Feast of Tabernacles
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- Published: Wednesday, 06 November 2019 02:50
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Feast of Tabernacles
By Intercessors for the Philippines
Cuneta Astrodome; Pasay City
October 13-15, 2019
Personal Notes of Augusto A. Kho
Edited: November 6, 2019 (Wednesday); 2:10 am
Feast of Tabernacles, Cuneta Astrodome; Oct. 15, 2019
Ed de Guzman
2:20 pm
Psalm 81:10, “I am the Lord thy of God which brought you our from Egypt, widen your mouth and fill it.”
Egypt “mitsrayim,” restraints, borders, a narrow place.
Exodus 4: 10-12, “And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say. “
Every one has the ability to communicate and inspire others. One should not shy away from that responsibility claiming we have impediment. All of us have impediment …If a person is a humble person and relies on to God be his mouthpiece, his power of speech will transcend to its natural limits.
This will be a decade of declaration Your mouth, your declarations will help you to receive the inheritance.
Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. ‘
Joe Sweet
3:07 pm
Power Evangelism
Right now is the harvest time. This is the year of the open mouth to declare the praises of His mouth for the signs and wonders.
In Acts 4. How God confirmed that supernaturally for me with an earthquake in Lancaster.
A paralytic person walked limping and praising God. Such boldness. God confirms it with signs and wonders. We water down the message when we are afraid.
Matthew talks about repentance and the remission of sins and it must be preached to the nations.
From darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the power of Jesus. When we are afraid of persecution then we water down the message. When we have the signs and wonders then we will no longer be afraid. It must begin with repent and the boldness and the power of God with signs and wonders.
Peter said preach in the name of Jesus.
Acts 4: 25, “Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? “
Evil governments is in the our nation, evil people is against righteousness. They are plotting and planning against the will of God. The people have gathered and against God.
Acts 4:29, “And now, Lord, behold their threatening and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word.”
We need boldness and we need power. When miracles follows then there will be boldness. In the Upper Room, the place was shaken and all filed with the spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Acts 4:31,” And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.”
God commands everywhere to repent and believe in the Good News.They have the boldness to do that.
Acts 4:33, “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. “
When they prayed that and they are praying for themselves so we can do His will, then God put grace on all the people.
Proverbs 11:25, “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. “
This is what Jesus was praying, “Father that they may be one.” He wants us to be in agreement. Why when they prayed, the place shook?
Matthew 28:2, “And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. “
When they prayed, the place shook. Why shook? Because God answered their prayers.
In 1994 do you remember that Toronto, Canada?
Psalm 103:20, “Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.”
When we speak God’s Word, the angel hears it and they fulfill what we have said.
There is testimony of this girl named Alexia, learning this order. You can be an intelligent because it is hard to study but she came for prayer and she fell on the floor. When she got up she can not opened her eyes. And she saw the angel stitching her brain while another angel is teaching the another angel. Then God opened her eyes and saw the two angels.
Neville Johnson.in 1984 witnessed miracles and healing revival. Angels are being trained in heaven to be sent on earth to do working miracles and healing with the Christians. The same things goes with Oral Roberts, A.A.Simpson, etc.
In one occasion there were 64 chairs placed in front of a meeting with 10,000 seats on that evangelistic healing crusade. If someone will sanctify himself God will assign him two angels to heal. Now is the season for the people to be burdened and that to be translated into prayer in this season.
I said to my wife, the house is shaking. That was July 4 and that place is not far from where I live in Lancaster. Then later on that day, a friend named Timothy sent me a video and I said that earthquake is a sign of God….
He said one day before the earthquake, “Here we are in Central California and we have a prayer…And I saw star and broken into 7 prayers. Then God said I am setting this to the house of prayer, and when they land the earth will shake and it will start tomorrow. “
And the next day July 4, the earth shook. On July 5, we prayed while we’re on the Youtube and when I told them that we should pray the way in Acts 4 prayed. that is what tabernacle is all about, and reaping the harvest. And after we prayed, there was another earthquake.
We are in the Season of Power Evangelism and have in agreement with His heart. What his heart is about love.
Jonah’s Theology is wrong, “God you will forgive them anyway.” But God will not forgive them without repenting. Then later he had this pity-party. He did not care for the people, he only care for himself. only when you repent that God will have mercy.
