29th National Prayer Gathering (NPG) - Day 2
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- Published: Tuesday, 03 April 2018 17:32
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Manifesting the Light of God’s Glory
29th National Prayer Gathering (NPG)
Intercessors for the Philippines (IFP)
Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City
March 27- 30, 2018
Proofread: 4-02-18
Personal Notes of Peps Kho
March 28, 2018 (Wednesday)
Bobby Conner, Founder of Eagles View Ministries; Texas, USA
March 28, 2018 (Wednesday)
10:05 AM: Bishop Daniel Balais introduced Neville Johnson.
Neville Johnson
It is good to be back here. And share to you again. He gave me two things: First, the sonship. Second, the cloud is moving on.
Years back many prophetic words were given to us. What God wants to bring us and what He gave you many in the last season that He will fulfil to you in this season. Here are in the new season, and those things that have been spoken in the past is now available to us.
Many of those things will only be made when we move in the Feast of the Tabernacle. There is a season for everything under heaven. The Number 70 is very important and very significant numbers.
Moses took 70 elders in the mountain when they have met with God. Number 11:16;
Exodus 24:9-11, “Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel: And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink..”
Israel became a nation in 1948 that is very significant time that affected the whole world, that affected the Church. The UN allowed the creation of the nation of Israel in Palestine.
The US President Truman recognized the nation on the next day. That is now 70 years ago.
When the Lord allowed the foundation of the nation of Israel something happened in the Church. 1948, A great ministries were created – Oral Roberts, and others that changed America and the Church. I want to talk a little about that today.
Moses took 70 up to the mountain and they saw the God of Israel. Exodus 24:10 “And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.” With these sapphires stones and they ate and drink together. Imagine on top of the mountain drinking and dining with Him up there.
Here we are 70 years later after the formation of Israel.
On December 2017, I had encounter with the Lord and the witnesses. He said to me, “I will speak to you Billy Graham. As the end of the year is approaching I fasted. Soon 2018 it will be here. The new will replace the old. New reformation begins to reform the church. This is the dawning of the new day. The new dispensation has come. We must know the impact and the significance of what He is now. This is the epiphany of light and darkness, the separation of good and evil. Both good and evil will be held. Darkness is coming but the light is also coming. Many strange things will come. Like Methuselah, this coming year, so with Billy Graham. What about Billy Graham I thought. What do you mean I said to the Lord. Like Methuselah whom I extended his life, I have also extended his life. “Tell me,” I said to the Lord. Enoch has a son called Methuselah. When Methuselah was born, Enoch begun to walk with God.
When my child was born I did not start to walk with God. When Methuselah was born, he walked with God. When Enoch saw Methuselah, he saw something happening.
He saw something beginning from Adam. He saw something from Methuselah that he begun to walk with God. Gen 4:18 Methusellah mean s “death of the grave” . Also it means “dark of the arrow,”
In the book of Enoch, when the arrow of the dart falls to the ground, it will come. When Methuselah falls or dies to the ground, something is coming. And the Flood that year came to the earth. Then Noah went inside the ark.
Lord said, “Why do you think i made Billy Graham to add his years? To give more people time to repent. I gave the Church more time for righteousness. He said “Billy Graham will die in this year.” I thought, “ What is coming?”
My death delayed the death of Billy Graham. When the news came across the TV. I said “Oh, it is the end of the era and the beginning of the new day.” Then I said to the Lord, “He was a man of miracles in 1948.”
The integrity and evangelistic anointing of Billy Graham will come together. And with that of T. L Osborn. Those mantles are available now, the same breathe of evangelism and it is a mixture of Billy Graham and T. L. Osborn.
Kuya Dan, do you have any contact in Spain because you will be brought by the Lord to Spain. It is a new day. Events will change the course of the world. Like the birth of Jesus, the reformation changed the world.
There were change of paradigm that will change the earth. If you do not like to be different then you will be in trouble.
In 1948 there is a change of move of God. When God allowed men to go to the moon, something more greater things of move of God came.
Now we have the greatest change of the Church since the time of reformation. That will be exciting. The heavens declare the glory of God, day after day they speak ( Psalm 19).
We are now entering into the change that has been orchestrated before by the signs of heaven...
Listen, all this will change the history of the church as a crossroad of scenario. Now we are the in the crossroad, whether we stay in Pentecost or we go on. This is the Time to move on. This is the time and seasons, a crossroads of scenario, that decisions will be made to determine things.
I was led to the Lord by a Pentecostal Pastor when I was 12. He was a good man, he loves the Lord, very Pentecostal. When the Charismatic move in 1960-1970s came, he could not handle that. He is a good man and he stepped down in the church. He could not handle the change and went down to obscurity. The irony of it- he led me to the Lord and I was the one pasturing that church. A new era – new revival, decisions have got to be made.
We are now in 2018 and we are facing similar scenarios – choices of pastors, denominational movements, those are in the crossroads – what you will choose will determine the future.
Mark 8 there is interesting story of a blind man. Jesus came to Bethesda. Mark 8:23-24 and there was a partial healing. Until Jesus prayed again - twice for the healing. That must be significant. Twice. Why?
“Do not go back on that town and do not tell what had happened to you”, Jesus said to the former blind man. Why? Mark 8:26. Because there will be no more word or light or revelation to that city.
That was in Bethsaida. It is a place where Jesus demonstrated his glory and miracles.
Matthew 11:20-22, “Woe unto you Bethesda...” mighty works have been done and yet they still do not believe.” The city was spiritually blind and that is very scary.
Blindness came to the whole town and it is very very serious when we reject what God is saying. Spiritual blindness will come to the eyes. Or deafness will come to the ears. Those who have ears, let they hear what God is saying.
T.L Osborn is gone. He went to Cuba. His miracles is terrible. When incredible signs he made in Cuba, times and wonders that we do not see today. When he finished that, the whole Cuba established his work. Then he said, “If you will not believe this will happen to you?” Then 12 months later the whole Cuba became under the communism.
When we see Cuba opened there will be a need of group of evangelists and God will give them a second chance.
