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- Category: Teachings & Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 22 August 2018 08:15
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By Augusto A. Kho
August 19, 2018 (Sunday); 9:00 am
It was 8:30 on a Friday morning last August 17 along Taft Boulevard when a thought came to me. The word,“memory.” And it reminds me of Alzheimer’s disease (a disease of the brain that cause people to slowly lose their memory and mental abilities as they grow old – Webster).
When a church forgets or diverts her divine call, would that be temporary or permanent? Is the Church is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease that she forgets God and His Word? Or do we always forget God for every treatment and goodwill that He accorded to us? Psalm 103:2 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”
So when you and me forgets God’s kindness, what will happen then?
Forget is mentioned several times in Proverbs (Prov. 2:178; 3:1; 4:5; 31:5,7). Forget in Hebrew “shakach” (shaw-kakh) means “to cease to care, to wither, to ignore, to be forgotten; and to be oblivious of.”
It is often said that a parent could not forget the children but the children can forget their nursing mothers. Although a nursing mother can forget her child in some isolated cases, never that God will forget you a prophet said ( Isaiah 49:15). God has a strong power of recall.
Losing a memory
How is it losing a memory?
I thought this way when I was on my way to MRT Taft Avenue along EDSA, ”When you lose history, you lose a memory.” That will likely to happen should we decided to sell our ancestral house in Carmen, Rosales.
And that what will likely to happen also should Federalism and Cha- cha will be approved by the Senate where the Marcos ill-gotten wealth is being omitted from the Puno Constitution. That will erase a 20-year history of Marcos authoritarian rule associated with $20-Billion plunder. Others said it is perverting history.
It was 9:01 a.m. when I finally arrive in MRT Taft Station on my way to Makati City when a young lady blocked my way getting in to the elevator. The elevator prioritizes senior citizen like me, including PWD’s, pregnant women or parents with their small children. That is when the word, “blockage” came in.
Isaiah 1:12-20 immediately came into my mind which says that sin blocks our prayer and fellowship with God. Verse 15a says, “And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear…”
Hearing is the only faculty out from our human five (5) senses that can still works well whenever we are in coma. Hear from Hebrew word “shama” means “to listen and to obey.” Hearing is necessary in the end-time Church for her survival according to Revelation chapters 2 and 3.
The word “hear” is associated with judicial cases according to James Strong to give heed from the court’s verdict to a person in trial. That is when the accused will listen from the court’s verdict whether he is found innocent or guilty.
Block defined
Some people rush on their way in and out. This is usual occurrences you see during rush hours in Metro Manila especially in boarding buses and trains. Some people even blocks your way even in escalator or elevator. Or perhaps some are just too slow moving yet you may block other’s way.
Block in Webster means to clot or huddle or to be placed in front (such as road and path) so that people or things cannot pass through.
That happened last Saturday, August 11 when torrential rainfall poured down blocking waterways with tons of garbage causing a deadlock flood in many streets of metropolis. Many vehicles were submerged and stuck in the flooded areas. Commuters were stranded and much time is wasted. Two days later, hundreds of tons of waste were driven back by Manila de Bay to Roxas Boulevard. Truckloads of garbage were loaded cleaning that long strip of road. Such clogging can result to tremendous damage or loss to lives and properties.
One man hinders all
I finally arrived at SM Light Mall. At 9:15 a.m. where I met a businessman inside Kenny Rogers Restaurant. We had breakfast while we were on light discussions pertaining with personal matters. Finally this businessman said,
“I called you up to see you because I need your inputs. There is a global Christian Ministry who will be holding a big event in Manila. Afterwards he will bring this event to a nearby province and he already talked to the city coordinator. He and his wife will be holding a meeting with the key Christian leaders but everything have gone when the pastoral head decided not to attend. He thought to himself that he couldn’t believe that such thing could happen. The just for one man it hinders the work of God …”
“Just for one man hinders all?” Obviously, that is an obstacle. I shared to this businessman what I have had received a few minutes earlier before meeting him and that is the word ‘blockage” at 9:01 a.m. on my way to our meeting place. Isaiah 1:15 that sin blocks our prayer to God.
At Mt. Sinai
I shared what I received from Mt. Sinai in Egypt concerning the four (4) pastors in that city where this businessman was talking about in connection with Church’s mobility. It says, “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; ” (Hebrews 12:12-13).
Both hands and feet speak of mobility, speed or movement. They are necessary to make yields or results. (Ecclesiastes 9:10; Psalm 128:2).
The hand refers to the Hebrew “yad” refers to “power, means and direction” according to James Strong. The God I AM asked Moses, “What is that in thine hand?” And do not under-estimate what a small or insignificant rod can do in someone else’s hand?
The feet speak of man’s journey in this world.
Feet from Hebrew word “ragal” means “explorer” or “spy” (Exodus 3:5). Feet in Greek word “pous” refers to “disciples listening to their teacher’s instruction are said to be his feet.” Remember Mary, the sister of Martha who took the best part of Christ’s ministry? She preferred to be under the feet of Jesus just to listen to her whether her sister Martha is the workaholic one (Luke 10:39). Mary prefers to rest at His feet.
