form and void because of national sin...
Zephaniah 1:2-4, “I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the LORD. I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks with the wicked; and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the LORD. will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests.”
By Robert Misst
4:45 pm
I met some of you last 2012. That was 6 years ago. I don’t know how to begin. It’s been a short notice given to me. You hold the key to this nation. That’s’ the wonderful thing about God,. He took the nameless and faceless people and turn the keys to them. No president can take credit for the future but it is God’s people who can take the credit.
Obedience to the Lord moves heaven. Right ? See that in Jesus life. Obedience to the father is without fault. “Not my will but by thy will be done.” Obedience to the father. Obedience to Jesus.
I have not time to prepare power point for you nor for the teaching on divine counsel. It doesn’t sound right for me or you. There is a complete revelation from 2012 up to now. You have a tool in your hand that you can use. In 2011, I have experienced in Divine Counsel and shared it to you in 2012. It happened to a church with my wife. After communion I saw the Lord walked down. I see the Lord sometimes. When He comes He will do something.
He came down from the altar and I said “Do come and sit down beside me.” And there was no seat available but a seat next to me. He came and he sat with me. And my wife was so sensitive in the spirit. Then she said, “Is the Lord is sitting with you?” I said yes. Then the Lord said, “I will be meeting you tonight,” the Lord said. My wife asked me what the Lord said to me and I said that He will be coming that night.
I met Him at midnight. And He walked in at the dining table and sat down opposite with me. And He said, “I brought you in heaven and I will let you write a book. It is about ASSIGNMENT. After training, the prophets and at the end of the training, the prophets said, “Make submission to the divine counsel.” I said No, No! I don’t want to make submission and I don’t to make close to Jesus and He is holy and I will just disappear. He said, “If you don’t like to submit in the divine counsel then we cannot teach you anymore.” So I learned how to submit.
That time Israel would like to ignite all the warheads against Iran. If she will do that she will trigger that WW III. In 48 hours of submission, 24 square miles of nuclear facility in Iran was burned down. No matter they would like to analyze that, they could not explain it. Even Soviets died on that explosion and there was no need for Israel to do the bombing anymore. God took care of that completely. Then I understood how important submission to the Divine Counsel. The end of that experience and I was brought back to my body during my prayer time and I encountered Paul, :What you he learned it’s not about yourself but for the body of Christ.” I said, “How can I teach when I could not see it myself.” Then the Lord gave me name Hyzar, (Peps: have not may taken the right spelling correctly) with thesis of 500 pages on divine counsel. So I asked Him about the divine counsel so He started sending me his writings. He asked me to have serious study of the word of God. He advised what to do...so I had my silent years like Jesus in 2012 – 2018--- I begun to study the word of God and took my PH D on the Gospels, and begun to understand more and more about these encounters in the Lord. I am very grateful to Dr. Hyzar because he introduced me to more people on biblical studies.
The Lord took me to the Holy of Holies in heaven, there is no such place here on earth. The room was so rich, plenty of gold. The Lord appeared and He explained to me about these stuff and He said it is a part of divine counsel that I may not see it and what is the purpose of all these? He said “When you go back, make a similar items like the Moses’ Tabernacle, like mercy of God, not the ark, you saw the thrones, and makes a thrones as exactly as that.” “What is the purpose?” I said to the Lord. He said something one by one. My wife said if you do that it is like a portal, of the divine and the earthly portals. We prayed and fasted. Sometimes we will surprise that God will answer very quickly.
I looked at the scroll. It is a plain and simple request. I asked and said, “Let Jesus come to Paris and roar to these nations....I subscribed to some papers from Israel and got email with headline of Israel, it says, “The Lion have roared in Paris and the nations have fallen.” Not a single nation watered down.
We begin to see even in the divine council if you are sensitive, as I said obedience is important. We seek the Lord and yet we have to do something or tell something. Like in Australia, about the Euthanasia law. There was reading of that law on the lower house and higher house. “ It is not only to submit but also to speak to the committee if you go” the Lord said. I was invited to the Parliament and I spoke. I spoke and I was angered to them. I said, “Life does not coming from government. Life is coming from God if you take life that is lawlessness. People on this nation think they can take life because the government takes away life. And that is lawlessness.” Up to now it is still not a law. If a family has a coma in their family, the family can just make decision to end a comatose person his own life. So far that is the law is.
The Law shows us how to do it. In order to be a part of the sanctuary of God we need to enter the Lord’s Priesthood. Is it God a Priest? Can Jesus be a high priest without a captain of the army or priests? Can we therefore enter into the priesthood and under the Melchizedek order? Why such order? Can be on the Aaronic order? You can’t. Because you are not a Jew. You should be Levites to enter into a Aaronic? Jesus came from Judah. Not Aaronic. We cannot be Aaronic but we can be Melchizedek. Jesus is our high priest. Can anyone be a high priest? If you want to join the Mormons you can be a high priest. No other high priest.
Why Jesus trained us it was only for 3 and half years? Levites can only be trained for 3 and half years. That is why He trained the 12 to let them enter into the Melchizedek priesthood and died on the cross. He washed from head to toe as Peter because that is the Levitical Order of washing. That is not ceremonial washing. The washing was made in the middle of the meal, with bread and wine. Who made such a thing? Abraham when he served Melchizedek. No Aaronic but only Melchizedek.
With Robert Misst
He said, “What I have done to you, do it unto your brothers.” Your feet will be washed in this seminar and you shall enter the priesthood of Jesus. Baptism is not the way to enter the Melchizedek. Are you happy to be Melchizedek? Either follow me or follow the crowd Jesus said. Obedience to the Lord is the most important thing.
We are called as a nation of righteous priest. That is what we are doing since 2013 the Lord spoke to us the take the whole revelation of Divine Counsel from the Sanctuary to Melchizedek.
The greatest challenge came when I was invited to speak to Jerusalem to speak to Aaronic tribes- to the Orthodox Jews. They have zeal to these Orthodox. They have zeal to God they don’t mind what you think. We are supposed to start the seminar about 25 of them...
Now I cannot pronounce Hebrew words correctly. They would just correct me about the Hebrew words or even the interpretation. Somebody out there a Professor of Hebrew in the Jerusalem University and he would say, “He is right. We use the modern Hebrew and not the Old Hebrew. “ He became my protective angel. After the seminar, we went through the feet washing in preparation for the Melchizedek Priesthood. Nobody asked any question. A night before that feet washing I had prayed so hard. One of the leaders would say to me updating me that Orthodox Priests would come to the sanctuary. Many donot enter the Church because it looks like Gentile Church. Now we have 3 rabbis and 3 Orthodox Jews in the Sanctuary. We follow God by obedience. That is what John said in Revelation chapter 4 and 5 seeing things in heaven. He saw the future just like today. The whole of what is about to takes place before his eyes. One of them is the great multitude of people worshipping God (Re. 5:10)... kings and priests worshipping...and that is the Melchizedek priests. That is our inheritance. Otherwise we are shutting our inheritance like that of Esau. Romans 9:13: “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated.” He hated Esau because he disliked his inheritance. And our inheritance is with Christ. The inheritance is not the land but Yahweh. If our inheritance is Christ, then Christ’s inheritance is all our’s.
You cannot be Aaronic priests. But you can be a Melchizedek priest. As you give YES to the Lord, there must be changes in the form of your prayer, less stressful, but you have to follow the protocol of the bible. There is protocol in heaven. When you enter the sanctuary, the shoes must be outside. Or you may offend others or like Esau loses your inheritance. Will you take you shows inside or outside. You cannot enter with like images of Beatles in the sanctuary.
Identity versus. Idolatry. There is such a thin line.
God is calling into righteousness and holiness. This is the fear of time of where to follow. The idols of your hearts will be displayed. If you speak in idolatry then you speaks on the nation then it will happen.
To be perfect with the father is to align your mind, body and soul to Him.
Righteousness, peace and joy. You can find that in the house of the Lord. While the world has tribulations and shortages, God is protecting you.