God declared to Moses, “I am the Lord, long suffering full of compassion, showing mercy – I will declare My name… by no means clearing the guilty.” But if you will not repent there is no way you will receive mercy.
What is in God’s heart?
Mark 16:18. Then revisit the Great Commission then we must believe that and do it
(Peps.. Right after an old blind woman passed by and she is being assisted by two women).
Ezekiel 22:25, “There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. “ Every level of society is corrupt.
Ezekiel 22:26-30 – The 4 P’s (Prophets, priests, princes, people) “I sought for a man who should stand up in the gap…”
God have mercy on the Philippines! He hears us….
Matthew 9: 36 -37, He showed compassion… to send out laborers….
(Peps: if the world is so wicket, what will you do? Evangelize).
You need to be refilled. You need fresh refilling all the time. Who want to be refilled by the Spirit? How it is to be refilled with the Spirit?
I want to read to you about vision:
William Booth (1800). God gave him vision to the lost and to the poor. they went to the poor, to the alcoholics and the prostitutes. He begun Salvation Army. He said, “On the recent journey, I thought of the multitude surrounds me, the people they don’t their eternal destiny- people in business, politics, in travel they are ignorant of the Gospel then I saw vision.”
“I stormy oceans, thunderstorms, cursing, drowning, then a rock rose up… the rock rose on the platform… some jumped on the waters to rescue those who are drowning…. but looking closely, the people in the platform are occupied, dressing up admired by the peers, eating and drinking, …they don’t even seem to care to those drowning…. the profess they love the Lord but they are distracted by their professions, …
The sea is the humanity. There was lightning and thunders echoing the last judgment
After this vision, he moved and preached to the alcoholics and prostitutes. We seemed to focus on others things and not to the gospel.
Jesus said “Take heed that you don’t carry the lures of life…”
Bobby Connor’s Vision
When prophet had a prophetic experience, every thing in that experience seem to be prophetic.
He said while in North Carolina, “A sudden coldsnap,” God said, “Get up and let us go on fishing.” He said that the Lord we standing on his bed. He pinched himself 2:22 a.m. from the comfort of his bed, then God moved him from comfort zone. Then I was in an ocean, flashes of lightning, troubles waters… wind causes .. lightning flashes, sound of rolling waves, I shivered.”
God said to him , “Bobby I am hungry. Fish me for dinner. Fish is get caught in dark stormy times…Bobby come closed to me and all the winds stopped and said I am still Prince of Peace.”
“Bobby you don’t understand. I am the bait. Bobby cast it upon the face of the water…” Bobby said, “I cannot throw this. This is to precious,” and I cried. Jesus said, “ Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy..”
Jesus said, “ the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, to sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sigs to the blind to set liberty those who are oppressed,” – Luke 5:18-19
God anoint us with power. What does mean? He anointed us to help people. If we cannot help or feed the poor why would God will anoint me?
Many people have been used and their hearts were broken and we should bring Good News to them. Who want fresh baptism of the Sprit?
Luke 11:5-7, “And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. “
Ask and it shall be given, seek and find, knock and it shall be opened.
(Peps: Why would you bother another for your own very friend?)
It was midnight, it is on the darkest hour – they looked for a bread – it is midnight – Who will give them?
(Peps: Knock, have you every knock on the door (of J____) for help? Have we met that Monday evening as scheduled, could he still alive to this very day?)
Becoming God’s Temple
Wyden King
Gen. 1:26, “Let us make man according to our image.”
God would like to have a divine union with man. So we jumped to the last book in Rev.21:3, “I heard a loud voice from heaven, The tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people. god himself will be with them and be their God.”
The Feast of Tabernacles is telling God is dwelling with us. Immanuel, God is with us.
Job description of Adam
Replicate. to have more Adam. “Fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion.” Genesis 2:15, “to tend and keep it,” referring to the Garden. Adam was the garden of God. Adam is naked but the glory of God covered Adam.
Adam is to protect the holiness of His garden. Because we are God’s dwelling place. God never wanted a human ruler, a human government, because earth is supposedly filled with Adams, the world is supposedly filled with Edens.
Jesus was the temple where the Father is the temple. Jesus fully and faithfully represented the Father. John 1:18 , “No man has ever seen God at any time, the only unique Son of the only begotten God who is the bosom in the intimate presence of the Father.”
Jesus said, “Those who have seen me have seen the father.” Jesus fully represented the Father. Word and Words are the Father’s and Jesus is the vessel.