January 4th this year, the Lord made me to pray and He appeared, He had a blue leather bag on his hand and handed it to me. I opened it and just to see what is in the inside. There was scroll with inscriptions on them, a plumb line and a scroll. There is stone as wide as big as this and it is vibrating. Stranme! Then it hits the ground. And that awakened my wife for sure and she was in a deep sleep. Then He sat down there besides e. Then the stones turned to Jesus, then back to the stone, then turned to Jesus, then the vibrations was increasing. That was the strangest thing I ever seen. A stone sent by heaven into plumb line. He said, “I would lay on my church a stand otherwise they will not survive what will happen on the earth.”
This is the cornerstone that God wants you to build now. You are stones right, the living stone? (1 Peter 2:4)
Isaiah 28:17, “Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. “
That stone is the nature of Jesus and that must be established within us and must be established in the church. That is the plumb line, the nature of His, his righteousness, and His nature must be established.
God is measuring the sheep and the goat nations. Nations and the churches must be assembled things. If you cannot measure that, then they will not survive what is coming.
You should be coming with Jesus, like of that same standard. Love and He is love. The sheep and the goat nations shall be now assessed.
Genesis 12:1- 3, “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. “
There is coming! The Jews who are living in an area and when there is strong opposition against the Jews and we should be here to help them.
We must start preparing now, and we should shelter them. It is coming. It is critical. Pastors, leaders, individuals. Your attitude towards Israel is critical. If you blessed them you will be blessed and when you cursed them it will be a curse to you.
There will be persecution to the Jews that you never seen before. It is coming. God is assessing and dividing the Church how they stand with Israel. Those pastors will be not standing with Israel will be cursed.
Happy news is coming – that it is... (laughs)..
Be very clear how you stand with Israel otherwise curse will come upon you (Gen. 12:3).
This foundation stone must be firmly established in our lives. This is a new day that I tell you.... New days, house in order.
Isaiah 28:16, “ Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” And this is the standard.
Isaiah 26:6, “The foot shall tread it down the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy.” When the church comes to Zion, whatever the church is, the covering will be taken away.
The glory of Jesus will not be taken by power unless it is spoken in the very nature of Jesus. I see people carrying sick people and sick animals up there to the mountain. The tabernacle of David is within you.
Back to the cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20, “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. ”
In the past we never taught them to become like Jesus. There will be coming major pruning in the church.
1 Peter 2:5-6, “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.”
That will be the measure of our lives. You know that Jesus said, “Every tree that will not bring forth good fruit is cut down,” (Matthew 7:19-22).
The gifts of the Spirit... I saw a man almost drunk moved with great gifts of the Holy Spirit. To reach the 7 level of the Spirit of the Lord must be levelled in that cornerstone,.
Matt. 7:24, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.”
Our future, your personal house, your church must be built on this Rock. Because the flood is coming. We have to build a house upon the rock. (Matthew 7:25). I tell you – the wind is coming, the flood is coming unless the chief cornerstone is founded on us.
Floods of iniquity will be coming to this earth. We have floods in Australia and I saw houses, houses sailing on the flood. Australia has just voted same-sex marriage. Curse will come... Flood is coming, lawlessness, diseases. Sodom and Gomorrah.
The bible tells us the 4 winds will comes to the earth. Rev. 7:1, “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. “
They (4 winds) represent powers and reinforcements. They are foundation of power bases on the earth. 1ast, Military power, 2nd, political power wind. 3rd economic power wind and 4th, religious power that dominates the world when Jesus time. We see these in history like in the Dark Ages.
These 4 winds at the same time will be released on the earth – and the chaos it creates is terrible – the military, the economic, the religious, etc. They are coming soon and to be released on the earth.
I saw four angels. Re. 7:1-2, “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
Rev 7:2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.”
There is provision for us to survive when these winds will come. Unless you built on the rock then you will not survive...
I’ve been surprise how the height of faith movement came....gates of the doctrine of un-holiness and the hordes of demons are released.
500 years ago, Martin Luther started something that triggered the whole change that is released in Europe. October 17, he nailed a thesis on the church door.
The Catholic priests were so corrupt in Middle Ages and indulgence is much... if you give to the church, your sins will be forgiven. Martin Luther said that is heresy.
That started the movement that changed Europe, the reformation. The Protestant Church was born.
The Lord said, “I will remove those indulgences in the Pentecostal church today. Many today are in the ministry of money today. I can stand on this indulgences.”
Incredible reformation and before this started, the printing press in Europe was invented. Why? And paper was invented. And this guy came and he translated the Bible in a common language that people can read and NO longer in Latin.
When reformation came, the printing press did that. Only the priests can read the Bible before. When printing press and paper came along, the scriptures were translated. God paved the way. Bible were prohibited before even to hold a bible.
Jesus came in the fullness of time. What do you mean?
In Charismatic move in 1970, the cassette tapes were invented. Why ? Because the change of movement of God is coming. So we sent thousands of teaching tapes to the whole world.
We got the internet today. A blessing and a curse. We tweet. I hope people should stop tweeting. However it will be over taken by all religious power by the YouTube. Do not put the data on the clouds. It must be placed on the computers where you dart has to go. All those data on the clouds will be taken by wrong hands. Put them on your flask drives.
The Renaissance. Music, arts and the church changed. Paintings changed. Continents changed.
Many, many diseases will be cured because of this new Reformation. Because the Reformation will bring this to light.
Why where you born in this generation? Why are you here? Not by chance you know. Where are you here in this time? Why? Billions of people, why are you here?
Psalm 102:13-14, “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof. .”
Psalm 102:17-21, “He will regard the prayer of the destitute..”
God is looking down on the earth and see and hear the groaning of the people. He looked down from heaven.
The Lord told me this morning, “Tell them not to waste that pain...” When we become born again, they said our problems will be gone. That is a lie. That is not the way it is.
Jesus said that it won’t be easy. He said you shall be victorious. The greatest adventure is that God will make it sure that you will be born in this time.
Do not waste the pain. You must take that cross. Carry it and follow Him. Pain whatever, it is a part of the journey but grace will see you through. Paul said that.
I broke my back and it hurts a lot. I used several healing scriptures until the Lord spoke to me:
Col. 1:24, “Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church.”
Then I saw the Lord crying, “Very few of my children ever think of MY needs.” “Needs, you have needs.?” I asked the Lord. He said He needs of friends, he can be get lonely. He needs our prayers so He could answer us.