Why God likes tribulation? For people to walk with God. To let you jump out from you comfort zones.
In 2014, I was invited in Cyprus by the Middle East leaders. They are pastors and leaders from Egypt and Greece, Orthodox. Every apostle created a church whether Mark or Luke. They are apostolic churches. Cypriots Christians suffered persecutions. One church was bombed and 25 were killed. They cannot get jobs. They got PH D but only to clean toilets. Many Christians did not have money and jobs yet God feeds them miraculously.
This one mother is here. She will share later to us. She said, “Everyday the Lord would say, “Write down on the paper the dish you want and place it inside the refrigerator.” So her two boys would come and open the ref and get the dish and eat.
You are called to obey His word and you are called to follow His words. Would you like to see this nation to find a spiritual warfare and find the warfare to be very bloody? These are the changes that will put a demand in your mind and heart. Where you heart is, that is where you’re treasure is as Jesus said.
I believe you can do it well. My experience with Filipinos is that they known hardships, the difficulties,...in Europe they can not do that. God will send ISIS there.
God will train you as a spiritual people and you will take the land. Rev. 3:12, “If you will be overcome.”:. Take down all the words “OVERCOMER” you will be a pillar of my God.
If we are the temple, why there should be another temple in Jerusalem now? They should have turned their eyes to their brother, to Jesus?
It is very impossible to build a temple in Temple Mount. It is very political indeed. Technically it does not belong to the Israel because it is owned by the king of Jordan otherwise there will be war.
We are spiritual stones. They are stones there as well as they are pillars. First temple on the face of the earth? It is on the Garden of Eden. And Adam was the 1st high priest. Who was with him? His wife of course but God walked with him and He spoke to him. That is why we enter the sanctuary and God speaks to us. We have sanctuary, the temple, the Holy of Holies in the same way that Adam had the sanctuary in Eden. That is why it says “ the kingdom of the Lord is the kingdom of our God
That is what we are doing - continuing the work of Adam. In Genesis after the fall, Adam went to the wilderness. Have you been in Sinai? Will you buy a real estate there and build a house? That is a theological concept. Outside our walk with God is the wilderness. He breaks the curse of the land. You and I must enforce that. Jesus have done it. Jesus crucifixion is not in the city but outside the walls of Jerusalem. In other words, he was in the wilderness. The Jewish wanted him not inside but outside to be crucified. This speaks of Christ’s obedience. We are not priest any more but priest of Jesus. Melchizedek is an ORDER. The bible didn’t tell us his name. Melchizedek of high priest of God.
Your obedience is to the Lord and not to the person. And you will find it that is true unity. Many people works for unity. If you align yourself to your calling as true priesthood of God i.e. Melchizedek, that when it unified us. That will cast the idols from our hearts.
We met Robert Misst in 1990. We had an Asian Pacific Prayer Conference. We are connected with IFI. When we hosted in Subic in 1999, he was the representing India. He is an Anglo-India. God confirmed in my heart that He will do a new thing. I feel in my heart that God is taking us into another level. Our church, the center of our decoration is the Drum. While Robert Misst speak about 3 thrones.
The center of Community Transformation (CCT)
Some rooms are 4 or 5 per room. 209 people confirmed with us. This morning 19 people backed out. It is not refundable. Some nearby provinces, we are asking if they can come. Or some Metro Manila so they can bring in.
This is the Isaiah Room
Wear your ID
If you go out without ID, you will be demanded for payment
Seated region by region
Bring in Bob Misst
Robert Misst
Does God need a divine council? God does not need a divine council but yet he has one. He asks us! God does not need us – but He loves us. He uses you and me. He stands by yours (David learned about it when he fought on Goliath). He trusted us and He believes that you can do the job.
This Lord’s kindness is toward us. He trusts us with the task only that WE can perform – He lifts us up to more than we can think or imagine.
God in his wisdom and kindness has been for ages giving human beings an experience of how to work with Him and in and though the Triinity and with other heavenly beings. Humans are called to work with God as sons.
Adam, then Israel and now the Church while the call is to everyone yet few respond with all their hearts, mind and strength – the Shema is supposed to remind us that this is how sons need to respond to their father.
Do you know subduction?
The Lord told me the Pulangi and I could not even spell it out. Until I’ve found out that it is a mountain in New Zealand. The Lord said, “You have found it?” And I said YES. I said it is about the mountain. And God said it is not the mountain. Only to found out that it is not about the Pulangi mountain but the the word SUBDUCTION in Pulangi Mountain that creates a strongest tsunami and earthquake that created the Sendai earthquake.
The Lord led us to conduct evangelism.
Anti-Semitic the angel said, “We need a divine council that we should know what to pray for the nation.”
Jeremiah 23:16-18
“ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto
you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the
LORD. 17 They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have
peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil
shall come upon you. 18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath
perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard i t”
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel were prophets of exile. Some prophets there will says, “Flee Babylon...” Where they were give wrong counsel? The prophets in OT were taken in the divine counsel to hear from the Lord. All the prophesies are first spoken first in the divine council.
Isaiah 6:8, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
The divine council will act as a witness. They are responsibilities as a members of divine council. Any other people in the OT other than prophets who can be in the divine council?
Yes, the psalmists.
Psalm 82:1, “A psalm of Asaph. God has taken his place in the divine council, in the midst of the gods he holds judgments.” NLT reads, “heavens court.” Amplified, “God stands in the assembly (of representatives),”
Psalm 29:1, “ A psalm of David. Scribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength,”
Psalm 29:2, “Ascribe to the Lord glory of his name, worship the Lord in holy splendour. “
Psalm 97:1 is a description of God taking his place in the divine council and this compares with John the apostle ‘ experience of the voiices of thunder and liightnings in heaven record,” in the book of Revelation. Scholars have long recognized Psalm 68
New Testament
We have the gospel writes, Paul and other epistle writers having the same experience as their OT counterparts – experiencing and understanding the councils of heaven.
John Loren Sandford – founder of Elijah House in his book written with a foreword by Cindy Jacobs. Healing the Nations: A Call to global Intercession.
It has a whole chapter of the Divine Council
He begins the chapter with biblical examples and then share his testimony of his experience of the divine council
“I would like to describe \several of the most extraordinary experiences of my life, which may sound astounding, if not outright unbelievable. I ave heard similar accounts from others, although am not free..”
Colossians 1 Jesus is the Lord of the invisible and visible world.
I was about to go to Vancouver, when this strong volcano eruption created a powerful ash clouds leaving 100,000 passengers stranded in New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia. I had to call Vancouver and told me that that I cannot come. They said, “Pray there and we would pray here.”
The Lord brought me in the spirit and shown me the large ash fall. And I see the star that coming closer to Jesus. Then the image looks like a king. Then he bowed down and Jesus placed a hand on that image of king. Then Lord said to me, “blow like an ash cloud.” Then Jesus brought me back in my body. Then the next day, the ash clouds started moving out from the nation.
In 2011 when Japanese tsunami came and I was in Vancouver. They were 20 people in my room then and we stayed there for 3 hours praying without singing and shouting. Many people have amazing experience ....
I have a similar encounter like ash cloud. Then I was brought to Pacific Ocean and the sea was very angry. He asked me this question, ”How high is this?” Made a guess the Lord said. I said 100 feet high. So I commanded the wind to come down. The next day, in my hotel, the news day, “Japan was saved from the 2nd tsunami.” It is said that it is over 100 meters high. See how God can use you to bless the nation.
God uses the small guys. When you pass to this divine council and follow this protocol, He can use you. Don’t be afraid of this divine council. I have to learn many things.
One day, He took me to the Australian Parliament. It was my mistake it should be a prophetic prayer and to blow the shofar. Then police came towards us... Then this man said, “You are late, you are late...” The Prime Minister is there and the Speaker of the House is there...” then a lady came to the Prime Minister, asking him if she could leave earlier. She was permitted and yet she left without honouring the speaker of the house.”
The Lord told me shall we honour men and not God.
You are history makers. You are instruments of changes. You can effect change by your obedience to the Lord.