Here it speaks of union and intimacy and in John 5:19. “But what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the son also does in like manner.”
John 14:10-11, “I am in the Father and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own authority but the Father who dwells in me does the works.”
John 2:19, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”
There is a paradigm shift that the body of Christ is now in the Body of Christ.
1 Cor. 6:19, “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? “
John 15:4, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” God is abiding in us. Not visitation but habitation. God deposited His kingdom and all we need to do
Luke 17;21, “The kingdom of God is within you.” 2 Peter 1:2 “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.”
Many of us made us more a thinking-being and doing-man. “You’re heart is imprisoned in fear in the very moment you were conceived.” I was born in between two siblings and my father that time had another woman. It is a wounded heart, in fact that is why he said “to heal the broken-hearted.” He wanted to heal our hearts.
My father was enraged and scolded me. I did pee on my short pants. I did not do better. My brother was traumatized with fear and on his authority and my heart tsssk. My father had a strong personality, manipulative like what you call Jezebelian . My father would just be verbally abused us – me and my brother. I would justify that dad loves me but the more I am become more performance-oriented. I became Ahab and I will always submit to his authority. I didn’t know that time, that verbal abuse is very humiliating be in the office and be in the family. It destroyed my self-worth and I didn’t realized that I have lost my self-respect. If we lost our self-respect, we lose everything – we can prostitute ourselves or kill others. Fast forward, three years ago I lost P1.5-Billion because I was controlled by my managers because it is rooted from the control of my dad. After this prayer ministry, learning abuses so I set boundaries. I need to learn what love is, to speak truth in love, not distrust, butt to peak truth I love to establish boundaries to the people who would like to control me and abuse me. And I realize that many of us – know the Ahab and Jezebel spirit so well. Ahab is submissive like many husbands at home to a matriarchal wife. He is obligated of being manipulated. Ahab justifies the existence of Jezebel in his life because it benefit him one way or another. There is the benefit of Ahab allowed Jezebel to control him. Why because she can takes the lot of Naboth for him. It gives me understanding about relations and love.The Lord does not control us or railroad us or manipulate us.
A Babylonian spirit must be Ahab-Jezebel relationship. It is also true in the business. But the economy is not that way. the economy of the Lord is about respect and love. Because Ahab is mostly wounded and abused, they can just follow without offending the Jezebel. The Lord is a community where relationship is honoring, loving, respectful and edifying each other. The 1st century the believers laid their possessions on the feet of the apostles. How could they do that? Money is not their security but their love to one another is their security.
if you want to be God’s tabernacle, then you must have the purity of heart. The more you are sanctified, let this Feast reminds us how we are being built us as a temple. the sanctity of the temple testify the living water of life. What he heard from the father He did. It is the father who is doing the work. Let us invite and study and knock on the door, knock and we will be invited in.
God is abiding us. Are we healing our pain otherwise were are into addiction. I am pushing my anger inside of us and later it will surface. How I comfort myself? Pornography.
Bruce Allen
7:05 pm
Eye has the capacity to see the realm of the Spirit. How they see in the Spirit?
80 is “kay” capacity to speak, to increase your ability to speak in authority and it shall come to pass what you speak forth.
1Sam. So Saul sent messengers to take David. David is the forerunner of Jesus, the type of Christ, the covenantal promise. “And when they say the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as head over them. Then the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul and they also prophesied - `1` Samuel 19:20
They could not help but to bless the messenger of God. This is the season who will come against God anointed cannot do something but they will speak the blessing of God. Nothing like this unlike what had happened to David. The world hates you but God is with you.
It is projected this year, the harvest, will be only 20% of what normally was. It is a famine. food crises go up. Shortage will be on the earth. This is the year of the mouth.
We will speak the reality of the kingdom. Time to put into practice what the Bible teaches us. Learn to cook something just for one then pray for it for everybody and pray for it.
Fresh prophetic anointing, a voice, with new clarity and accuracy. We are here for the purpose of God and not to be entertained. We need demarcation of God.
JEREMIAH 1:11 talks on “almond tree” Habakkuk 2:2 “I Stand on the watch and see what the Lord will do”
The decade of seeing and releasing. Now we can prophesy what we are seeing. Seeing proceeds speaking. Only speak what is spoken through. Quick to listen. There will be time that your opinion is valued. God is not a man He is God. Those who come with tickling ears. I read one magazine “One day I will come with lying spirit unto my people.” That can be found in Ezekiel. I said Lord you do not lie.” God said, “God will put a lying spirit to his people.”