Feet also speak of mobility of the Church towards evangelism. Ephesians 6:15, “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Feet also speak of positioning just like of the prodigal son who have been given back his shoes of authority (Luke 15:22). In the Jewish culture, feet has a redemptive and restorative purpose (Ruth 3:14). Feet refers to kinsman-redeemer (Ruth 4:6-8). Kinsman-redeemer is the shadow of Christ in the Old Testament time.
When the Church’s hands are hanging and feet are trembling – there’s going to be a big problem. That is the condition of that city or the province where this businessman hailed from. The condition of the church is the condition of the city. .
It is also from that province where I called the attention of four (4) pastors in another occasion. I shared to these 4 pastors what the Lord had warned them. God said, “Whatever happens to the Church, their blood of the brethren will be required from the hands of these four pastors.”
In another occasion, I saw in a vision a 1980 model of blue green Toyota car that slid from steep ravine (referring to the group’s leadership.
What I heard from the Lord regarding “blockage“ 30 minutes before meeting this congressman talks about clogging or obstacles that simply says: “Will this man or pastor hinders all?” The pastor who hinders the work of the Lord is one among the 4 pastors whom the Lord have specifically directed me to pray for when I was in Mt. Sinai.
Whenever Ezekiel acts it serves a sign to the nation of Israel (Ezekiel 12:11/ NLT). When the Church moves, motion begins. When you speak God’s word as directed it is as if you are starting the car engine to move the vehicle to a specific direction. A man or woman of God or the Church is like reinforcement. That is how Ezekiel’s story in his ministry is being pictured at.
The energy and SM Managers
I lodged a formal letter of complaint dated August 9, 2018 that was addressed to CEO or Chairman Executive Officer of SM, Henry Sy Jr. regarding violation of Consumer’s Rights and Senior Citizen Discounting.
My verbal complaint has been formally lodged to their managers if not supervisors since May 3 and July 28 but no formal developments or feedback was given back to me. From there I opted to make a formal letter addressed to their CEO Henry Sy Jr.
After the formal complaint to Henry Sy Jr. in just a span of one week time, several managers from SM Mall of Asia MOA), SM Sucat and SM-Rosales sought my personal appearance in order for them to explain their side. They are Mall Managers, Store Managers, Tenant Managers and Customer Relations Service Managers.
David, our school IT teacher said: “Kuya your formal complaint is like energy. It made them (managers) move.” That is exactly how the Word of God operates. When you proclaim His words everything will be put into another shift (Psalm 29).
Then I finally remember my August 17 bible devotion from Ezekiel 12:11a / KJV, “Say, I am your sign: like as I have done.” In New Living Translation (NLT), it reads this way, “Explain that your actions are a sign to show what will soon happen to them, for they will be driven into exile as captives.”
He who has the word of God is a prime mover. In fact a church must be a prime mover. When the church speaks the Word, something should crops up.
Energy has nothing to do with New Age Movement. Energy simply means “energos” (en+ ergon) from Greek word which means “aura,” “vibrations” or “work.” The word “ergo” or “work” is also mentioned as basic elements of ministerial work of the 5-Fold Ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:12 referring to apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists. In the context of Ephesians 4:12 it is consensus (general agreement) not individualistic and self-serving. In the event if these Five Fold Ministers failed to make a consensual effort, then they have perfected their divinely mandated call.
In creation, this energy is present in Genesis 1:3 that when God spoke, energy is released until the Light came.
So we need a man or a church that can speak in behalf of God not in behalf for a politician.
To hear and obey from God automatically yields results. So only when a man or a woman of God moves, that others will move. There will always be a motion or energy that resulted from every action from the man of God.
On August 13 (Monday); there was a heavy rainfall that we finally cancelled classes even without formal announcement from the Department of Education. On the next day, August 14 (Tuesday), there was still no official word from the public offices. I finally decided to see the one who is in charge at the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (MDRRMC) until I officially met the one in charge who is a former major of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in the person of Juanito dela Cruz (Ret) in his office.
David our school Computer teacher said that early that morning, he visited the website of Rosales MDRRMC and no notice of suspension of classes is being posted there. But an hour or two after I visited the said office, David saw they immediately posted the weather condition and also provided how many floodgates have been opened from dams of Ambuklao, Binga from Cordilleras and San Roque in Pangasinan.
Only when you act that signs shall follow. Any absence of sign is a sign of inaction. The same thing goes of the sayings of Bishop Eddie Villanueva, “Wherever the Church goes, the nation goes.”
God’s signage
God’s signage is you.
Whenever Ezekiel is being commanded by the Lord to do or act anything no matter how weird would that be it pertains as a sign to the nation of Israel.
Ezekiel 12:11 / NLT, “ Explain that your actions are a sign to show what will soon happen to them, for they will be driven into exile as captives.” The word “action” in KJV is “done” in Hebrew “asah” (aw-saw) i.e. “accomplished.”
Ezekiel 12:12 / NLT, “Even Zedekiah will leave Jerusalem at night through a hole in the wall, taking only what he can carry with him. He will cover his face, and his eyes will not see the land he is leaving.”