All this calls for change this is the hard part for all of us and it was even for me and my wife too. We are people that like the apostle like to work within the confine ....
Luke 13:3 Amplified. “I tell you, no but unless you repent (change your old way of thinking turn from your sinful ways and live changed lives), you will all likewise perish. “
Shabbat rest....
Robert Misst
NOV 13/ TUE; 9:06 am
Good morning. Magandang umaga. Am not good in languages. I could barely speak good English.
Last night, I had good time with friends – Obet and Liza and shared a chocolate cake. I told them that in Nez Zealand, chocolate is called, “Death chocolate cake.” And enjoyed that and had fellowship. I went to bed and I said I got barely 3 hours before I sleep. Guess what happened?
As I fall into sleep, my spirit left my body and went to the divine council. Seems to be very important meeting. It’s been two weeks in the Philippines and got no word for the Philippines. When I am about to lean then the Lord gave word to the Philippines.
Before he gave a word he gave me vision. In the divine council, there is a triune God and Jesus sits as the judge and he was standing and he is not sitting. If he is standing he is going to speak and arrow in his hand as he stood there and he speaks about the LAST ARROW. It is a good sign and that he will not miss. Then the map of the whole Philippines, every single group, like you is being covered there and lifted there as last arrow. Thousands upon thousands and ten thousands of arrows. Every group has to shoot their last arrow. It is more than thousand s of arrows. Every person, family has a last arrow. Your arrows are thousands of thousands and tens of thousand and you will shoot that in the last place what will happen? Even if you miss – the Lord has the last arrow. He will not going to miss. He will cover that last arrow. You have the last arrow? He has the last arrow? If you will shoot your last arrow then he will shoot his last arrow?
That was the vision I saw.
This is the word that He spoke in the divine council:
I love this nation Philippines. I love this nation. She bears in her body the operation of demonic person. He lies in her the fallen nature of man, stripped of her natural resources and fallen to the demonic dragon. When I see her I see her as crown and my jewel. I see her condition I can see her seal for me and for my kingdom for my beautiful nation and for my beautiful remnant. I will therefore arouse myself for the last time, to sit her on my throne. She have this last one chance to be lifted upon in my presence not in poverty but in splendour not a tail nation but a head nation. Not a followed but leader, not debtor but creditor. Not slave but as sons and will heal her wounds as son and prince. I will give her a new heart for the oppressed nation around her, from the ashes of despair will arise like never before like my beloved. The power of darkness will tremble at her voice like a Melchizedek priest and uses my name he will cut the head of Leviathan and the demonic force. Go to her and tell her and wait, thick darkness is encroaching at her... the wealth of the nation that plundered her will be returned to her 7 times more. Darkness is ring but the glory of God is upon her. ... we will do mightily versus her enemies. There was silence and apprehension in the air. Abraham spoke and said, “ the divine council is please to serve her.” The heaven waits for her and recompense her for her love and obedience to the Lord. The assembly of the mighty One awaits for her response to encourage her. Abraham embraced me and said “hurry and give her assurance.”
That is a very encouraging word from the Lord and I submit that to you and to the leadership..
This is my last sharing with you and here from you I will back to Manila then back to Auckland, New Zealand. And this is the last moment and that I should talk with you.
I will speaks about the priesthood of the believers. And the sanctuary of the Lord.
The new covenant is made by the blood of Jesus. New priesthood emerged. We are new testament. The levitical priesthood is the shadow of the new priesthood- the royal priesthood, Jesus is the high priest. The garment has meanings – beauty and consecration. And both of those words in the NT is applied to Jesus Christ – THE BEAUTY of the Lord and the majesty. The blue in Aaronic clothing is about the law and the commandment. A Jewish is cloth with shawl with blue stripes. When he prays, he is covered with the Law of Moses. We do not need that shawl. I received shawl from Benny Hinn and he said I do not need the blue that speaks of Law. We are covered by His GRACE. Gold is associated with kings and kingdoms and used in priestly garments which speak of holiness and purity. The holy of holies is in gold.
The three gifts of Magi which was given to Jesus when he was born – gold, incense and myrrh.
What are the meanings of those gifts. Gold because he is a king. Incense is worship. He is God. Myrrth is anointing of high priest.
We are told that the 3 kings from the east. The Hainan people from China said they were Chinese when we speak about its theological meaning. Who are those 3 kings? There are not even kings.
You want to know the story?
When the first temple was destroyed by the Syrians, the Solomon temple and their gold were robbed including the menorah. They emptied the palace. David gave all to God nothing he held back. The ark of covenant is taken away. Nothing is left in the holy of holies, all were robbed by the Syrians. When they came back with Nehemiah and Ezra as they came back from Babylon, remember? They cried as they looked at the temple, the holy place was abomination that took place. Nehemiah and Ezra were sent back to rebuild the temple, the 1st temple priests had to run because they were slaughtered. Some run for exile, some to Kumran caves and some to Arabia. They were not Levites anymore, they were burnt up. They don’t know who are, the priests and who are their family. Many people came to the priesthood, the Asmonites , the descendants of Esau. The one who sentenced Jesus to the cross is not Levite but Hasmonian. Hasmonian and the Jews has alway tussle together. The 1st Temple priest who run to Saudi Arabia were the one who knows the star. They are waiting for the messiah to come. Here comes the high priest they said, the king of kings, reincarnated in the flesh. No Chinese king. That was the story.
Purple denotes royalty, part of Aaron dress. Scarlet like blood signify blood of Jesus. Fine linen in Revelation and Ezekiel is the garment of priesthood. White linen is purity and righteousness of Jesus and his bride, colour of the priesthood of Jesus only white linen is the symbol of Jesus. That is the royal priesthood. John said thousands of thousands in heaven in white linen, all standing in the throne as priests to God. Only priests are in heaven. Talking about the garment is the garment of priest – it is white. White means one – Father, Spirit and the Son – that is oneness of the Lord. Marriage is an old fashion thing.
In the NT in entering the priesthood? How long Jesus ministry? Three years right ? Three Passovers are recorded in the Gospel and John recorded in the three Passover. He wrote so that you know Jesus.
First Passover (John 3) with Nicodemus, from Jewish. Nicodemus who is he? He is a priest, rabbi, a member of Sanhedrin i.e. chief of justice. Important man who knows the Law, the Torah. He came to Jesus always in the night to learn. Remember that Jews believed they are sons of God by birth. And that they are reserved in heaven. He came to Jesus and Jesus what he told him? “Unless you are born again you can not enter into heaven”. Never you cannot tell that to the Jew otherwise he will slap you on the face. Jesus told that to him. I love Jesus he is a tough guy. Born of water and in the spirit. That was the first lesson in the First Passover.
John 6 – there is a discourse on the manna, bread of life. He told to the Jews “Your fathers ate manna and they died. If you eat my flesh you will leave...” if you have mega church, will you say that? What Jesus told, “You are not on the side of God and you are on the side of man,” he said to Judas. He is toughie and not scared to tell the truth. You’ve got the last arrow – you better shoot it right. That the second thing.
The communion – bread and the wine. We must be always in deep communion with Jesus and obey His word and follow it. Follow Him not man. That was the Second Passover.
The communion. You have Jewish Passover – bitter herbs, fruits, with the Haggadah. But with Jesus, no Hagaddah only bread and wine. Why Jesus did not celebrate the Jewish Hagaddah? What is the Passover is all about? It is past events when Jews took place from Egypt to the Promise Land. Pharaoh does not allowing them to go, he said, “To morrow the angel of the Lord will pass over...” That is the Passover. They celebrated the past events of the Passover. PAST OVER that should be read. He is celebrating the FUTURE and not the Passover. This Passover will determine the future of this earth, starting from the washing of the feet, fulfilling the Levitical priesthood. Judas did not washed his feet, only the 11 disciples. “I will not drink of this cup not until the kingdom of God is fully return.”
Passover requirement is born of Spirit
Second, deep communion with his body and blood
Third is we enter in the kingdom of God.
