RAISING UP GOD’S END TIME ARMY (CLSF North American Convention) - Day 2
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- Published: Monday, 01 July 2019 04:36
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First CLSF-North American Convention and Prophetic Conference
Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario St, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5L3
Phone: (905) 688-2324
June 28-30, 2019
29 JUNE 2019 (SAT)
Personal Notes of Augusto A. Kho
Daniel Balais
9:45 am
Read: Psalm 33
You brought your prophet to speaks to visit to this nation. We commit this day unto you and set our hearts and mind to you and be opened to you even as Paul prayed to open our hearts, our hope to our calling, every power and principality of the earth to put everything under His feet, you are head of your body, we assembled ourselves as ekklesia. Upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell should be…. we put every province of this nation unto you, we commit to you every day, there is a specific platform …. waiting for the what we about to be declaring…
Bruce Allen
9:46 am
Good morning. How many of us are not from Canada? As you put your hearts to another nation to put your prayer and intercession, God will out your heart to the nation.
In the book of Proverbs 17:15/ KJV….”He that justified the wicked and condemns to the just are both abomination to the Lord.”
He that is in the church and makes evil as good is an abomination to God. We are abomination to God and embraced the doctrine of demons. We compromise what it is basic that defiles the logic that convenes in the church. Even those who are perpetrated even the ministers. You cannot work with somebody without knowing their hearts. Therefore, how many of us who are perpetrated these doctrines of demons?
We have been deceived by the fact because we used the name of the acronym of Christian. To be Christians means to be Christlike or to be little Christ.
Sixty six (66) % of Christians in Canada are professing Christians. One is happening in Canada with 66% professing as Christians is something is wrong in Canada. What does is means with Christians and how to reflects its nature.
What is the basic understanding that we Canadian should know?
You are kind of stoic. I asked thee Lord if I could talk on translation by faith? You should have no foundation on that yet.
“But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become the sons of God, to those who believe in his name” – John 1:12.
You have the process of transformation. You should be a sower. You don’t sow, you lead people into the experience of regeneration. From that point, you have to sow on your own salvation with fear and trembling. It is a transformation of your soul. Your imagination should reflect the character of God. This is the battleground. we are struggling in our thought-lines. That is where the battle has always been. The devil must be good. The circumstances must be good but you have to choose every day. It is not on the pastor’s hand. You will be the one responsible and that is the basic foundation and truth.
You will be judged according to what you have done. No excuse will work. We have a responsibility for our own spiritual growth apart from the gathering together. If we cannot understand that then we are on a shaky foundation. You take spiritual food every day. You have to feed me otherwise I will be shut down. When you are a child, your parent provides that food. Time will come you have to feed yourselves. And stop relying on someone else to feed you.
It is our privilege, our right to become children of come – to those who believe in His name. What it is to believe in the name of the Lord. We made a formula. we gather in Jesus Name. Why there a devil, why there is gossip and anger yet we gather in His Name That is religious playing we do. We are a religious hypocrite.
There are four major covenants in the Scripture: If you have a gracious parent and leave you a gracious estate but if you don’t know it, you will live in poverty. We have covenants with God far beyond that we can imagine. We should know the covenants should we walk in fulness with Him.
We have the last will and testament and in one point we change that. We establish a covenant and on the position the covenant grows and expands…
2 Peter 3:8, “Don't forget this fact, dear friends: With the Lord a single day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a single day. “
How long are they (Adam and Eve) in the garden?
15,000 years walking with God face to face until the serpent slowly plant seeds of doubt, and seeds of rebellion. It didn’t happen in the moment. There is a slow wearing down of our relationship that we walk in, and sow that seed that we engage in.
When you close your eyes and imagine what you looked at that very day, you are still seeing and you will see the things that are contrary to God. If you meditate on those, you will be on trouble. It is the little foxes that spoils the vine. God will strike you with a gnat.
Cast it down. Cast it down. You don’t look things on the natural but in the Spirit.