To know him, pain is a course, a part of our training. God allows it. There is no glory without pain. Pain and glory goes together. Suffering is needed and it is a gift.
I heard pastors, “If you have more faith, you won’t be sick.” You have more faith when you are in great trouble. You must have great level of faith when you are in time of suffering.
There is no glory without faith (Romans 8:17-18). You can turn your pain into glory by trusting God on it. Suffering is a part.
Quiet here.
Suffering is pathway to glory.
My mom died when I was 17 and I was so angry with God. I was born again with so much nasty language. He is a woman of faith and very much Pentecostal. And she was very strong with this and that. She said, “When you are sick you must be healed.” She got sick and 7 weeks later she died.
Mother is very nurturing and father is not much. I was angry with God. Then I found myself walking in heaven after her death. And there is woman who is moving on this way and I was moving that way as well. Oh! It was my mother. “We must talk,” I said. She said, “ sit down and listen”.
My mom said: “When I was in hospital, God appeared to me . He said, “ I can heal you. But you have an option. You can die and be with me in heaven and pray so that your son can fulfil his destiny.”
Some of you here are going through emotional pain and physical pain. We understand some of these things.
I pastured a large church for a long time. I am dedicating babies, marrying people and burying people.
Once, I held a baby in a hospital and he was dying and at the same time while I was comforting the parents. We do not understand much about suffering. I lost my daughter in a car accident. And I asked Why?
Before she died, she said, “All the prophesies in my life has been fulfilled.”
We could not truly understand the ways of God, you know? Some of you are going through suffering. People betrayed you. You are in pain. God knows that. Then sufferings and pain will be all worth it.
Closing with this – I have a friend- they have a boy who was born who could not hear, nor see nor speak. He got a brain problem. They are Christians. Why? Where is God in that? But God is good and He knows what He is doing.Don’t look at God. He knows what He is doing. And God is good!
11:37 AM
Daniel Balais
Can you identify yourself to what Dr. Neville has said?
I lost my daughter years back. She was barely 7 year old when she was afflicted with cancer. I was then about to leave to Indonesia to minister to the local pastors there and IFP was just about to explode. She is being called Deborah Joy. It took her 2 and half years of struggle.
In the hospital, I cried, He said something in Hebrews 12:2. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...”
12:55 AM
Bruce Allen
Psalm 60:1, “Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you. “ Amplified Bible (AMP).”
In everyone of our lives, we have had season of difficulty or suffering for the purpose of perfecting something in us. Even Jesus Himself, He endured every pain with joy. Hebrews 12:2b, “who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross,” Amplified.
What you have going through today becomes your strength in the future to persevere. Paul said in Phil. 3:13, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,” Amplified
When the apostle says in Scriptures, it falls on this nugget of truth, “Forgetting of those things what are behind, “ Phil. 3:14, “I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, “ Amplified.
Learn to let the past go. The past can withhold your the future. Stop looking backward.
Last year ‘s Rosh Hashanah I had this very special encounter with God – there is life changing, amazing experience, a Hebrew New Year when I was prayer, then I was caught in the spirit, the place where I was taken – it is empty – i saw other saints of God clothed in garments of life and altar that is burning for an offering to God. “
Life can contain your passion for God and yet there are some attachments and passions that are not of God’s.
When I looked on the altar, the fire flask down...then all of a sudden, a fire went back up and all those things I gave to the altar bounced back to me. I said, “Why you are returning all what I offered to you?’’
When I looked on myself, I was clothed not with just light but with fire. He said,” This is the release of the burning one.”
Better to choose in holiness rather than having the mandate of heaven. We can choose how we can be placed in the altar yet God can still intercept our lives yet with a great loss.
“I am purifying myself for my people,” God said. We will be walking in realm of intimacy. We cannot choose for you. We can provoke you but the choice is yours. The Lord is looking for people who are willing for the day of his power.
There is a process and that stone to be established in you.
During Rosh Hashanah that He has shown me what is He releasing and what is the revelation of the scripture and what it is saying.
He took me to Luke 1. First he told me in Malachi 3:1, “Behold I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way.”
Messengers are angels or people, they are ministering spirits. They are with you and they prepare the way for you. That is why you should not fear what men can do for you because you are a messenger, because you have an access to mystery, that is mystery of salvation.
Malachi 3:2c, “..for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap.” That is what the altar spoke to me.
That truth must be established in you. This moment you may use the past but you must keep moving on. Fall forward and not backward. Every one of us will stumble and fall and yet we must keep on going. Move on. His grace is sufficient. Malachi 3:4, “Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years. “
“I the Elijah that is coming, the Elijah generation will not come, then curse will come upon you,´ says the Lord.
We bring the hearts of children back to the Father.
Why when everything goes wrong even unbeliever will ever blamed God? Yet they do not know Him nor even call His name.
We have a picture of Luke
Isaiah 46:10, “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: ”
What gives birth from the beginning is like seeing an immature child. The birthing of anything in the scripture denotes beginning. What you see on the end is maturity.
Luke 1:5, “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”
Zechariah and Elizabeth are faithful in their beliefs....blameless...and they are barren children....they were stricken with age... Getting old is not for whims...
In verse 8. The promise is about to come to pass. That is the word of the Lord now. “And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course.”
Verse 9-13, 14-15. “An angel said that their prayers have been answered by God.” This is the day of the birthing, to fulfil God’s destiny.
Some years ago in FIJI, a couple approached me. They were married for 5 years and yet they have not yet any child. They asked me for prayer for they want to bear a child. I said to her, “You are already pregnant.” “She said , “What?” Days later she went to the doctor and she found out that she is 7 weeks pregnant. Church, you are pregnant NOW! Luke 1:16, “And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God..”
They will not recognize the anointing of God but they will recognize the POWER OF ELIJAH.
Luke 1:18-19, “And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.
Luke 1:19 “And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. “
Luke 1:20 “ Zechariah became mute because he did not believe. 407 silent years when Israel had no encounter with God yet on that rare visitation even the priest does not believe.”
John 5:19, “I strengthen myself with these words...” Verse 22...