We are seeing the future. In heaven there is no time. There will be no sun (Rev 22) and the sun is Jesus; no past or future but only present. God knows the beginning and the end because He sees things. So it tells your past and future because for HIM is only present or NOW!
They arei worshipping Him day and night.
Will of the Father? You have to love Jesus and you have to love the Gospels. God said, “I came down and preached the Gospel and gave it to you.”
The 3rd Passover is covered us with the priesthood of Jesus.
We are covered by His blood and when you will do that – you will have the title. The title of high priest of God. What is the title? The word “SERVANT OF THE LORD.”
What is servanthood? You have to go to the roots of Greek mythology which is demonic. But we have to go back to Hebraic words.
Servant is the old title linked to God according to tradition. Servant and King go together. Do you know the Greek “diache?”
“We give thanks to the wine of David through your servant Jesus Christ?” have you heard that.
“I am the true wine” He said and we are the branches. The branches are the priests.
Isaiah 53:11 “After the suffering of his soul, he will the light of life and be satisfied by his knowledge.” In KJV it reads, “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. “
If Jesus is the Servant then we are servants also.
Psalm 89:19-20, “Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people. 20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him.” ... David was anointed as king and priest. From a lowly family like foreshadowing of Jesus.
When Ezekiel prophesied of resurrection of kingdom, he spoke the resurrection of a king in Ezekiel 37:24, “And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. “
The very 1st chapter of the Gospels is the very start of the Old Testament – Genesis.
The secret of the kingdom is being given to us. The Jewish high priest knows the secret of the kingdom of God – but Jesus broke the temple veil and he brought us the veil of the temple and from there He will reveal to us the secrets of the kingdom.
How the sun, stars, temperatures, etc are controlled by the kingdom. We can control the weather. Did you miss everything?
(PEPS : I remember going out the house and prophesied OMPONG).
Luke 8-10, “You given the secrets of the kingdom of God. Only those in the INSIDE will know the SECRETS but those from the outside will not know it. KJV reads, “And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.”
Mark 4:11, “Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. “ This only meant for sons and daughters. And that is the pleasure of the Father that you shall know the secrets. There are so much power on those things and if you do not have the character of Jesus you cannot use such power. Many sons of God fell abusing such power. He wants his sons and daughters to be responsible so that when they know the secretsof the kingdom, like Jesus they will be responsible.
Hebrews 4:14-16, “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” HIGH PRIEST speaks of GRACE. This is the time to go to the throne of God.
We are called to be bold in the throne of God (for the people). We contend for them, we contend for the nations and that is when we do the battle. The early Christians understood and learnt from the Holy of Holies. Peter said, “the angels are waiting for this day when they wait from the divine council.” They were there to serve us, to minister us... the angels were not to contend for the nation. We are the ones who will contend for the kingdom of God and the nations. The revelations of the kingdom of God is for the children and for the Melchizedek.
Someone asked me yesterday, “When will you give the whole package?”
Why does a New Testament sanctuary represent? What can I see that in my church? How about idols? What is the sanctuary contained? It is similar to the tabernacle of Moses.
God took Moses to the mountain for 6 days. What did Moses do there? God showed him what creation has been made into being in Genesis. But that what it is – the 5 Books. So in Exodus, he was taken from Mt. Sinai and for 6 days he was there and he saw the creation was made- he recorded that. What happened when he came down? When he came down, his face SHONE. Then he saw idolatry among his people. They have powerful experience of the mighty God- the Red Sea parting... they saw the power of god then they worshipped an idol made of silver and gold. What idol? Calf? Which idea? From Egypt. They were familiar of the gods of the pagan world. And Aaron was there for their pagan worship.
Why God allowed Moses to saw these idolatries with all this HEADACHES? GOD gave him TWO TABLETS.
God showed Moses 6 days of creation. Any furniture on the 7th day? None. Why? Because he rested on the 7th day. All heavens came to Moses that he can accomplish all things. But there is a picture of Old Testament more than Old Testament. Why there are no TRIUNE thrones or 3 thrones? Because they are monotheistic.
When Jesus is entering on Jerusalem with a donkey and the palms (lullah). “Hosannah...” meaning “come and save us” and then they put Him on the cross. That is why, on our Sanctuary there is not one throne but three thrones - the menorah (symbol of tree of life); Isaiah 11:2, “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”
In the Book of Revelation, the 7 Spirits were sent to the world.The 7 Spirits are mentioned in the OT and NT. What they do?
7 Spirits is the special created being. Wisdom in Hebrew is a feminine word. The table can be masculine and the chair is feminine word. So sometimes that can call “SHE”. The Spirit is non-bodied spirited therefore no gender.
When you read them – wisdom – the 7 spirits they did certain things. They are principal of creation. When Jesus was baptized he received the fullness of the Spirit including the 7 spirits.
Jesus gave forth in new creation (1 Cor.).
Revelation John see Jesus released the 7 spirits to the Bride of Christ those who walked in Melchizedek dimension. We will bring the new creation – new heaven and new earth. That is what we have in the sanctuary – the symbol of the thrones of God, the tree of life, and the incense, the cross (symbol of life in Galatians). The cross where the man hung, but that curseth tree became the tree of life. Symbol of new covenant – the everlasting covenant which we will doif we enter the high priesthood teaching.
The atonement is not only you and me – but the atonement of the entire creation called CRISTOLOGY (the high point of who Christ is) to bring healing. Rev. 22 “the leaves of the tree is the healing of the nations..” We should bring healing and redemptive part to the nations.
Therefore nothing that God told to Moses that He broke the LAW and that became a portal to the heavens. Heavens and earth meets from the sanctuary. There is such a small gap.
There is a protocol. There is a Parliament. In heaven there is protocol. There is a divine council. In the divine council it is important place where decisions are being made for nation or for the people. When you take the full package you will learn the whole protocol in image.
What is the divine council (DC)?
Who is the member of the DC?
Who can qualify for the DC?
Any application to the DC?
Can a pastor or disciple can be a member of the DC
What is the warning in excess of the DC?
You cannot twist the DC to meet your personal goals. You are dealing with the most wisest beings in heaven and earth. I don’t have the fear in the DC. What are the precautions? It is God who is judge and not me.
Hebrews 7:3 it tells us who Mechizedek “has no father, no mother, no genealogy,” but it says “made as a son of God, remains a priest continually.”
If you a member of DC you are made to be like Jesus, like an immortal being.
1 John 1:1, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;”
I knew him from 1990. We went into spiritual journey not until 2011 when he waited on the Lord from 12am – 3am.
What he gave today is a labour for the past 7 years by now. Nothing comes easy. There is a price to pay. Not on cognitive but also spiritual way. That is only 6 years. And here comes another one. I sat down with School of Prophets together with Sadhu. I was there. I wanted to know what they will teach.
25 years ago we attended a Conference in Sweden with Shejj Shoberg. He held a prophetic conference and yet he confronted the universal aspect.
When I invited Robert Misst – they said we will not endorse it not until you give the go signal they said to me.
Prophetic is revelation. Character has to be built. In IFP we have a policy that to be intercessors you must have a healthy prayer life. Your prayer life is intimacy with God. RobertMmisst spend 3 hours a day. Then he put a chair there and in silence for 3 hours. In fact we came late for 5 minutes and they were all there. I even seated the seat of Jeremiah.
Mark said “ God is the God of the living” He is the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. Elijah and Moses was there.
In 2010, when we invited Sadhu in Cebu, in the hotel, if we will met Sadhu in hotel corridor, he said, “Pastor Dan I met Joel”. I thought Joel Cataclan but it was referring to prophet Joel. I didn’t know everything about God.
We are solid in the church of the foundatioaln doctrine in Hebrews 6:1. God however is equipping us because the satanic forces are also upgrading themselves. We spent 1 week here with Robert Misst in this Abraham Hall. Ate Nona jumped under the table because she had to unplug the electric cord that causes noises to the coffee maker. I received a message from Zechariah, then 3rd day, I could see images, people sitting on the chairs. The Bible says God will separate the earth and the heavens. Sadhu itook time for me to know him. We have box-full of Sadhu’s books. We have this Singaporean doctor-friend who sent these box-full of books. Tanet read Sadhu‘s book and wanted me to invite him for the NPG. And then when I looked at his picture, I said, “delikado.”