The covenant. I will make seed as many as the sands on the shore as many as the stars in heavens. He made the covenant right before his eyes. He have his eyes on the process. Often, we looks on the circumstances but not according to the promise. We look often at defeat not on the victory. Consider not the circumstance but consider the word. Connection releases activation.
Adam and Eve caused treason. They were hiding and the God said “Where are you?”
Here what God did. God slew an animal and took the blood. There was shedding of blood to cover the sin. There is defilement when there is nakedness. That sin is the uncovered. That first covenant God was active. God initiates the covenant. God presents it to the people. Jesus did not desire that anyone should perish so He offered his blood.
In Acts, He said to them to tarry in Jerusalem. How may had encounter with God face to face. There was a lady in Paris whose mother in Indonesia. Jesus appeared to this girl saying, “I AM the way, the truth and the life.” Can He appears to you with your eyes wide open? Jesus told Jesus, “Blessed is he who believes though he do not see.”
God is in the blood covenant. n Hebrew tradition, everyone must wear fine linen, or a linen garment and it speaks of holiness. Even if you are friend of the bridegroom, they would ask you , “What is this man doing here without a wedding garment? Throw him out…”
The four covenants God initiated when He killed the animal to clothe Adam and Eve:
1) The Blood Covenant - servanthood
2) The Salt Covenant - friendship
3) The Sandal Covenant - sonship
4) The Bridal Covenant
Each higher covenant level gives greater access to God, but each level operates on top of the lower level(s) and it does not replace them.
Four layers
The blood covenant.
It is the first step to be a bride of Christ. You are not yet Bride of Christ. It is a process. The righteous act of the saint that can make one wear that garment. The garment should take place to form four layers. Revelation 19:7-8, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. “
You have to take that blood every day. They teach this in the Bible School that you are saved by faith and you can do whatever you want and you can fornicate. Then they will release you as pastors. Have you seen a couple or friend, they had fight? It is just like the blood of Jesus… Describe angels, they are writing down whatever you think, whatever you speak or do. I see beside people with … You have an access to the supernatural, you have the volumes. Father forgive me for I have sinned, washed me by your blood.
We have the blood covenant. When you are in the kingdom of God then you are a servant. You must hear the master said. Like in the soldier in the army waiting for the orders. Then they wait for what is next order. The foundation of kingdom-life is servanthood.
‘I have been in many places, that pastors runs the organization and be treated like demi-god, scratch my back, polish my shoes….
I had a great example with that with my dad. He serves with everybody. He serves coffee.
This man works with CIA in Vietnam. He had clothes with four layers. He lived in this truck. He had been in many churches and took a shower once a year. This would say to him, “You cannot come here.” God will meet him and hugged him and take his coat off. It is funny watching him. It is funny to see people in the church come and go. My father, would say, “We are blessed having brother Bob with us.” And the church would say OK. And he would come back. and he would come back. Then Bob kept changing. If he sees someone whose car broke down, he would stop and help. He begun to blossomed and grown. Comes Christmas time, a family would take him in. He had a brand overall, started showering and changed his life.
This blood covenant must be renewed each day.
The salt covenant.
The covenant of friendship. You become a friend of God. When two individuals work with this covenant. The more salt you have, the richer you are. Then he broke a bread and dip it on a salt. It is a friendship -covenant. Jesus serves you and makes intercession for you. “The works I do, you will do,” Jesus said. The vast majority in the church is not in the Philippines, must be in the prayer meeting. How many had this friendship with God. He is fond to hang with. When you are in kool, He gets your life in exciting. He is has a good sense of humor. He initiates.
The sandal or sonship covenant.
Sandals speaks of sonship. In Leviticus, they mark the boundaries of their inheritance with their sandals. Graphic example is in Exodus, Moses in the burning bush. Before he got there, Moses take off the sandals from his feet, for God said it is a holy ground. He had this dialogue with God and with this inheritance, from Egypt to his people. That is your sandals, that is your covenant, your inheritance is not blink. It is whole it is not blink. Only God can do it. If you enter to this heritage, then you have to reach this maturity or otherwise you can do nothing. Jesus said, I can do nothing with the Father doing it.” John 5:19. If God is communicating, write them down because pictures paints a thousand words. To Jeremiah, God said, “What do you see?’