Encounter with Elijah
Years back I had this encounter with Elijah. Elijah is in this room right now. He wants to invest something supernatural in your spirit now. How would that come? Elijah standing here. He have s scroll. He can hand this over to us or he can read it to us.
Let us pray for a moment. Let us ask God. Lord... what is your showing now.... Wow...When the baby is born from the womb. Other part of the womb is dark. As you open your mouth, the scroll of Elijah will come to your mouth. At the count of three......
It was 6th month when Gabriel was sent. Six speaks of a man. I saw this angel in nearby country. Who is this I said. He is Gabriel the Lord said. He said I have a scroll to give it to her. Gabriel said tell her to raise up her hands to receive the scroll. She did. As she lifted her hands up, she jerked because of the anointing that she received.
It is like a kaleidoscope.
One time I saw Michael and Gabriel. Both are there. God sent Gabriel here today. Father let them hear Father....God wants to speak to your hearts. Listen to Him.
Song : All thy works shall praise Thee O Lord.
Bruce Allen
The Hour has come for the visitation of the Spirit will come upon you. I sent my messenger from my throne to release to you covenantal promises that I have received for this last generation.
Do not be afraid of the darkness that covers the earth, but rather look up for the glory of the Lord that has risen upon you.
In the midst of this darkness, I will release the strategy of these glory. And place it on the rock that cannot be shaken. I have received the best for this generation. The strength of character that shall not be lost. I am raising up mature sons and daughters of God. As you willing to do so my spirit will reveal it to you..
Your sons and daughters will come out from darkness into the light... and they shall be established on this rock that cannot be shaken when the hour of tribulation will come. That is what I love to you Philippines. You always accept what you believe in though you never see.
2:00 PM
Joe Sweet
Bruce has talked about the warfare
What is God’s purposes and plan?
What is the guidance of the Holy Spirit? What his perfect will for us?
Rick Joyner: How many believers what God’s will is? According to that survey 90 % of them do not know the plan of God in their lives.
Purposes and Plans
I have manifested your name. Can you say that?
John 17:6 according to Bobby Conner that the whole ministry of Jesus have manifested in this verse. God has a plan, specific plan to every one of us to manifest his character in us.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. .”
Something works with us favourably. Then it says , “What God foreknew, He predestined to be conformed to the image of His son, “ (Romans 8:29).
We must know him and manifest in him. God designed that the plan not only on earth but the image of his son.
Paul warned earlier about the trouble will always face at.
Acts 20;24, “But none of these move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy...” and in Phil. 3:14, “I press toward the mar for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Everyone of us we must understand the purpose of God in us, that it to make like Jesus, to walk like Jesus.
In the world, God has plan from beginning to end about the life of Jesus and he is about to be led by the Spirit. As long his will is in the Lord, the whole heaven is backing him up.
God does not have small or little purposes for anybody. Every life that you came into this world has been planned by God. But we must discover it.
Eph. 1;14, “He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.”
Matthew 1:22 , “Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, “
Matthew 2. The wise men followed the star and would like to worship the King. So Jesus birthplace have been planned by God.
God appeared to Joseph and warned him to flee unto Egypt. God has planned it. Nothing that the devil has done that made God surprised. God always lead us into triumph with Jesus.
God never lead us into defeat. God is not surprised for the SOGIE Bill. He has already have plan for the Philippines. He does have plan. Satan is planning to murder the children but God is 5 steps ahead of Satan.
Matthew 4:16, “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. “
Matthew 21:2-5, “Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,
Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.”
God has a victory plan laid out to the Philippines, to your life, to your marriage. I have been asking the Lord but everyone must find on God.
You want to find his will? If we walk to have a complete guidance then give it up all to the Lord.
Jesus called Peter and he left the boat. We should not be different with Peter. In heart, everything must be surrendered. If we want to find God’s will, nothing must he held back.
Ephesians says, “Redeeming the time because the days are evil. “ How to redeem it? “To know what the Lord is,” the verse that follows.
We are here to collect the tax? Christ said to Peter, “Otherwise we may offend them.” Jesus has prepared that fish ..
Psalm 139:16, “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect, and in thy all (my members were written in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”
Eph. 2:10 “You re God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
I was saved in 1977 and started preaching on 1978 few months later I met the Lord.
When I got saved no one witnessed with me and I got converted inside my room. I always see my dad as Catholic yet not reading the Bible. I had a visitation inside my room. When I gave my life to Christ, I knew what I meant to give my entire life to him. It is no longer to live a life what I wanted it. He exist to fulfil our dreams? No. We exist for His will.
I just give the best of my life and asked my pastor if I could preach. My pastor a Catholic priest is a man of integrity. It is Hispanic town, because they saw me every now and then when I preached they thought I am a priest. You hear gunshots in every hour of the day.
One time this band of gangsters started cursing me then another guy came, “Stop, don’t you know he is a priest?”
One took a flyer to the radio station and there the announcer made a wrong announcement. And there came 350 inside the church and thousands outside the church. 350 people got saved and many of them are gang members and I do not know what to do.
I said, “Lord give me a verse...” Then I opened it that reads, “Peter went to the samaria and laid hands on them...” I never done that before so I asked them to make 7 lines. It was a concrete floor and no catchers. It was real. Nobody get hurt. I went to the next person, my hands are two feet away from them and they spoke in tongues and fell. And it was a Catholic Church.
One guy spoke in tongues that I never even know the doctrine on tongues.
I am not saying that I am always right. But I always say to the Lord to guide me. I was preaching when I was in high school. And around 400 from high school would stood from the bleachers and accept the Lord. I put tracks on their locker spending my own money. Then all the school around 2,000 are passing the tracts.
Do the best you can with all your heart.
I had this ... when I was young I was staying with my sister. She is married and not a believer and she have a spare room for me.
Then God said, “I will bring you to Mexico” And I do not have the money. I saw myself in a dream I am strumming a guitar and singing a song in Spanish.
So I told to my sister and she was sceptics. So I worked in constructions in a French company two miles long. Soil excavation engineer. That what they call me.
My sister would tell me to quit the job yet that is only my job. Then I heard from the Spirit to quit from my job. He said, “Go home and rest for two days and I will tell you what to do.” She said, “My poor crazy brother.” Then my French workers came and invited me for swimming. Then I met his father who has a company in Mexico who brings garlic there.