We put a church in Singapore and this doctor friend left the box there full of books. Intimacy muna. Learn more from the Bible. When Robert Misst preached in our church last Sunday napuputol siya mag preach, so I have to take over. Then the Lord told me and said, “Ano gusto mo dyan sa stage, drum set or three seat of Triune God?”
See, Moses copied the divine tabernacle when he made the temple. We’ve been to Turkey twice. Their culture is Greek. Hermeneutics is from Greek god, Hermes. So God is restoring us into Hebraic roots – the Feasts. FP from Prayer intercession to Prophetic up to the End Time Prophetic. Tetrad, the alignment of Virgo. Because of your prayer, this prophet said Satan has never experience such a hard resistance like that in the Philippines.
Later we will show to you the “Last Arrow” in Hobbit and Pastor Ed de Guzman on “the Leviathan.”
Iif you want to be more discipline have a fixed appointment with God. If you are serious about it God will take you to a journey. We cannot leave on foundation (Hebrew 6:1). That is the foundation of our Church Discipleship Program. I am an Engineer. When we build our church foundation I prayed, “Lord can you give us P2-M for our foundation”. If you would ask the P2-M I would tell you “take the foundation.” Now we have 5 storey building.
Don’t forget character, humility, right motive. I like SERVANT. It is doulos it is bond-servant.
Philippines the nation of God
Ed de Guzman
We should have a divine perspective. All the nations is for the Lord’s. Philippines is a special nation of God. Philippines has a time and a season of God. The Lord ordained it. China will not dictate the economy and the destiny of the nation.
Sadhu said, “This is a special nation, God has ordained the set time and season The Lord will not changed his mind to this nation. He will bring to pass the blessing as He promised. “ When the Philippines obey the Lord, he will make this nation righteous and this is not far off as one may imagine then the blessing of heaven will be released into the nation. There is great potential of the Philippines is she obeys the Lord that is why Satan is trying hard to hinder God’s purposes to this nation. Satan has never encountered so much resistance to thid plan as he has in the Philippines. And for this reason that he is working hard against this nation. The Lord is depending on this nation to bring this end time glory into the other nations – The Philippines is nation that is going to experience exponential revival in the not too distant future. That is the destiny. We must contend for our destiny.
Destiny of the Philippines.
Righteous nation
Blessed nation
Missionary sending nation’
A Dragon-slayer
A change in the atmosphere: The Islands rejoice.
“As sono as the leviathan was slain there was a sudden change of atmosphere in the land. The darkness that was clouding the minds of the people begun to disappear; people begun to come to the Lord in droves. Worship can be heard all over the land. People in the government began to do what is right.
Then the army of the worshippers and intercesdors and warriors from the Philippines went to those natipns and strengthened the fledging armies of God sharing with them ho the Lord guided the Philippines. The Lord is allowing us to fight the intense battles and strugglles.
After Indo China and Asia (China, Indonesia, Inaia Japan and Korea and the others, I saw our army ho to Europe and Middle East and ultimately Israel bring the testimony how we overcame the leviathan that has controlled the Phils for so long.
These events will take place as the Lord liberates and free us in the culmination of the Jubilee season. The economy of the Phillippines will improve as the governmentt will be in the hands of the righteous and God-fearing leaders.”
This is the leviathan.
Job 41:1-8
Leviathan Hebrew Livyathan i.e. sea monster or creature.
Character of leviathan that Jews believes that there is sea monster like Lock Ness in England. One of the contention is fear.
Leviathan, a wreathed (to twist, to a coil) animal, i.e. serpent (especially the crocodile or some other creature).
ThdeSymbol of Constellation called Drako.
23 September 2017 something strange in the sky in Rev 12 about the “ ” Jesus is beingborn, above the woman is the Lion of Judah ruling. Revelation says, “great wonder in heaven”.
Virgo – virgin for 9 months was conceived on that body and travelled on that star 23rd September 2017. Jupiter means Justice, the father that helps.
Leo – lion
Rev. 12 is about the Woman.
Great red dragon related to leviathan (Rev. 12:3) with 7 heads and 7 crowns. Psalm 74: 13-14.
7 headed Naga Dragon in Angkor Vat, Cambodia the City of Naga is named after this place. This is the same leviathan found in Thailand. If you leave the airport in Bangkok is shaped in the leviathan. So when you travel from there you re inside the belly of leviathan. 7 headed dragon in Cambdia and China and also in Indochina.
Isaiah says “twisted serpent” i.e. Mostly deadly confusing, destructive, deceiving, successful and prosperous spirit.”
Leviathan in Job 3-8 reference is made to a dragon, according to ancient mythology is supposed to caused eclipses by wrapping itself around the sond. Considered mystical monster. Is it existing in Philippines. In Visaya it is called “BAKUNAWA.” It causes eclipses and earthquakes. The movement of the bakunawa served as a deomantic calendar system for the ancient Filipinos and were part of shamanistic, ritualistic of the Babaylan. It lives either in the sea or it is called the underworld.
The “Corcoa” boat in Philippines. The head changed but originally “corcoa.”: Designs of the Filipino bolos or sword. Mansueto Porras” “Signosan” in 1919. Even in language is being affected by this leviathan like:
We are in Venice Hotel, then inunahan kami. In Uniqlo, two Chinese broke the queue of the Filipinos and said, “We’re Chinese,” as it is seen in a video.. There are new 3 million Chinese now in the Philippines.
Bakunawacan cause eclipses
Among the Cebuanos, they are “seven moons” believed that has been created by Bathala to brighten the sky’.
Some Filipinos will make sounds with pans and pots to scare the bakunawa
The celebration of Christmas and New Year is bakunawa-inspired.
Some villagers will make soothing sounds in hopes to let the dragon fall into a deep sleep
Tabi-tabi apo
Dragon known as “moon-eater” or “man-eater.”
Who is leviathan?
Natural weapons cannot destroy him. The 24-HHP will destroy him
Job 41:
It twists the word of God
Twisting communication and destroying relationship
‘LOGJAM: a situation in which a large number of logs floating down a river become tangled with each other so that movement is not possible
Master of confusion
Mesmerizing the people, creating lumber and stupor, dozing, dormant, slothful or negligent state
Stupor is the state of near-unconsciousness or insensitivity; a drunken stupor
Hinder of destiny (Psalms 74:12-15). Jews believe there is a great monster against them and once they break his head they will be set free. Once the head is cut down, it will become food to the wilderness.
Broken head as food to wilderness people
Verse 14, “you cracked and open the heads of leviathan and give him as a food to the people living in the wilderness.”
A spiritual being whose head is broken by God as food to wilderness in the people
Psalm 104:24-28. This leviathan is controlled by God.
Resistance to deep things of God
As Christians, launch out to the deep things of God.
A sea monster is making a deep resistance for intercessors going deep to know the will of . God and purposes in their lives.
Christians will likely go to a state of stupor and slumber’
They sleep, not only literal sleep but they cannot understand and cannot move in the ways of God in a church or nation.
Punishment of Leviathan says Ezekiel 29:3 “King of Egypt, the great dragon that lies in the midst of the river.”
The crocodile
Ezekiel 23:3-5. One fourth of the body of the crocodile or leviathan is in its mouth. .it twist, it spins and dismember its victims.
Modern fake news
Psalm 56: 5-6 (true of life version)
Twisted communication
Gets hold of the victim
Twists you
Hold you,
Dismember you.
Application and result
Perverted communication
Supposed to be communicated not communicated
Age of internet
People destroy one another
Rumors, unverified info in the web
Dismember the body.
Robert and I talked he said our problem is theology.