Sonship Covenant.
“Unto us a child was born, a son is given,” (Isaiah 9:6)
It takes 30 years for a child to become a son. In Hebraic culture, a male child is born to you, that son gives instruction, then the father recognizes the level of maturity and the son can takes the full authority of the house. When such maturity comes, then he can transact religiously, financially…. the son then had the right to transact business of the house.
God said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.” We had this conception when we finished bible school, we are already the head. God is looking more than with the head knowledge. What is lacking in the church is this covenant – the maturity as sons.
Bride Covenant. This is the place of revelation when God reveals the things of his hearts to his spouse. You know him better than anybody else – you know what he loves to eat. In my family, you can do everything you do except, “Don’t touch my wife.” That is the level that Christ has to the Church as his bride. He who touches his wife touches the apple of his eyes.
These are the four layers of covenant is still a servant, a friend, a mature son and a bride.
John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”
I was in Oklahoma University, in the museum, they had this American tribe – this display shocks me, they preaching to this Cherokees, they are afraid to this white man… The purple lady told them, “For over 30 years, they dressed from head to toe, with this purple dress…” It is happening today by the way. Looking for volunteers in the day of His power. Psalm 110:3/ NKJV, “Our people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth.”
Ten years I have studied, it is life -altering, mind-boggling, I could not learn this scope. This is about “name,” means “character power and authority.”
Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it ...”
The character of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous are conform to it and they are safe.
Every covenant in Scriptures points out to maturity otherwise you cannot be on the character on the process. That is the death of the flesh. When you got the revelation, you change.
Psalm 61:3, “For you have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. “
Jesus said, “We will cross the lake.” Then he slept. His professional sailors panicked. “What are you doing?” they said. Who cares on the circumstances? Go back to sleep? That is that difference between character and head knowledge. They did not understand and they had that fear.
God is calling you deeper today. You have to embrace what the word says, and do not think intellectually but you must submit yourselves to God.
Psalm 61:5, “For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name. “
What is then the inheritance to become like Him?
When we have this live shows, we have this amazing people. Dr. Richard, he died then he came back to life. The character of Christ is in him. He moves in miracles, with signs and wonders. Then he came to the set, and made a joke that made us blush, “How can this be?” I remember this man with Ph. D. and they said, “How they would go?” After the show, “I would work so hard with just for free?” They exercise their gifts yet seek man’s approval. You can have gifts yet without character sustaining you.
You cannot look on your gifting and you can not take that in heaven. It is only the Christlikeness that gets you to heaven.
I was told in Bible College, for I got into bible college at age 22. You know what, he had this friend, with this headache so I prayed for him and it is gone. I said, “Wow! It is gone.” Then these students would come to me and I would pray for me. Then comes this Chaplain saying, ”You don’t have the authority to do that?”
If you have not gone to bible college, then you don’t have the authority to share the word? Have Did you received such memo?
Stay in the word. Quickly follow the Lord.
Genesis 17:5, “No longer that your name called Abram but your name (character) will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.”
God has to change your character. Abram, exalted father while Abraham is the father of many nations.”
As for Sarai, it would be Sarah, Sarai is princes, Sarah is the princes of multitudes. God changes your name or character. You must have this process of character -development.
Genesis 32 on Jacob
Jacob means supplanter, the deceiver. that is his character. It is interesting how he received his birthright from his father. And how went to Laban and he too was also deceived.
How goes going with Christ and changing your character? He wrestled with God day and night. You must empty yourself to God… You are fighting with God. He is wrestling with the angel. He said no, “You have to bless me…” That is your purpose… Now you have to depend on me. He said, “I want the double-portion.” You are no longer supplanter, your name is friend of God.
All through out the Scriptures, there is always change of character. You cannot be that wild or perverse, it won’t work that way.