Then my friend said, “he is my Joe Sweet.” And then the father said, “Why not work with me in Mexico.” God wants me to rest. God wants from us complete obedience.
In 1980, $700 he gave me to buy anything I need. I just weighed the garlic on the truck, only 30 minutes on a day, then I would write that down for the whle day salary.
I came home and my sister and her friends were there. I pulled the money and showed it to her. They are good people but they are not believers. So when I moved to Mexico the next day, I attended the church of mixed language. I took my guitar and just worked 10-30 minutes a day, play my guitar on the street and evangelized and being paid for one whole day pages. And I am getting money from an unbeliever.
The Lord said, “You do not need to bring the guitar. You will live in a room where upstairs is a lady with guitar but she never uses it. When you ask her, she would give you the guitar.”
So when I came there, I asked the kids, “anybody with a guitar her.” They said, “The lady up there has a guitar.”
When I was there I was trying to unite them rather than eating pizza. Why would God will you a detailed revelation? Why not serve Him the best you can.
By the grace of God, I know and I know and I know that I will be pasturing a church.
There is a Christian who works a piano tutor. He went to see a doctor and it told he has to have a rest. He does not know he was bleeding inside because of ulcer until he collapsed. He has been brought to the hospital. But he died. Then he went to heaven and he saw his relatives and friends there and he said “I want to see Jesus.” Jesus said, “My son, do you want here or do you want to go back? ” He said, “this is the best ever happened to me why would you want me to go back.” Jesus said, “Because you did not do what I wanted you to do to become a pastor.”
That is how he testified. When he was 18 years of age he wanted to become a pastor. His father said, “In our denomination, a pastor is being replaced every 5 years.” From there he eluded to become a pastor.
Corinthian Church told us about the various members of the body – thumbs, fingers. They are all different but they work as one Body.
The kings back then in ancient time will cut thumbs or toes (Judges 1:7). Without a toe or thumb you cannot run fast or holds a sword. Have you watch the movie Gladiators? You cannot be a warrior without a thumb.
You heard Chuck Pierce and tonight Bob Connors but they people out their behind their backs who are helping them. People who give their money, people who prayed, etc.
Anybody can implement what the Bible says and I guarantee you. God will give you revelations.
In 1986, I do not see the Lord often unlike Sadhu. On March 10, 1986, I was in India in 1984. In remote villages, I saw the lost people and came back to USA. The Lord did not lead me there but myself.
There are many ministries in USA- radio, etc. But many, many villages in India and they never knew Jesus. I came into my own conclusion and my plan to move in India and marry to an Indian girl so I could live there.
There was a time I was doing real estate and doing evangelism and then sending money and doing ministry in India. And that was out of God’s will.
1986, March 10 God walked in my office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He said, “What are you doing?” I said “ I am going to Tulsa.” God said, “I did not tell you to do that “. What He showed me still never came to pass.
“What I will do?” he said, “Pick up the bible” and I opened it and then the bible says, “Fast 21 days” as it is written in the book of Daniel. Then He said, “Shut the office.” I never fasted even for 3 days then when I would fast for 21 days. I knew it was the Lord so I fasted.
Then I came to the church and met a new guy who came from Hawaii and he said “How are you?” I said, “Do you something from the Lord?” He said, the Lord said you are fasting. Amazing!
If you want specific guidance what we should do, do the very best you can whatever written in the bible.
Philip in the Book of Acts in chapter 8. Philip serves the women with food. He was assigned to give food to the widows and persecution came. Giving his best of what he can give. When he preached in Samaria and God told him to join in a chariot. And Spirit told him to share to the eunuch.
3:10 pm
Daniel Balais
Remember what Bruce said that we need to identify our apostles.
The next speaker is my BFF, my covenant brother. He is the president of Evangelical Council. He is PCEC. My friend Bishop Noel Pantoja.
In the Philippines, there is only one body and only one Kingdom and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Kuya Dan for that generous introduction. I always make a point, year by year I would fellowship with the intercessors of the Philippines.
I will just want to show to you some pictures in just 15 days. I often meet and see our brethren – Bishop Balais, Wyden King, Ed de Guzman, Bishop Mirpuri and others yet we see the Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty works in the Philippines.
God is in control in the Philippines.
Unprecedented challenges like rallying in the Senate and rallying in the Congress.
God is turning all challenges to new opportunities.
There is revival in the country
The church is united more than ever
The church is alive and marching forward
God is control
We are more prayerful nation
The next generation is being discipled and released to the ministries
The Philippines is an evangelist and missionary nation.
Some activities
October 2017; Gen Santos City
Oct. 24; Pastors Conference; Tagaytay City with 10,000 pastoral trainers and leaders
Oct 24; World Trade Centre, G-12. 60,000 people
Oct 25 Butuan City Pastors Conference
Oct 26 – Cagayan de Oro; Pastors Conference
Oct 27 – JIL 39th Anniversary; Luneta Park
Oct 28, Dipolog Pastors Conference; 400 pastors gathered together
Bishop Dan and I ordaining Bishop Cobos
Oct 27: Taguig Pasig True Life Retreat attended 1,200 PNP, 198 PNP baptized in water with their badges and uniforms on
Oct 30, Pastors Conference, Dasmarinas Cavite
October 30; Quezon City; Navigators and 42 National youth leaders
Oct 31 – Megacitiez Global Youth Day; PCEC, PJM IFP Cuneta Astrodome; 82 provinces and going Global; It came from Cebu City. This is phenomenal. Now in Indonesia, US, Japan
Nov 30; Benguet
State of the Church
Present Numbers of Born again Christians
1974 - 5, 000
1981 – 51,000
2012 – 60,000
2017 – 72,000
2020 – 120,0000
Evangelicals 10.3%
Numbers of Believers 10,400,00
Unchurhced baragays : approx. 20,000 with 25-M people
15 M overseas Filipinos (10% are born again)
Source: www.philchal.org
This is now the situation. We believe we have around 13-M evangelicals. But are many yet barangays still no churches.