The spiritual gains
Unravelling the 490th ear of jubilee released to the Philippines
New government and culture and bloodshed and violence will end
President alignment with Russia and China’ISIS
Dipping and slowing down of economy
To be sidetracked from the calling of the nation
God’s intention is to hand over to us the inheritance (Numbers 13). In the wilderness is the monster’, that is how the principality operates with their mouth they infect the whole nation. (Numbers 13).
When Bishop Dan released a letter only 2,000 people came. Shall we believe on Bishop Dan? When they were in Mindanao, they said, “We should be consulted.” Will you ask first the people? Shall a prophet first speak to the people? That is what happening now. (Numbers 13).
Numbers 14 speaks of “evil report about the giants”. “And there we saw giants the sons of Anak, of the giants.” According to Amos, a giant can be as 44 feet high.
How small or big the grapes. All were infected and bring discouragement to all “Let us return to , Egypt and ask a leader” For 40 years they wandered in that effect. As a result encouragement and intercession of Moses was needed. Psalm 74:12-14, “For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.”
Characteristics of leviathan’
Job 41. Leviathan is the king of the children of pride
Independent and self sufficient. Never a team-player. Wants to rule and reign. Not a servant.
It sow strife and contention. Not bringing unity. They are offenders.
Promotes offended spirit. Blatant, subtle in deception. Insidious tool is offense – insults, attack, wounded, division, separation, betrayed. This is what happening to the Body of Christ. Jesus warns of offenses in Luke 17:1. Offense in the Bible is iskandalo i.e. pa-in. Huwag mong kakainin yan. Because of often many are unable to function in their calling.
By Joel Bactad
General Action Plan
What is the general action. We are on the critical times. That is why we call this National Command Conference. We are on the fork –road: one in destiny or one in destruction by Misst and Roco
Critical time
Forked road’
Tipping point
Last arrow
We have critical 7 months till May. God revealed to K. Dan about 7 months- the silent invasion of China in Philippines
II. Critical 7 months – November 2018 – May 2019’`\
Dragon leviathan spirit an silent invasion of china Noc/ Dec state visit of China president
May 2019 electoin
The Word of the Lord to Sadhu regarding the president “his days are numbered”. Sadhu said, “Pray for your president for his salvation.” Two days after that Word, the news said he had “growth”.
Robert Misst: “Hurry, hurry the Father is at the gates, looking for His sons and daughters to carry them on His shoulders. See the camels are coming with the wealth of the nations who plundered her. They will return what they have unlawfully took and repay her 7 times more. But hurry! Hurry! Darkness is encroaching but the glory of God is rising on her. Go tell her, her God awaits for her. The Father is at the gates, to tenderly carry her on His shoulders to bear up in a high and holy place, in the sanctuary of her God, King and Lord where she will do mightily in the midst of her enemies, she will do valiantly in My sanctuary of protection and shalom.”
III. General Plan of Actions
National command conference
– Consolidate and strengthen the remnants –coordinators
Trumpet call for the critical season of the end of the jubilee
Plan of action – local level: strengthen the remnant-forces in the city or province.
Consolidate the Remnant Forces in your city and province level (Nov-Dec 2018)
Identify and gather the remnants for a command conference. Those who are faithful involved in the 24/7 HOP or HOPE
Equip the remnants for the regional Redeeming the Land Seminar (RTL).
Mobilize the remnants forces for 24/7 House of Prayer:
To daily stand in the gap for the sins and abomination of the land and uproot enemy strongholds
To build the tabernacle of the Lord
Regulate Prayer Gathering on Regional level.
Plan of Action Nationwide:
Strengthen the Regional Network
Strengthen the network of the Remnants Forces in your region – relationship and partnership in taking responsibility for the region
Strengthen the Remnants in your region
Establish regional prayer gatherings
Conduct Redeeming the Land Seminar (RTL) of 2-3 days to equip the remnants’
Deal with regional strongholds – idolatry, witchcraft, corruption, bloodsheds, etc.
Prayer Caravan from north to south
Established links – relationship and partnership with nearby region to connect the regions along the highway of the Lord for the prayer caravan
Conduct strategic prayer gatherings along the Highway of the Lord (Maharlika Hiway – AH 26)
Deploy teams to strategic places to preach the gospel of the kingdom to awaken the people to the Truth.
Objective of the King’s highway
Prepare the way of the Lord that he may walk the lengths and breadth of the nation
Scriptures: Isa 57: 14-15 – build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction
Isa 35:8 – “a highway of holiness” (derek: turnpike)
Isa 40:3 – prepare the way of the Lord, a highway for our God …and the glory of the Lord will be revealed
Maharlika Hi-way (AH 26) i.e. Asian Hi-way 26 since the time of President Ferdinand Marcos
Daniel Balais
Prophetic is not democratic. Like Robert Misst what he gave in 2012 he had already forgotten it. In fact, he cannot remember that “ bird of prey in the east “ in Isaiah 46:10-12. It took place during the term of PresidentP-NOY who was then not familiar much on China until we had this UNCLOS by Justice Carpio. Carpio had a good presentation how we won it from UN. We are sovereign nation. We are a prince nation. We will show Ryan Raven, evangelist in Indonesia and he walked on the Philippines, “son of perdition” crops up to him that he said that needed to be dealt with.
Like relay, we will do it region by region. This will create the feeling of a nation. Region, and province to bring a final thrust. All the prophets – Cindy Jacob, Chuck Pierce and others believes that we are a model. That could be reason there is this supermodel that has been saved in the tribe in the Philippines.
Only we have the one national platform for national unity among the bishops and the convenor is IFP, who happened to be the one teaching in RTL’s “Elders of the City.” We are thriving, tested and gone through a fire. All of us from the Board, we don’t have salary but we have excellent staff. Ate Nona challenges my idea. She is a people’s person. Pastor Ed is pang artista yan. Ate Mae. Ate Joy celebrated her diamond birthday. Kuya Jun is part of CSLF. NFS we strengthen them. We are the covering of Jesus Reigns, whom we cover as IFP. The Lord is pursuing us by His grace and glory to Him. Not until we have reach the destiny, as long there are Filipinas as domestic helpers, i cannot rest.
When Sadhu said to me that I could be “Watchman to the 22 Middle East Nations,” I could hardly believed it. .
In every kairos or pleroma one should lay down his life. If I perish, I perish. We went to the tomb of Esther in Iran. We are partnering in the churches of Iran and Lebanon. We are overseeing them. It is not a man but God. God changed my heart in the last Feast of Tabernacle. I shared that to Mindanoans. Our enemy is leviathan. During the time of Moses pina patay ang mga bata. When Christ was born, pina patay ang mga bata pa rin. Now there is so much bloodshed. We want to stop that. The beneficiary will be the pastors. Look at the Korean revival. But that is not my motivation. My motivation is for the Philippines and for the Church to rise as David, a giant-killer and Philippines is a giant-killer too. Worship, warfare and intercession just like this of our youth- worship team.
The bottom line is that God impressed to me that the coming 7 Months are crucial. . May mga aso – many congressman are now coming to the DPWH now. Why? Because of the commissions. The 7 Gateways, we will visit that – Pateros, Lipa, Baguio, Pampanga, etc. These are the doorway of revival. Look a NHOP of Atty. Lyndon Cana who complained why Visayan is not included? .I am also Visayan, I do not know I did not want to prophesy. They talked to DENR. And DENR allowed them to build a HHP in Kanlaon Mountain.
There are 7 Acts of God, 7 names of God. 7 colours of the rainbow. We have the & Rainbow of Army. Before we go the ministerial, now we are concentrating to the remnants. Coordinators and volunteers as you will make a COMMAND CENTER then, we will just connect with you.
Sadhu’s Prophesy
I long for such habitation among my people. Surely I would say unto you will come to visit you when you build a habitation for me.