Elijah generation, he prophesied “No rain not until I say it.” God sent ravens to feed him. Do not touch what is unclean. God will be feed you with bread… He has to be obedient today and be different. What you can say today can affect what will happen tomorrow.
Listen to me, one meal in obedience to God changed her future. (1 Kings 17;11-12). Her son is being raised from the dead. Do what he says. Live what he says (1 Kings 17:17-24).
Bless the food and start multiplying the food.
Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 15:24)
God brought them to Mount Carmel to see God’s glory. The place of God’s glory is the place of confrontation of sins. This glory? A judgment. A shekinah’s glory. Ffor 40 years, imagine that. that is human flesh too much familiar without reverence. That is shekinah… To the Hebrew, it is a covenant. to the enemies of God like Egypt,.
God said, “Do not touch my people.” From Mt. Carmel, he prophesied about the issue of double-mindedness. Elijah said, “How long halt ye between two opinions?” (1 Kings 18;21).
Revival came. Then he run to Mt. Horeb. Why? Because of Jezebel. When he saw that. he saw that his head will be removed, he looked upon his circumstances, he run.” I had enough,” God said to him, “eat it” and he ate him and gave him strength for 40 days.
He is a prophet of miracles with wind and fire. Then he heard this “ small tiny voice of God.”He found this intimacy. Why did he flee? He said, “I am the only one left?” God said, “I reserved 700 other prophets.” Bur Elijah did not listen.
Exodus 6:3, “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them..”
They are around 300 characters of God. And in Christ you are in Him. And you have this covenant with your right relationship with God just like in the Garden of Eden where you have to stand face to face with God.
We focus on natural realms that many does not believe on spiritual realm.
Why in the garden they are two angels with flaming swords? Why when Christ died, the curtain split apart? For relationship. We rely so much on pastors to feed us rather than relying from God to feed us.
Pastors can only give you a part. It is your responsibility. “Nobody loves me”. If you recognized the love of God, then you have all the love this world offers. That is the place of rest. God loves me. He loves you. He created your personality. He already accepts you.
“Painful are the wounds of friend,” the Bible says. He is your friend. If you cannot figure him out then he is not God. Stop building the box for God. God is spontaneous. He can surprise you every day.
In the Bridal Ceremony, the bride will wear this coin, the coin talks about the covenant and treasure, a communion. she will have this coin… if ever she lost the coin, it speaks of the husband, then she wont like it anymore. It is more precious to her, cleaning the house, looking for the coin, if she finds it then he rejoices
(PEPS: Wow! Just before Allen spoke the coin, I just found a coin on the carpet 2 minutes earlier. A circumstantial evidence).
This man had the anointing of God and the destiny of God. He begun to sell anything he had and manipulates the money, manipulates the church until he became emptied. He got so desperate, until he joined the world, he moved from reality of relationship, till he fed the swine. feeding the swine…It was a terrible want. His brokenness went back to righteousness. He said, …”
So he run and grabbed him. The son said, “Father., I’ve sinned…” The father said, “put sandals on his feet.” He is ready for the gospel. It was the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life…. Give me, Give me, Give me…..
In Rosh Hashana, in Belfast, Ireland in a Pentecostal Church, while we are worshipping, I saw this angel with a longer horn, He said it is Rosh Hashana…. as we are worshipping God and I don’t know long that would be - a thousand yearsor a second. I finally stand and briefly noticed with this word knowledge. There were 400 others there. with this father sat on the throne with this scepter saying, “Half of my kingdom,” And I would say, “I would like to be with Jesus.” He did again. Half of the kingdom.. And we responded, “We wanted to be like Jesus.” And on the third time, He said, “Half of my kingdom…”.
I have a list of questions that we are praying about. and I now the voice of the flesh. My spirit-man took all the question, flesh of the flesh.. And I saw a signet ring flaming in my finger. It is a ring covenant. I am inviting my people to the covenant of sonship. It is not about me. it is about us. It is about character.
Where is the giftings you gift, Whatever you have, let it be purified. Not according to the lust. Jesus is a healer, he healed because it is a character….