Fulfil the great commission (Matthew 18:19-20; March16;15)
Demonstrate the great commandments: to love God and our neighbours (Matt. 22”35-40)
Build up and beutify the Body of Christ for the coming of the Lord by Collosians 1:28-29 (Walang mistress si Jesus Christ. Babalikan niya the beautiful bride).
Manifesting God’s glory in our daily life
As I listened to Pastor Joe Sweet, as if his teaching and my teaching is being interwoven. You can see and experience God’s glory a in your life, family, church and in our country.
God will reveal his glory to all who seek Him. Ephesians 3:21 says, “Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. “ This is available to anyone.
Why it is important for us to understand and see God’s glory
Because the revelation of His glory is meant to equip his people. Acts 20:32
What is exactly the glory of God? It is the revelation of God’s nature and attributes. It is a revelation of how he wants to be known by us. Exodus 33:18, “Now show me your glory”.; Exodus 34:6-7. When God reveals His knowledge it can be revealed in a simple revelation. God reveals his glory to us so that his glory will be manifested through us.
To change us into an expression of God’s loving, forgiving and merciful nature. 2 Corinthians 3:18
To lead us into real worship. When Moses saw the wonderful nature of God, he fell down and worshipped God (Ex. 34:8)
To manifest His glory through our relationship with other people.
4:45 PM
Manny Carlos
Isaiah 2:1-2
The rising mountain. The nations were streaming upwards. Stream is flowing.
Stream according to Isaiah refers to the people going upwards. Mountain represents kingdoms. The temple was God’s dwelling place in the earth. When the temple was gone, Israel‘s identity was lost because it’s the presence of God that made it as a distinct nation.
When the temple was destroyed, Israel was never became the same again. Their identity is forgotten. Their identity is lost.
Isaiah said “In the last days”. Isaiah saw something in the future. And we do not know what it is. But IFP you are very much familiar with that, the resurrection.
Why am I saying all these? I am excited about this vision. This not just about being written but we see them happening in our very watch. We are living in the last of the last days. This is not just about future. This is about NOW in our days.
Let me read your mind. I am not a mind reader. If we observe as if what ang Kaharian ng Dios. If you are familiar with the parable like a mustard seed and the other one is the yeast.
Mustard seed is small but eventually it grows up and become big and then the animals dwell on it.
Yeast is something you mix on the dough para umalsa. It works on it like a bread. What is the point there? When you miss this, where is your kingdom? The kingdom starts small but eventually it becomes big until it takes over the whole thing.
Years ago, this carpenter trained these fishermen. It all started with small fishermen. C’mon that is a small beginning, 2000 years ago. Now Christianity, Roman persecution and the devil would like to destroy Christians. And Nero burned Christians alive. Constantine became a Christian then Christianity became an official religion of the Roman Empire.
In the Dark Ages, Christianity became stiff in traditions, became heretics, until Protestant Reformation under Martin Luther nailed on Reformation. Not until the Kingdom of God continue to advance. That is about thousands of years.
Christians are transforming nations. Mainly through their work freedom that has come to over 60 nations in the last 200 years. When missions become globalized and Christian spreading out, that champions freedom.
When China sent out foreign missionaries they thought Christianity will be out. But today, China has 60-100 Million Christians. It is the biggest Christian nation in the whole world today. Pure research said there are about 2 billion Christians in the world today that is one third of the world’s population.
They might be nominal Christians but (at least) one third of the global populations are Christians.
If we have many believers in the earth, why there is so much economic inequality, there is so much broken family, there is so much poverty, so much political instability ?
There is missing ingredient that Christian could have missed...
Isaiah 2:1-2 and the key is “He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem,”
“God will inhabit the praises of His people.”
We as God’s people are the carriers of His life. Worship movement is certainly one of those.
The law of God is what people are looking for. How many of you have the bible with you? Many people do not know that the Bible has all the answers of man’s troubles. The church is called to TEACH the nations His Law-Word.
What you are called would come to Church and come to the temple of God because of the word – our responsibility is to bring the word to the workplace – to the universities, to the work places, etc.
Bro. Dan shared about us on our campus ministry....
Our headquarter is in the Global Makati. We started our campus ministry and the neighbouring schools won’t allow us (this campus ministry) because they said they are sectarian. So we prayed. One of our pastor has wisdom, and they have found out that in freshmen in those schools has around 65% drop out because teenage pregnancy. So they approached the school administrators and they said, “If you allow us bible study then teenage pregnancy would decline and you will have more enrolees next year.” And they believed and now, we have bible study inside the campuses and truly, teenage pregnancy declined. Hallelujah!
We ascend to God in worship then we would descend to make war on earth.
We proclaim the word and declare the work of the Lord. Three results on this passage I have just read:
Reconciliation of peoples. Dan Balais shared about South Africa. I had a chance to visit it three times. It was beautiful. It was colonized by Dutch and British. In 1940 they may politicized it called apartheid. (Apartheid is when the Black or African people and tribes do not have the same rights like those of the White or Western people). Because of they, they resulted into war.
In 1989, a white-African, F.W. de Klerk becomes the 9th State President of South Africa. When he became president, he called the African pastors to pray for him. They cried out to God because they were on the brink of civil war and many pressures have abolished the apartheid and they made directions of the clerk. They released a political prisoner, Black-African, Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for the past 20 years. Then they had discussion how to be ruled and to abolish apartheid. It was a unilateral decision.
In 1990-1993 finally the African Pastors believed instead of having civil war they rather made reconciliation. De Klerk become Vice President while Nelson Mandela became a president, the first African black to be the president. In fact, he become a healing president. The white people thought they will be persecuted. All in South Africa they have confessed their sins in every place, and they said, “If you will confess your sins and we will cancel all sins.”> They did and there was a reconciliation. God uses people. God can still do that.
Second result . There is a release of economic activity. Isaiah said they will turn their swords into ploughshares (Isaiah 2:4). Instead of making war equipments they would make agricultural equipments. One good achievement of the past administration is the last year TESDA’s achievement of Joel Villanueva, where many recipients were prepared for technical and vocational jobs.