...I made a specific plan specifically for the nation of the Philippines. I see Jesus Christ standing the the heaven realm and I see some of you being brought to the heaven. I saw the map of the Philippines placed on the floor. Jesus looks on the map and I see great laugh from His face, a see his tenderness when he looks at the Philippines. With great love, great kindness, great tenderness. I see a route from the north most part in islands and stretches down to the way down to the southern island like a forked road , a king’s highway, made from the north to the south, red colour road, and the word of the Lord cames, “Prepare my way, prepare my way for me that I may walk on the lengths and breadths of this nation. As this road is prepared this is blood plate colour red, like a blood red-coloured road on the sides and other is white-coloured like a stone put along to edge out of the end of the – one end of the road and another end of the road. And then strangely, branches are growing out from the side of the road to spread out – first a little. Then it became a gigantic tree. The branches stretching out all over the islands, then it blossomed with green leaves on the southern part. As I was looking all the branches beautiful green leaves comes out. All over, they are very, very green lively green. And then on the top of little flowers, are very little flowers starting to bud. These are my plans for you.
As I look on this vision that in the last days prophetic youth army will be largely used by the Lord to this great work to prepare the way of the Lord from the north to the south and then it grows to the left and to right. Each local church along that path will catch the vision of the last days prophetic call on the church of the Philippines. Each one of them embracing the call they do will become to flower. This is God’s wonderful plan. Even these, the prophets and saints in heavens look with amazement and bewilderment concerning His plans. I see mighty angels standing and Jesus and the saints seem to be the chief angel of the Philippines and seeing all these with great excitement because this plan is being unfolded.
I look at the face of the angel and discern the heart of the angel...to speak to the hearts and the minds of the pope, to fulfil the plan of God.
What I strongly perceive now is the ARMY OF YOUTH must be raise up, that is the paramount work right now. From the north to the south, the army of youth must be raised up. They must be the last days plan of God for this great nation.How many youth in this place who are willing to be in ?
Sadhu Selvaraj said last Feast of Tabernacles, Cuneta on October 20, 2016
“Prepare the youth for the end time revival. ....
The remnant church of the earth must participate in this plan. To summarize all that. What the church must do is ... cooperate. You must weep and cry for the abomination of this land (Ezek. 9:4). There is abomination in these islands. The people do not know how to repent because their eyes are blinded. But you are people of light, you fast and pray, weep and cry for the sins and abominations of the land. The chief prince angel of this nation told me – “Weep for the sins and abominations of the land.” One day crying is not enough. 3 days for a convention like this is not enough. That i why the Lord gave counsel of the 24/7 HHP. Every home must be a mourning house, a house of mourning when you weep for the sins n abomination of the land. Fornication, adultery, witchcraft even among Christians taking place over the land....
This is how you can prepare for the visitation. This evening as I ready to come to this meeting at around 7:15 pm today as I was praying for you today and for your healing then the Lord roared...
1Kings 16:17-18
Ahab and Jezebel made unholy alliance between believer and non believers, between righteousness and unrighteousness.
False prophets in the land. Jezebel set false prophets and killed true prophets of the land.
When the false prophets came, idols were set up all over the land of Israel. Idolatry, practiced of witchcraft, magic, the same manner are found in this land
When king Ahab married Jezebel, because of her, he became the worst of all Israel and made the people of Israel to turn away from God. The whole nation backslid against God.
Unholy alliances, killing true prophets of God, idol worship in the land, backsliding from following God. These are the 4 sins God sees as sins of the land.
1 Kings 18: Elijah when he constructed the altar, it signifies that he is standing in the gap for the sins of Israel. He repaired the altar of the Lord and the altar was broken down by Jezebel. That signifies to the turning to the face of the living God.
Gathering once a year to pray and weep to the Lord is not enough. It must be a life-long deal until abomination is stopped.
Ate Nona
4:50 pm
Plan of Action –
Local Level : strengthen the remnant forces in the city or province
Consolidate the remnant forces in your city/province level (Nov-Dec 2018)
Consolidate the remnant forces in your city/province level (Nov-Dec 2018)
Church Name |
City or Town |
Day: S,M, Tue, W, T, F, Sat |
Prayer time/ Number of Hrs |
Pastor in Charge |
No. Of intercessors |
Rosales |
Mon- Sat |
4-6 AM/2 hrs |
Grace Tabigne |
5-6 |
Rosales |
Thu |
6-9 PM/ 3 hrs |
Nelids Kho |
25-30 |
Lingayen |
Thu |
3-4:30 PM/ 1.5 hr 6-7 PM /2 hours |
Lorenzo Abian |
12 20 |
IFP Provincial |
Dagupan |
9am-1pm/ 4 hr |
Peps Kho |
15-25 |
Balungao |
Tue/ Thu |
6-8pm/ 2 hr |
Aladin Fuster |
Jesus our Life Christian Church |
Panggaan, Umingan |
Mon |
2-5 pm/ 3 hr |
Evalinda Alambra |
6 |
Risen Life Growth center |
Sta. Maria |
Daily |
4-6am/ 2 hrs |
John Madarang Junel Chavez |
12 |
Alcala |
Thu & Sun |
7-9 pm . 2 hrs |
Lito Dulatre |
25 |
Shiloh Tabrnacle |
San Carlos |
1st and 3rd Sunday |
1-4pm / 3 hrs |
Edison Cabico |
14 |
Christ our Lord and King Forever |
Dagupan |
Friday |
6-8 pm/ 2 hrs |
Ptra.Jasmine v. Barro |
10? |
Salvation Army |
Asingan |
Wed |
4:30-7:30 am/ 3 hrs |
Major Helen Ruth Urbien |
Amazing Grace Ministry Intl |
San Nicolas |
Wed |
8-9 pm / 1 hour |
Ptr. Roland Soliven |
30 |
c/o JLG Church, Madjong, Bugallon |
3rd Friday of the month |
All night 6pm – 12am/ 6 hours |
6 churches c/o Ptr. Benjie Barres |
12? |
Christ our Faithful Servant Ministry, Bugallon |
7-10 pm/ 3 hours |
c/o Flecy Decano |
07 |
Bugallon |
Daily |
5-6 pm |
Flecy Decano |
07 |
Mission House |
bugallon |
Daily |
3-5 am / 2 hrs |
Flecy Decano |
02 |
Carmen, Rosales |
Saturday |
2-3 pm/ 1 r |
Bert Macaraeg |
20 |
Wesleyan |
San Pedro, Rosales |
Wednesday |
7-9 pm/ 2 hr |
Robin Wage |
20 |
Wesleyan |
San Pedro, Rosales |
Saturday |
3- 4:30 pm/ 1.5 hrs |
Robin Wage |
10 |
United Church of God |
Luna, Natiidad |
Tuesday |
6-7:30 pm |
Alvin Santiago |
10 |
Christ the New Creation Int’l. |
Anggayan Norte, Balungao |
Wednesday |
5:30-6:30 am 1.5 hours |
Joselito Condes |
15 |
Pentecostal House of Prayer |
Pilar, Sta. Maria |
Friday |
7-8pm / 1-hour |
Leonila Ramirez |
5 |
Cornerstone Bible Way |
Sitio Licsab, san Blas, Villasis |
Wednesday |
7:30-9pm / 1.5hour |
Jonathan Martin |
10 |
World Changers Church |
Manaoag |
Friday Saturday |
6-7am / 1-hour 5-7am / 2-hour |
Bishop John Sagaoinit John Sagaonit |
60 60 |
Jesus King of Glory |
San Pedro, Rosales |
Saturday |
6-8pm/ 2-hour |
Ptra. Grace Dela Cruz 0943-231-3750 |
10 |
7:40 PM
Feb 7-9 Region I Regional Gathering (RTL with WWI Training)
April 16-19 – 30th NPG
Ate Nona
8:21 am
What do you want, divine council or reporting?
What we truly wanted are these?
To carry out the vision
To have 24 HHP to every church
Can we have every December Meeting? After the Feast of Tabernacle, vacation na tayo ditto?
Kuya Daniel Balais
8:54 m
What we plan is to raise up funds. I foresee next year, there should be climate change in positive way – pray for the president, in the midst of our fighting God is merciful. This is the message of the Lord through His servant Sadhu, “Where are my tabernacles?”