We should stop chasing a man and start pursuing God. He wanted to calls you. he wanted to equips you.
Jeremiah 23:21-22 /ASV, “I sent not these prophets, yet they ran: I spake not unto them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, then had they caused my people to hear my words, and had turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. Am I a God at hand, saith Jehovah, and not a God afar off? “
The prophetic will start from the children… Parents I want to encourage you. Stir the gift to your children. Stir up the gift of God that God has given you for decades. Prophetic declaration by the Spirit of God, not the wisdom of men. That is maturity. What are you saying and what should we do Then you will see the fruit. Many of this generation cannot see clearly… they became leaders of the blind.
I am talking in the church. Luke 19:41-44, “As He draw near, and saw the city and wept … you did not know the time of your visitation..”
The “kay” means the capacity to speak
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth, it shall not return to me empty, but shall accomplish that which I please and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent.”
Our responsibility is to speak God’s word and don’t wait for somebody to speak it for us. The harvest is overtaking this hour. You can release a seed and speak it forth, before you have the opportunity to speak it forth then there will be a harvest tonight.
Moses begun his ministry at 80 and he led a nation back to God. This season we are entering in is we are entering the decade of the 80’s. Speak it forth. Speak it forth. Too much opportunity, just this city alone, never mind the provinces that you came from.
Caleb was 85 and said n Joshua 14:10-12, “And now I am 85….” Every Plan B just in case it doesn’t work. Don’t do that. You don’t trust God. Either you’re in or you’re out. it is time to become a militant church in this respect. If God says it, then THAT’S IT. We are not influenced by the world, we are world-changers, we are demon-destroyers!
Before coming this decade of what is about to pass, … Do you think we need to say, “I command you in the name of Jesus!” Before we speak, we should know first our authority. This is not religious authority. I said, “Be still and come out now.” Then the pastors fell.
I will give you scriptures and speak them with faith. Bob Jones told us testimonies how he met Sadhu Selvaraj, that he should have gone a long time ago, but he hangs around.
1 Cor. 15:51-57, 58
IF we don’t have such victory now, why John wrote: 1 John 3:2-3, “Beloved we are God’ s children now and what we will be has not yet appeared, but we know that when he appear we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is.”
There will be transformation process that is taking place each day. If we hear the word we should respond immediately. We don’t have time argue and stop making excuses. If we think we heard Him and you did it and Hallelujah you have learned.
Jump in, he like that kind of zeal and he likes that kind of faith. How much how long we live and whatever our mental protocol, no matter how we respond or reach it does not matter.
2 Cor. 10:3-5, “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not fighting according to our flesh For the weapons of our warfare are not of thee flesh… We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge f God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
When Christ said, “It is finished!” Then Jesus had paid your total redemption. Portal be opened!
you have the authority. What you speak is what it becomes. Death is part of the curse, part of the consequences but we have been delivered by Christ on the cross (Romans 8:2-6).
Resurrection is a lifestyle. Resurrection apply to everyday living on how we are changed from mortality to immortality (1 Corinthians 15:20-24). :Paul said, “ I died daily.” Bu he also experienced resurrection daily. “The life that I now live,” (Galatians 2:20).
I saw men and women of God and children and their mortal bodies became immortals. And I have seen the body of Christ for years. My lack of my ability … take the Word. we have examples of it, I believe and confessing I am one among those.
Translated from Greek “perousia.” Root :parohime, to be present. every one of us experience death every now and then.
I am opted thought of Jacob, the dark soul of him… When he came on that place and wrestled with God, God broke him. Brokenness comes before blessing. It comes before transformation. Now it is ok now that I am broken? What is your name, what is your character? The angel has asked Jacob. he replied, “I am the heel stealer,” And he angel said, “God is calling you.”
A transformation has taken place. Whatever he invested in you in that process of brokenness is that you can help others. What is necessary is necessary.
Thank you Jesus.
Sometimes we have a death of hope, death of relationship…. The concept of rising from the dead. Death is the permanent solution and they have committed suicide. I’ve been through that. I have been experiencing that for the past 15 years, the whole family of mine will turn against me. they will come together and they would not invited me. But every day I did, every day I die… What funny is, those who walked my Christian walk, my siblings would come to me and asked prayer or asked counsels….