“For this purpose I have raise you up,” - Exodus 9:16
Exodus 33:19, “And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. “
Failure to do so profane the name of God. God commands them to show the evidence.
Leaders in particular cannot go away from what you want to go away. It is honor, it is character.
Psalm 32:2, “Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. “
His Word is what He has given us to know His character. I have 108 bibles with different bible translation. I have different study bibles. I love the Bible, I love God. If this is life to me then it must be life to you. You cannot impart something that you don’t have.
He is little and he was transformed. Paul is little. He knew Torah, one encounter with Go, face to face, he became little.
When King Uzziah died, Isaiah said, “I saw the Lord.” .
What mark this generation that is different to other generation? God is visiting millions and millions of people face to face. The secret – humility and encounter?
(PEPS : I remember what this Saudi policeman who detained me said to me, “Because you are a man of God.”
You see their maturity, this stillness, the fruit of this character. Many have been quiet and yet with this character. So, with speak, slow to speak, slow to anger, slow to answer.
Don’t just believe on an opinion, It can have 700 ways, that is why social-media is dangerous. Kids are committing suicide because of such garbage. We speak life not death, we speak victory not bitterness.
“Our father in heaven. Hollowed by thy name (Character).. “
Matthew 7:22 – “Have we not prophesied in your name. (character)?.”
One day, this prophet in a meeting said to this woman, “You had abortion, repent otherwise…:” And this man ruined the life of the woman. If it not because you heard you can simply say it without character.
Matthew 7:23, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. “
I got saved when I was 14 years old.
“You got a word for me?” Then you are in danger in prophe not prophesying.
(PEPS: I remember a Singaporean lady asking, “Pastor do you have word for me.”)
If you received a word, then you will receive a character-development. Remember Joseph with rainbow colored jacket… The Asian countries would like prophetic. They can have it for days.
He who receives a prophet, with the authority and name of a prophet shall receive a prophet reward.
in everything we do, we have a character -price, with servant-heart and love. When you give that way, you will reap such kind, what you sow you reap, you want healing, be healed.
Matthew 18:20” For when there are two or three that gathers in my name (Character) I am in the midst of them.” It is the character of Christ…..
(PEPS: God said, “Solomon, I called a man of peace . David I called a man of war. You are a man of war.”
I am not saying, praying in the name of Jesus but I am saying you about the principles. We are doing conference in Maryland, “Is there any pain in your body.” This military man said, “I had this pain for 3 years and I had already steroid-treatment …” I said, “When do you know the pain will go.” He said, “Tomorrow I will wake up and no more pain.” I said, I agree with you. Then he never came back. When you come in the character of Christ, then you can minister in His name.
Remember Peter was warned, “Do not mentioned again in his name?”
If you want to transform Canada, then you must have a Christ-like character, giftings cannot do it, seminary cannot do it, it is only the development of Christ-like character. Why do you think the world is in chaos? Because they take out the character of Christ.
Otherwise, Jesus would say, “Depart from me and I never knew you?”
Joshua took over Moses after 40 years of backbiting and murmuring. They had a war. Joshua said, “Before you do you must have a circumcision, a consecration.”
Strategy is to keep their mouth shut and just go around Jericho for the next 7 days. on the 7th day, you got only one thing to do, “Shout of Victory..”
In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow – Everything you face will vow…
You see the demoniac came to Jesus and said, “What I have go to do with Son of God”
This is your portion…. The character the Lord….
John 121:28, “Father glorify your name, then a voice came from heaven saying, “I have both glorified it and I will glorify it again,”
He knows you have needs.
Years ago, I learned that level of relationship and he taught me about that ”favor.”
So I put this word “favor” in the bathroom, in the door, and every where. Then God gave me a home, a motorbike, a car, a cell phone, an airplane. Then He gave me an increase, RESHMA. Then a house, then a suitcase. God is good. This is your inheritance. Take that sonship. Let us stand up….