One members of our church is a technician in Sharjah and he worked in a power plant. One time the power plant shut down and they could not figure it out. Once a power plant is shut down you lose money and they lost millions of dollars. They sought for the European and the American engineers, yet they can’t find solutions. Then the Saudi said to our Christian technician, “I know you are a Christian. Call your God and repair it.” He did! After merely two hours, he instructed some few men telling them, “Shut that down, turn that off, open that , turn it on… “ and suddenly the whole power plant has been restored. And his Saudi employer said to him, Go back to the Philippines with 28 days off with salary.” He said, “No! Until mhy kababayan will come with me. H The employer did oblige.
Isaiah 2:4-5, “nation will not take swords against nations, nor they will train not for war anymore.”
The most controversial were three youth were victims of War on Drugs on Caloocan. We have “War on Drugs”. And many are casualties. One of the incident took place in about the name of Ian was happened to be a son of a believer of JIL in Saudi. The 1,200 PNP of Caloocan was relieved. Then suddenly, there was this PNP invitation dubbed as “Pamilya Muna Pilipinas “ with Pastor Noel Pantoja who was asked by the PNP to conduct Values Formation Seminar to these relieved policemen. They asked churches – VCF and CCF to conduct the program. In few days, they are wondering what they are doing.
Now, the 1,200 PNP were gathered and over 150 were baptized in water. On PNP said he wanted to be baptized with his uniform and badge to be baptized as well.
One PNP testified said he left his mistress and he could sleep now peacefully without being guilty.
The Caloocan Chief said to his subordinates, “Why not make bible study first before you start work so that you will be not be drawn to temptation to ask bribe.”
Let me turn this mike to Bishop Balais who prays for this nation. When you pray you become an answer to your prayer. And I pray there will be more new restorations…
5:30 PM
Ed de Guzman
Corporate Prayer by Ed De Guzman focused on the “Eight Pillars of Society”
Mammon means money or material world. Means “gain or greedy pursuit.”
Mammon does not know no one - educators, congressman, Mammon is under the wealth of underworld led by Greek god Pluto.
Proverbs 1:21-23, mammon is personified in Matthew 6:24 and Prov. 1:22-23. You also find that in Luke 16.
There are 2 primarily spirits that involves in finances – mammon and poverty. We need to expose them. Luke 16:13.
The aim of the spirit of mammon is to turn the hearts of the people away from God and to get and service this mammon as to loved and be devoted to this spirit. The spirit of mammon operates through deception and entices us to serve it well.
7:00 PM
Bobby Connors
(Peps Note: Connors uses Amplified Bible as he often quote something very powerful when he says it. Anointing as you may call it. It’s different when we simply quote by ourselves)
Col. 1:15, “For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel.”
Flame the seed into your heart. .The prodigal son found himself in the pig pen. And the devil is posing a question to you now? “Who do you think you are? “ It is the issue of the heart. The matter of the heart is the heart of the matter. And who are we?
2 Cor. 3:18, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. “
The number one veil that covers us from the glory of God is the TRADITION. We need to study who we are. The biggest battle of the Church is Proverbs 23:23, “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. “
Some must tell me the truth about the same-sex marriage. Truth may fall unto the street.
John 17:17, “Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth. “
Ezekiel 44:23, “And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.”
Peps Note:
Shamar a Hebrew primitive root; properly means to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e. guard; generally, to protect, attend to, etc.:--beward, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep(-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch(-man).
It also means: to keep, guard, observe, give heed, to keep, have charge of; to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; watch, watchman (participle); to watch for, wait for; to watch, observe; to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); to keep (within bounds), restrain; to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or covenant or commands), perform (vow); to keep, preserve, protect; to keep, reserve; to be on one' s guard, take heed, take care, beware; to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; to be kept, be guarded; to keep, pay heed; to keep oneself from
Shamar is used 468 times.
Back to Connors
The ministry of shamar priest is to distinguish what is holy and unholy and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean (profane and the unprofane). Profane is worthless.
“Bobby !” said God, “Do you know what is profane?” “Tell Me?” I said. Jesus definition of profane is when He said, “anything that you that God did not initiate.” Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Purity, is something we need to consider. We abandon the holy things of the Lord. The Lord is about to re introduce himself to people.
John, he who laid his chest on Jesus was exiled to the island of Patmos.
Rev. 1:9. John was in the island of Patmos and yet He said, “I was in the presence of God in the Lord’s Day!”
Psalm 46:11, we need to have a big dose of that that says, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. “
Daniel 11:32b, “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” The devil knows that verse. How ? The devil would like to neutralize you.
2 Cor. 5:20a, “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us,” The word “beseech,” means “to implore,” as if you are pleading in a court.
An ambassador is senior representative sent with an authority.
How many of us have such authority? In Matthew 28:18b, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. “
We go to politicians. We supposed to run all these things and not the politicians. We are too busy to blame the messy that we are in. We blame the church.
Psalm 115: 14-15. “May the Lord give you incr4ease more and more and your entire family, may you blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth.” In verse 16, “The heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he has given to the children of men.”
We have the privilege of the power to bind and lose. Matthew 18:18. Know your authority. “As my father have sent me, I am sending you,” Jesus said.
Ecc. 3:1, talks about “ time- season -- purpose- activity of God.” We have to learn how to get into the Word of the Lord.
Joshua 1:8, “The Book of the Law shall no depart from their mouth but you shall mediate in it day and night ....that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein .for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success.”
I love the messages in coming here about the Philippines. But God does not look at you as corporate. He looks at you as individual. One person can make a difference in your outlook to the Philippines. Do something that no other human being on earth have done.
Psalm 139:16a, “and in thy book all my members were written.” God placed you where you have been destined to be.
So when you go for a battle, David... he walked on the balcony and found Bathsheba... he said, “Hooo… hooo…” a very dangerous word.
If God leads you ... Yes Bobby... Joshua 1:9, “Be bold, be courageous....”
Remember Daniel? Jesus was there....
I am excited that you have been praying. Jesus appeared to me with sadness on his face. He said to me, “Bobby my people don’t like to talk to me. The least attended in the church is the prayer meeting. But he said in the twinkling of the eyes... I will give a verse that will change that...”
He said, “This is what prayer is all about. It is an audience with a king.” Then came Jesus with an open reception. He will come anytime. And they cried unto the Lord. The Hollywood filmmakers are mixed up with “they cried.” It is crying in agony. There is a great opportunity if you ask God.