Paul says, “Not that I have attained….the more you walked in that process, the more he will walked in that intimacy with you.”
They were in prison after they were beaten with clubs. Then there was earthquake and they were set free. Rejoice! There will be need for martyrs.
Matthew 5:10-12, “Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets that were before you. “
What the Father wants to do in this hour is to heal you. “be unto me according to your word (rhema) Lord.”
16 OCT / WED
Bruce Allen
Phil. 2;5-11
We are in the season that God will manifest in his glory. The picture begun in the garden. It started in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, in our lightness”.
You are the image of light. You are created for glory. You are just like Him for HE IS The glory. “Let us have dominion over every fowl on the earth, every creeping thing on the earth. He created him male and female. replenish the earth. “
Why does he has to tell us TWICE. Why he needs to tell that time, and time and time and time again. Because we refused to listen. Church you have authority. He said over all the earth. When the last time you had an earthquake? Why did you allow it? There is no earthquake unless God agreed. When the last time you allowed a typhoon to destroy a part of the Philippines? I am the one provoking and challenging you. When did you allow volcanic eruption?
57 AD in that decade, you had authority. and you can cause darkness to be cast down. You can change the course of this nation. Jesus turned the world upside down with 11 disciples. “ All authority has given to me in heaven and on the earth. “You are his Body and you have that authority. and you are seated with him. and you have that glory.
In the beginning of that is that in garden. The Elohim. let them have dominion. the word radah means “to rule, to subjugate.” That is the authority that you have. God has given Adam millions of reptiles and others with their character and nature because he had he mind and wisdom of God. Don’t he said that “you have the mind of God?” You have the mind of Christ. Therefore you can never say again “I don’t know how?” Because you have wisdom and you have the mind of God. we had to agree with the word. amen or no? That is the tiny spark on the picture.
Genesis 2:18, “it is not good that man to be alone.” God gave a manager. God said he will not make him a helpmeet. In Hebrew it says, “ I will give him that will parallel him, that will surrounds me.” So Adam was placed in the deep sleep, in ecstasy, in ecstatic state, closed his eyes and created Eve. and that Make Adam complete. One cannot be one without the others.
Jesus talked about the 10 virgins. There are lamps and that they will move for the union. They waited for his return, but they are busy. 5 are wise and 5 are foolish. Others slumbered and slept and got tired. Every one of that time. that midnight. we are in the midnight. then behold the bridegroom came and the foolish said to the wise “give us oil.” They said “No!”.” We might not have enough” they said. While they buying, the bridegroom came and they knocked. Open the door and the Lord said, “No I do not know you.”
Wise in Greek “phronimos” means “to curve, to discipline one’s mind and feeling, cautious and practical.” The word “Foolish, “from Greek “moron” means “tactless, without wisdom, empty and useless.”
One who neglects.
They have their lamps lit. the Lamp is a picture of passion. it talks about passion in pursuit of relationship. Psalm 115:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. “
The oil is about anointing. And it comes as you learn to spend all of your life with him daily. Paul said, “I prayed more than you all. I prayed without ceasing. I sleep sometimes, even outside the church.”
I speak in tongues he said. I prayed in the spirit all the time. He had ample supply of oil. The wise had the probability that the groom might not be coming and there should be delay.
Third, the oil cost them dearly. it cost them of their reputation, their occupation, friends and resources. It does not matter what it cost them and having the groom means everything.
oftentimes, when I spend those times with those who are not passionate with God, then they will be the ones who makes ice cubes for me. If I will not influence them then they will be influencing me. My heart is more of God. Many times, the Lord said, “Don’t go there. Don’t be with them.” and they will start gossiping about you.
Your passion for God gonna cost you.
Fourth, “Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps,” (Matthew 25:7). The bridegroom comes and they gonna meet Him and trimmed their lamps/ The word “trimmed” in Greek “kosmeo” means “to put in proper order, to adorn, to garnish, cosmetics, make ready, prepare.” Cosmetics are already there
Someone must be that desirable. The problem is not how they started but they were sidetracked and how and where He will return to them. He went to Church but they did not become the church. They all started with oil displaying passionate love for bridegroom. the problem was, they stopped there. Baptism f the Spirit is the gateway to intimacy.