One visitation changes character. Character of Christ that they will receive their inheritance on the earth. Lord we give up our desires, what do you want us to give up Lord? Make us, make us, make us a servant Lord,
I see an angel in this room, just anointing you and sealing you.. With your hearts, God is seeing your hearts. Thank you for that father….thank for the backslidden that came home. thank you for the conviction, thank you for the fear of God, thank you for the victory….
Daniel Balais
Stay with the presence of the Lord. The Lord is here. The Lord gathered us… Find a tabernacle for Himself. Lord we respond to your word. Each and everyone of us Lord you brought us the maturity and character, the Christlikeness, bringing us from the infancy, the tradition of the church, the works of the flesh, the dead works that brought our nation to such terrible state, that you sent the prince angel of Canada to this gathering and you are looking for tabernacle for yourself that you can rebuild your name and character.
We repent for our fleshly infantile attitudes concerning your kingdom, concerning you. Mark this day that each and everyone of us will become empty ourselves, transparently empty, so that you can fill us with your presence so that we can look at your face and behold you with the beatify of holiness. today whatever is our past, individually, you made us to come here to encounter even myself Lord as CLSF under shepherd, do not expect this thing happening for this evil Canada day that they have minted this one dollar coin , imprinting the rebellion of this nation, in the failure of your church to rebuild your name of Yeshua. So we come to you empty, in worship, it I s for you to fill us… fill us God with your character. Bring us into that maturity.
I remember in the 1980, the movement is in infancy, but 40 years now, since we are in prophetic we would like to enter to the character of your maturity. we commit ourselves to you, all of us, all of us, not of us, none of us, if we can say that sincerely in your hearts, empty yourself of these things. I emptied myself yesterday, I released our churches to love this nation.
God is anointing each one of us… there is an anointing to each and everyone of us. Let us reach us, if you want to embrace. Pour this love to us…He gave us the power to become the sons of God. The Lord we thank you as we respond to this..
God puts in my heart love to Canada. But as what Brother sadhu saw in a vision yesterday, seeing a leviathan in the middle of Canada, laying down eggs of small leviathan.
Reshma Allen
Right in the middle of Canada is named the province of Manitoba which means, “God who speaks.”
I remember Paul when he talked about the “Unknown God.” I saw a beautiful water fountain that breaks down from the middle of Canada. “The God will speaks will be replaced with the God of the universe Jehovah.”
As we prayed as we made a prophetic gesture in Manitoba, there will be a great breakthrough, a revival, justice, freedom and declaring the glory of God to this nation. Heavens and hearth will pass away but His word will never pass away. Truth will always tell.
We speak about the snakes, and speak life in Jesus Name and make attention of the prophetic word of God. And there will be a great awakening, making it like a river, like mighty rushing rivers of water. Attention in the Spirit in Jesus Name, they will be shaken to their course. Truth and justice will shine in this nation. We declare freedom and liberty to worship you and glorify you in Jesus Name. We speak name in Jesus Name.”
Daniel Balais
We lived in the city of Mandaluyong. It is where the Mental Hospital is. And they would ask where do I live.
Graham Bonke, prepared all the pastors for the evangelistic campaign in Luneta Park that can accommodate 1 million people. He sent an organizer one day earlier, gathering the 17 cities and I attended one gathering. 17 cities we represented and grouped us like a shepherd and the first time I met the pastors our city. We thought we were just like the one church in that city. Then I heard a voice, “Are you willing to serve this man.” I do not know him.
And I asked God, “Is it his church is larger than our church?” And the Holy Spirit did not answer. And I said, “I am willing to serve this man.” The Lord was testing my heart and the pastor have no idea what the Lord has been transpiring with me in the Spirit.
And we filled up a whole theater. Then came the Bonke Crusade came, many got saved. After the crusade and I forgot my vow and went on to my concerns that time. We ministered to cross-culture missions and church planting. and this pastor called me on a landline, then he said, “This is Pastor Jun.” Then God said, “This the man whom you promised to serve.”