1 John 5:14-15, “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. “
Job 22:28 Amplified...You shall also decide and decree a things and it shall be established for you; and the light of God’s favour shall shine upon your ways.”
This is what they said, “You know this Connor he does not use the Bible.”
This words are not written in the parchments. It is written in the person. Psalm 42:1. John 1;14, Psalm 63;1. Who do you think you are? You are ambassador. YOU ! YOU shall receive Power. Function to function. There is so much blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Nehemiah 9;20 God gave them his good spirit to instruct them and not to withhold manna from them and He gave water for their thirst. I’ve been speaking to me for 49 years and I am speaking to Him 5 times a week.
God told me, “You abused me boy.” He likes me. He came to my house.
Matthew 13:16-17, “Blessed are your eyes because do you see, and your hears because they do hear. “
Ephesians 1:17, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.”
Matthew 13:16, “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. “
John 10:3, 27 as Jesus said , “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? …John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. “
How do you know it is the Holy Spirit? He does not contradicts the bible.
I was preaching in Edmonton, Canada, and it too cold then... and my nose is nearly closed. And when I went to the church building and He gave me a message. As I was in pure preaching, then the church sung a very, very old song.... and I was preaching I stopped and sung. Then I stopped singing and then I prophesied, then they found later 70 billion barrel of oil all over Canada...
2 Chr. 20:20/ Amp. “So they got up early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe and trust in the Lord your God and you will be established (secure). Believe and trust in His prophets and succeed.”
Isaiah 48:8 Amp. Even hiding thinsg (kept in reserve) Behold I knew them. .
Isaiah 48:7,Amp. “You have not heard, you have not known; Even from long ago your ear has not been open. For I [the Lord] knew that you [Israel] would act very treacherously; You have been called a transgressor and a rebel from birth.”
Amos 3:7 -8, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? “
Listen, listen, there is a battle.
Exodus 14;14 “The battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s.”
Psalm 55:22, Amp, “Cast your burden on the Lord [release it] and He will sustain and uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail).” The Lord said to me, “Bobby, Go and tell them what you have to say. I will be with you.”
Hebrews 13:20/ Amp, “Now may the God of peace [the source of serenity and spiritual well-being] who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood that sealed and ratified the eternal covenant.”
Hebrews 13:21 you will receive this tonight that says, “..equip you with every good thing to carry out His will and strengthen you [making you complete and perfect as you ought to be], accomplishing in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Romans 1:11, Amp. “ For I am yearning to see you, that I may impart and share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen and establish you.”
Yearn, it is emotional word, a word with D,
Romans 1:12, AMP “ That is, that we may be mutually strengthened and encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith , both yours and mine.”
I really enjoy talking to the people of God. I love your mobility. You wanted to be taught. You are a remnant. God is fanning the flame of discontentment. Don’t you love verses from the Bible?
Nahum 1:7, Amp. “God is good. A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows (recognized, has knowledge of, understands) those who take refuge and trust in Him.”
What gonna be here in the Philippines? This will be the hub...the pastors, evangelist, evangelists...
Eph. 4:11, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.”
God will give you strategy and give you a hub, there will be a chiefs, like the PACIFIC RIM, it will end up to be in Psalm 65:11, “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness. “ He crowns this year with his goodness and the tracks of Your (chariot wheels) drop with fatness. You will be crowned or surrounded with His goodness...
They will find a new mineral, they will find a new medal...I am releasing you wealth.
Deut. 8:18, Amp “But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
I said “God, that sounds irresponsible.” He said, “What is irresponsible is what you do when I said it is not for you to do. “ He said, “make a profit...”
We prophesied a gas in largest reservoir in America. ??. You are much bigger.
Eph 3:20, Amp. “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.” God said, “Tell the people, accept no imitation and expect no limitations.”
Hab. 1:5, “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you. “
Psalm 126:5, Amp , “They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing.”
Psalm 126:2-3 Amp. “Then our mouth was filled with laughter. And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us;We are glad!”
You make the world jealous. What the Lord is telling, you are like clay on the Potter’s wheel. The prayer movement here makes you more humble, hungry so He will exalt you. Stay in that potter’s wheel. When God got that clay, it is spinning, and He put his hand on that place, and..
The whole complexion of the Body of Christ is about to be changed. SUNBURN. They turned their face unto the Lord. One thing I am excited with the Philippines is the YOUNG PEOPLE. They will become unstoppable.
Isaiah 60:1, AMP “Arise (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you – rise to a new life)! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come...”
God is making a yoke for the harvest, bow and arrow for the young people and wisdom for the old.
Am 75 years old this year...
It is 2AM in California when we get there before 2am. The boys have to set up their stuff. And I was the guest. It is like Adam’s Band. But actually it is a Scream Band. It is screaming. And they are SCREAMING. My hair went up. I was....Yah Yah Yah....as they singing-SCREAMING, I did not understand a single word. God said, “What do you think about it?” But I saw people get delivered, Kids gets healed, Kids accepted the Lord.
One time, one of the The Monsters Girl jumped on me as I got inside the elevator. They were all dressed in their monsters clothes. So she said, “Babe what are you doing here?” I replied, “Honey I don’t know.”
If you are fishers of men, don’t fish on the Word. Christianity is something that you do and not what you say. 1 Cor. 4:20, “ For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. “
God said that the greatest need in the church right now is CALIBRATION. Ephesus in Rev. 2:4-5. “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. “
I want you to say this “RESTORE ME TO MY FIRST LOVE. I repent.” I want you to be calibrated like just the first day when you met the Lord. That you want to tell everybody.
Look at the walls with complete paradigms... get the teachings, get the swords...
This is God’s word to you. He is talking to you. My sheep knows my voice. If you wanted to be promoted. Servant-hood. Look at Elisha. He simply poured drink to Elijah. Many got things in the head and not to the heart. I have not called you as servants but friends Jesus said.
Nannies. Early nannies … This is the year we talk about sonship and drive away orphan spirit and learn the spirit of adoption. You can’t be son unless you become first a servant.
Psalm 84:11, “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. “
Connors normally uses Amplified Bible. As I edited this, I used normally KJV. You can double check Amplified translation where the speakers likely pointed out some strong words on that Translation - Peps