Ephesians said, “understanding the will of the Lord is. be filled with the holy spirit. making melody with the Lord”
Ephesians 5 “speaking” in English “articulate.” We use the words to articulate. If you speaks in tongues and with the language of angels then you are articulate. There is purpose, it speaks of mysteries, it activates, it releases. it is powerful. It will help you every day because you don’t know how you should pray.
Ephesians 5:17, “Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. “
When we passed in Seattle in early 1900’s, then that was when the Spirit begun to move I will stay there, sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes one hour because we found the place the Spirit is moving with us. I would rather have that place than the sermon. That is walking in the glory. we must learn to be more sensitive in what the Lord wants to do.
We cannot be entangled again with the affairs of life. the bridegroom delays for his coming. that comes in the form of what we do not know. It takes crashing. the oil speaks of crashing of process. Colossians to fill what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions. In this world you have tribulation …to walk in glory you need crashing in your life.
The more you are crashed the more you are conform. It is a momentary affliction. Father open their eyes.
as God deposit a seed in your spirit man what they are expecting bis because they are coming with expectations
You are being changed tonight because there is an impartation.
70 AD speak it, and release it.
In Acts 8:5-24, Philip, Simon, a deceiver. He believes in baptism but the transformation of his character has not yet taken place. He thought he can buy the Holy Spirit. He did not recognize and realize tlipsis. “
There is an angel here of healing and he just moving among the people. I am here to prophesy to you tonight. I am just waiting for God. Crashing will come and it will come frequently. There will be an understanding and rebirth of this. you shall be in glory in tribulation.
This crashing will allow me to look up on Him. There is a whirlwind coming among my people in his hour, the wind, the hurricane force that I am releasing to blow away the chaff and release you form the shackles, and burden from your own free will. In this last hour, I am releasing this wind of my spirit and to release you. you will no longer be a people and I will be lifting you up and you shall feel what is about to be the head and not the tail. Aa I am releasing it to and I expect you to release what I gave you. This movement will come to your life, to your community and to your nation. I am releasing this wind at times like a natural wind but I am releasing the wind. First the natural then comes the supernatural. It breaks shackles and chains and burdens to prepare you. Position your heart and look up and stop looking down.
The one who keeps on eye on me will have the victory and those who looks on earth, … Even tonight there will be a wind release assign to you. this wind is the wind of my Spirit, prepare your heart….
I see the Spirit microburst to the body of Christ.
The Lord is saying those who overcome will become a pillar. and write him a new name….
a new name. I am sensing this strongly tonight and the Lord wants you to become an overcomer and he wants you to be a pillar in the temple of God.
You are radiated with the glory. you are saturated with glory. He is riding upon you. You are being sealed tonight by the spirit of God. This is my People. Are you prepared? are you ready? Are you willing?
Let it be a release father, let there be release father, let there be a release father. There will be a release Father.
No longer that I will be delay. for the hour is come. I will no longer that I will hold back that what I have spoken will suddenly come to my people. you are a chosen people, a peculiar people, in this hour Ii will release you to walk in maturity that you may walk according to the promise.
It is interesting that this comes in the end of the feast of trumpet. We are told to remember for this Passover and for this season to come on this year. not many people pay attention to this feast. Because of that the blessing of God is upon your life. I say this with sincerity in my heart.
3 feasts that belong to God told me three years ago. When God told us of this … I was asked earlier on the covering expenses. I don’t like doing this. When Reshma kept doing this it exploded in my life. I must be careful… The Lord blessed us that Reshma and I could not do it – new home, new vehicle, and everything we need. we know it came from adherence to the word of God. we know that this season is the season of hundred -fold. Close your eyes and ask the Lord for this season of first-fruit offering, for the supernatural provision of the Lord for the need of this conference. Lord I know you gives seed to the sower. God bless them right now. Ask the Lord what you should give.
Father I ask you what should I give. I thank you Father. Every need is met. every bill is met. every household will be blessed. If they cannot give, give seed to the sower. Thank you father. cast our bread upon the waters tonight.
I don’t know how you gonna do this….
One thing that I did not share it that we are going to the 2020 with tremendous vision and with tremendous clarity. Let them see with clarity.
You will become a sign of wonder. Even now you will touch his frame and touch his skeletal system. Increase…. increase in stature, both in favor of God and man.
The offering ago is P1.1 Million - Kuya Dan Balais We are short of 180,000.00
Tomorrow is Command Conference with over 370 in Tagaytay….