This man said, “I have burden for the city.” I said I have burden to the church but I promised to serve him. If your heart is right and yet your mind is wrong- and I believe that thing happened to me yesterday, and God is changing my heart and my perspective. and his burden became my burden, and I had a burden to the city of Mandaluyong. And yet we are only two, and we had no other pastors of this city.
I’ve found out that our city, is where the central part of Metro Manila is in 200 km. radius. We are being intimidated with giants. I remember Iran, the so-called Persia and we went to tomb of Queen Esther, the land of Shusa. And we prayed, “WE pray for the spirit of Esther will come to the church in Iran.” Beside Queen Esther tomb and beside that tomb is the tomb of Mordecai. Iran is the only country that says publicly “We will drive Israel to the Sea.” The caretaker then is a Rabbi. And we asked his permission. He said “ as long you will give me pen.” He collect pens. We prayed for the spirit of Esther.
Why would the angel of Canada visited us yesterday? This is your Kairos day. We discovered Revelation 3:20, “I stand on the door… and eat with him…” So we discovered there were 36 churches that time. We tried to find a nice restaurant that time, it is Annabel’s Restaurant for free breakfast. It was 7-9, we met a Baptist Pastor and his church is about to be split. He discovered that those who clap their hands grows. And his people was about to split that church. Sadhu and myself as we waited and eating is like a covenant. You don’t eat with your enemies, it must be poisoned. Some are Methodists, Pentecostals and some modulate their voices.T hey ordered the most expensive breakfast. We shared one another, just meeting and knowing each other. Out of 6 became 12 pastors by the next month.
In the Philippines, we eat rice. So we plant rice. Rice is being planted during raining seasons. And this was 30 years ago. God said do not build organizations but relationships. They ordered the most expensive ones. The 12 became 20 and it hurts our wallets. That time, we become more casual to our dress. And old pastor and spoke in Tagalog. I am older than you, why we are meeting in this expensive restaurant, and what is important is relationship. And three of us clapped our hands. So we held our 4th meeting in a Baptist Church built in 1943. That time we are 30. Unless the Lord’s timing. We went to the balcony, the is just too old with termites. We just had bread and coffee and we are hungry for the fellowship.
I convinced our elders to host the 5th meeting with hamburger, French fires, salad. Then the Methodist hosted with their elders and programs, and it is OK. Church has different culture.
You cannot find 24 carat gold, you have to melt it with other metals to be compounded. That is why Jesus said, “On this Rock I will build my church.” If you find out – the church is identified on a place like the Church of Laodicea. We went to Turkey. In Toronto, there is only one church.
And when we prayed and you won as champion. With God in your anthem, we need to redeem that. For the past many years, we had these 36 pastors we made a covenant, and the model was the agreement of David and Jonathan that says, “Jonathan loved David like his own soul.” David is a giant-killer. We exchange tokens and I had this expensive pen and he had this less expensive pen.
We determined that the city of Mandaluyong has only one church and followed the teaching of Paul, with the admonition, “unity” with long-suffering. Offenses shall surely come and to divide the Church like retreating Elijah. God is telling to the Church of Canada to come from their cave.
We invited Mayor Benjamin Abalos with 500 other churches. We told him “We invited you not to ask from you but we ask what we can make or do things in our city. Can we pray for you?” He knelt down and laid hands on him and he felt the Spirit of God.
Jesus wept twice – for Lazarus and for Jerusalem.
We are no longer concern for our church to grow, and we become concern to the city. The pastor whom I promised to serve, he was the first chairman of Intercessors for the Philippines (IFP). He dreamt a dream, that he will take it off as pilot and I will be the final pilot. Then someone told it that I am apostle of intercession and prophesy. And now it is 30 years flight and we had not landed yet.
We simply quit too early like Elijah, who wanted to die. Moses wanted to die. Jonah wanted to die. And I wanted to die when the Philippines comes worst. ADB chose our city to be their HQ in Asia. They now had 3-Billion asset now. Something happened to our city. Our mayor has this prostate cancer, we prayed for him and he got healed supernaturally.