Zedekiah “did evil in the sight of the Lord, “ (2 Kings 24:19; 20; Jer. 52:2-3). During Zedekiah ‘s reign, he made an alliance with Egypt that infuriated God (2 Kings 25:1). Zedekiah’s lapses of judgment provoked God and placed Jerusalem under siege after being greatly plundered (2 Kings 25:3; Lam. 4:4-5,10).
Will the same thing happens to the Philippines since our incumbent president made an alliance with China?
On early 1997 or 1998, Bill Hamon warned the Church not to make an alliance with China. Hamon’s prophetic words were being witnessed by over 5,000 people at Ninoy Aquino Stadium. Hamon that time also warned of economic collapse in the region. Barely few months, Thailand was hit by economic collapse requiring a bail out of billions of US dollars from International Monetary Fund (IMF). What was started in Thailand crossed over the region destroying South East Asian economy including South Korea. They call it “bubble economy.”
If you remember that then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) and her husband Mike have been linked to China’s ZTE scandal together with then Comelec Chief Ben Abalos. During her watch, GMA had also made a joint-exploration in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) fuelling in $5-Million while China provided the technology. The said “joint exploration” has been considered “unconstitutional” by the Supreme Court which detrimental to national interest. During her watch as a president when GMA sent then AFP Chief Esperon to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to sign the so-called MOA-AD (Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain) which was also declared by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional because it violates the integrity of the nation.
The mistakes and sins of the past are now being resurrected again right before our eyes. The MOA-AD is being renamed as BBL and now BOL which was just recently approved by the Congress and Senate and duly signed by the President. And now DFA chief Alan Cayetano is again pushing “energy joint exploration” with China.
And again reporter Jaime Laude of Philippine Star dated July 18, 2018 hits the Headline that says “China research ship docks at Davao port. “
Contributed photo shows the Chinese research vessel Yuan Wang 3 docked at the Sasa wharf in Davao City yesterday. The ship arrived the other day for routine replenishment of supplies and provisions.
Sometime on February 2012 (if I am not mistaken), prophet Robert Misst of New Zealand came to the Philippines and warned us about the “bird of prey” in Isaiah 46:10-11 that will intrude our territorial rights. By July 12 of the same year (if I am not mistaken), China and Philippines had a face-off at Bajo de Masinloc at the coast of Zambales and now it is like being militarized by China. What is rightfully ours became theirs. Another prophet named Sadhu saw in a vision that a dragon is approaching the nation of the Philippines and yet many from the Church of the Lord merely shrug their shoulder off. Other Christians and Evangelical Groups also branding them as “false prophets.”
“But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy,” - 2Chronicles 36:16
Zedekiah’s fall has something to do with his sins. His wicked leadership as king of Israel provoked God in His anger. Zedekiah became an obstacle, a blockage that clogs the nation of Israel.
Raising an adversary
When we become an obstacle, shall God will unseat us?
When we clog God’s plan to this nation, He can create our enemies to unseat us or judge us. The same is true to king Solomon when God created him adversaries (enemies) in the likes of Hadad, Rezon and Jeroboam (1King 11:14, 23, 31). In fact, Ahijah, the prophet rent that clothes of Jeroboam to make his action a sign for the destruction of Solomon’s kingdom in the same way the Ezekiel “action becomes a sign to the nation.”
When Ezekiel “dug through the wall” using his bare hands his prophetic act literally foretold the destiny of the wicked king, Zedekiah (Ezekiel 12:7, 12). Ezekiel’s prophetic word, action or gesture digging the wall was finally fulfilled to the fate of Zedekiah in Jeremiah 39:4. His sons were slaughtered before his very eyes before his eyes were gouged out as Ezekiel has prophesied (Jeremiah 39:5-7, Ezekiel 12:12-16). Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar became God’s instrument in disciplining His nation Israel when placed king Zedekiah his captive.
Zedekiah’s sons were killed before his eyes and he was taken as captive to Babylon and died there? (2 Kings 25:1-7; 2 Chr. 36:12; Jer. 32:4-5; 39:1-7; 52:4-11; Ezek. 12:12).
If Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Khaddafy of Libya was taken as captives then executed, what will happen now to the case of President Duterte to ICC or International Criminal Court on the charges filed against him in relation with his War on Drugs?
Sign Hebrew “mopheth” (mo-faith) i.e. wonder, sign, miracle, portent, token or sign (of the future event); wonder (as a special display of God’s power).
Only when you do or act that signs follow. Mark 16:17a says, “ And these signs shall follow them that believe..” When you act then God will act.
The world only does what the Church does. Only then I understand clearly what I’ve been hearing from Eddie Villanueva what he have been saying in the past over 20 years – these words – “Where the Church goes, the nation goes.”
The Hebrew word “mopheth” i.e. sign means “ token or sign of the future event. “
He who executes as what he heard from God is a “wonder – a special display of God’s power.”
Churches now are clogged with unnecessary and un-prioritized church activities sacrificing CONTEXT for CONTENT.
When a Christian or a Church becomes an obstacle or blockage to God’s Plan to the Philippines, what to you think God will gonna do?