When we published something on the papers, it is already P500,000. We had an outcry of 7 Weeks and we had a retreat and God said, “Blood covered this nation.” So we have a daily breaking of bread, some of our church members while commuting will break bread inside the bus. Amazingly on the 7th Day Outcry, another Korean was killed, cremated .... Lyndon told us to pray. He sees IFP that we are not fearful of men, I am not fearful of my life. It goes from the head down, when you have the IFP, humble leadership, matapang ang leadership...
We are praying ang gagawin natin uli until Sadhu told us that we will become praise. Thank you for the Mindanao remnants.
Jerome Ocampo’s covering is Kuya Dan. Jesus Reigns’ covering is also Kuya Dan. A conference was slated a week before Yolanda where whole stadium were all tickets already sold out. But after Yolanda I asked them to cancel the slated conference. Ptr. Nico from Indonesia was one among the speakers. He said if we should have not prayed first Yolanda could have destroyed us more. He said it is MEDIATATED.
Then it was followed by earthquake in Bohol and Cebu. San Agustin Church in Manila is the oldest church. Bohol is where the 2nd oldest Catholic Church.
God asked Sadhu, “Where are my tabernacles?” referring to the Philippines. This is the most urgent call of God to us in the last Feast of Tabernacles.
When we had satellite trhough Wyden’s effort, tinamad ang mga tao pumunta sa Cuneta. The problem was they first bashed in the website without getting the whole picture yet.
We should have at least 50 sa bawat provincial. Why? The principle of the feast is to present yourself to the feast personally. There are 3 feasts in Jerusalem.
Sumama nga loob ni Lyndon when Sadhu said, “Where are my tabernacles?” Lyndon said we may as well give him reading glass. Isaiah 66:“Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool.”
Whenever heaven is mentioned in the bible, heaven follows. God’s intention is whatever it is in heaven, it should be on earth. But because of sin, God did not know where he can step on. Just like in the squatters when you are too careful walking on the ground full of shit.
God looks for a “contrite heart” and that is still character so God looks for His tabernacles. I wrote Management Manuals for the company. I was once a Management Specialist. One time when I was praying we went to Mindanao and apologized for our offense and we humbled down before the leaders there. It is not easy and God said, “Be a father to these leaders.” God spoke in Romans 13, “God is not a high time to awake from sleep.”
When I was in Vancouver, God told me to give a strong word, “to rebuke the compromisers and wake the sleepers.” Somebody has to speak, one pastor said, “God can defend himself.” ABS- CBN flashed that on the TV with a power point my picture, my signature and the logo of IFP. Somebody has to speak. The Lord say, ”Salvation is now nearer that when we first believe.” Malapit na. Kung may sunog, binibuhat mo ang refrigerator pag natapos ang sunog di mo na mabuhat. We are on the tipping point. Malapit tayo sa tuktok, di tayo bumigay.
I will show you later a video – a martial law, a revolution..
I was blest with Robert Misst. I’ve known him since 1990. He treat us like a prince. He does not even wanted to receive our love gift. Bakit tayo nasa SC, bakit nasa Senate, why we fought against SOGIE Bill? They thought pang simbahan lang tayo.But God is a God of truth, justice and righteousness. When the poor is neglected who would defend them but God? In fact, you helped them out they won’t even say to you “Thank you.”
Once we had basketball with the squatters with the church youth team. When we played, these indigents’ slippers broke out so they slipped and lose the game. God told me, “Why not buy them shoes?” So one time, one Saturday, their feet are being measured. Then we bought them new shoes. They were surprised then we lost the basketball games. Some of them gained their lost dignity, gone to college and now working...
Cast it off and put the armour of light says the Lord. Why breastplate of righteousness? Whose you are pleasing with?
I know some pastors who have bullet-proof cars?
Sadhu would like to have call and ALTAR CALL for MARTYRDOM. He did that in Lancaster, California and he preached that there even with sound effects.
Next year is our 30th NPG, culmination of Jubilee, 20/20 that is out 30th year. Shall we do that in Cebu that is after 10 years, shall we coordinate with Gina Osmena? Or shall it be MOA? But the problem with MOA, bawal lahat, they would control the tickets.
We hope that next year, the ATMOSPHERE WILL CHANGE. No agenda in IFP but to see this nation reach her destiny. Di tayo ang bida.
We have pastor in Samar Danny Ambida, patay nay un.
Thank you for Robert Misst. He has not receiving anything from the Lord. Only when he came here in the Philippines when he saw the vision. He saw us all holding each one in our LAST ARROW.
We can recopy all IFP materials and give it all especially to the REMNANTS.
Robert Misst, after 2021 he said tuloy tuloy tayo. If would be better to pray when you see the results of your prayer. We are the richest nation.n Mindanao we have deuterium (fuel of tomorrow). I was in Brunei few weeks ago. Too small a country yet filled with oil. Time will come Saudi oil will drained up while our oil just will just started dwelling up.
The 24-HHP. Just think of the “tipping point’ or “fork-road?” I call this “Final Thrust.” There is science in relay point. We are now in the final lap. The caravan last night is young people pala. The National will make kumpas first.... from north to south. It is our final thrust. We will see “ISLANDS REJOICE.” It came from Kuya Ernie Palacio, it was immortalized by him, he was the original compositor. Milil is here taga CLSF yan.
Noon nagbiyahe ako sa Canada, whenever there is an emergency in Philippines, I asked the local brethren this, “OK lang ban a uuwi ako sa Pilipinas?” Thanks for Pastors Ed, Joel, etc. You ventured into prophetic worship. When I lead on worship, even in our meeting, ...I allowed the Spirit to give the song for us to respond. You see that in NPG. Worship to invite the presence of God. God gave Acts 15:16 while I was in Buenos Aires in Argentina.
It says, “After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:”
During the 8 am worship then word of the Lord came, “Tommy Tenny.” Naka ka antok talaga... “Mercy prevails over judgment,” the Bible says. When I woke up, Argentinian pastors prayed for me and I was weeping and weeping because we just had lost our daughter that time.
Leviathan ... magtataka. The greater worship the mightier the river and the currents of the falls that will sweep the leviathan. We have prince angel in the Philippines and it was seen also by Sadhu and Robert Misst and I am waiting for the proper time to slay the leviathan.
The critical mass of worship and warfare and intercession is when the divine council comes... I will talk with NFS, the IFP, Jesus Revolution...IFP is a lifestyle, NFS is supporting the pastors in conferences…
We will call the Leviathan-slayers of other nations... it is happening now. Some pastors are following us and they came from China or Indochina....
If I would ask others, “Who wants to go with my in Iraq?” Not much would like it. Only 2 or 3 will raise their hands. IF I would ask “Who will go with me in Switzerland?” All hands were raised up.
Iraq is Babylon, where the hanging garden of Babylon, that is where from Abraham came from. Turkey or Asia Minor it is the cradle of Christianity. Each nation has a destiny. Philippines is the brown salt and binudbod sa Saudi Arabia. When we where in Thailand, a Kurdish heard God saying, “Come back to Iraq...:we will be used there in Arab , they are sons of Ishmaels, we will be used in Europe and God will use Filipinos and atmosphere will be changed. The atmosphere is changing...”
This is Peps Kho personal notes. Expect typographical errors or mistapings.
Bakunawa is a serpentine in Philippine mythology that is often represented as a gigantic sea serpent. It is believed to be the cause of eclipses. It is believed that he or she was just turned into a dragon as punishment. Bakunawa was a beautiful diwata in the sea; some say she was a naga, and was the most powerful. One night, she saw the seven moons and was captivated by their beauty and longed to possess them.[3] One of the embodiment of the moon descended to the sea to swim with the mermaids. It was Bulan, the adolescent aspect of the moon. The boy moon did not notice Bakunawa. Thinking the boy had ignored her beauty to play with the mermaids enraged her. The following night, she transformed herself into a dragon and devoured the moons. When she had swallowed the last moon, Bathala intervened, so she spit out the moon... (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_mythical_creatures)