Church in Thyatira Pergamos….
IFP is the largest prayer movement in the whole Philippines with 7,000 churches. we have coordinators in every town, every city, every province, every region. We dedicated a song, Mandaluyong for Christ. We sung that song…
Song sung … Philippines is for Christ.
Originally, Mandaluyong for Christ, 30 years ago. We had an album, Islands Rejoice.”
You must have a vision for Canada. I heard that when I was watching NBA. Manitoba, God who speaks. the enemy is about to devour your destiny. Someone should prevail.
Mandaluyong has this largest mall out from a destitute city. Contending the city’s destiny for a prophetic landscape
Prophet Sadhu, we met him in 2011 in our Jubilee. He said, “God has wonderful pan for the nation. the devil not yield this nation without a fight.” That is what we discovered during Caleb and Joshua and they have to fought every land, every inch of it. We need passionate people. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
Seeing light in God’s light. Psalm 36:9.
We can only truly see when we loot at things from God ‘s divine perspective.
I asked Elyahu, my friend in Israel to pray for Philippines. He said, “When we pray for peace, then God do the opposite.” He said to me, “For thee is the fountain of life…”
Isaiah 55:8-9
Look for the most intelligent person on the earth yet His ways our higher than our ways.
Ours is being measured by lightyears. We must have faith that the promises of God will come to pass.
He called Jeremiah, “What do you see?” God said to him, “Before you were born I have formed you”. He said, “I cannot speak…” Because in Israel only the bearded elders can speak.
Jeremiah 1: 11 “And I see the rod of an almond tree.”
God said to him, “And I put words in your mouth.”
Yesterday, the angel of the Lord came. This is supposed to be a CLSF event why it became a Canada event? Why would Sadhu came here, 16,000 miles away? He came to speak to you. Why would God will tell me to release you to Canada?
Intercessors for the Philippines, we are now Intercessors FROM the Philippines.
When God touched him, touched his mouth _ I WILL PUT WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH.
Jeremiah was called to put the nations to thrown down and pulled down. Your eyes will be associated when you are with Sadhu. Now I can see angels being positioned in some other angels.
What do you see Jeremiah? I see an almond tree. “See, I will about to perform my promise,” Jeremiah 1:12.
ICJ, I am the chairman in the Philippines for many years.
Why the almond tree in full bloom in spring time.
We see saw almonds in the grasses we asked to the tourist guide in Jerusalem said. He said that it is the first plant to comes out during spring time.
Van Gogh painted this almond blossom. (You see them with lavender shade).
God will restore Canada back to life.
We had this wedding to this young people and he was the one decorating during our National Prayer Gathering. Then he puts there an almond tree… As an intercessors, I will not give up Philippines. Elijah is my favorite prophet, seconded by Habakkuk. Habakkuk means to cling tightly or to embrace. Habakkuk saw the judgment of God and he said, “In wrath, remember mercy.”
You are the only nation that has maple tree, a healing leaves and yet wanted to be changed as a marijuana leaves.
Jer. 1:16.
Carlos P. Romulo became a UN Secretary, 5 feet high. I was invited in Denmark and I was there as a speaker and they wanted me to lay hands on them with those 6’4 tall. men I said before I will pray for you, kneel down and humble yourselves. They knelt down. So I was able to lay hands on them.
David killed the lions with bare hands. But God has to break him and empty him. He faced Goliath with 5 smooth stones. He was not in the defensive but he was on the offensive. His motivation is the very word of God. That is in the valley of Elah. If the boy can kill a giant what more his older brothers do. There are more passionate Canadians here. If you clap, clap your hands…. Can I have water. My radiator is overheating.
Sometimes, I would say, why am I so hungry, because I have not eaten yet.
What do you see? a boiling pot . Jeremiahs 1:16. A boiling pot: A vision of Judgment Do not choose the light part.
We went to the Senate regarding SOGIE Bill and we went to freeze it. Salt and light is only effective when you are engaged. Corruption needs salt. The world today is full of almond branches and boiling pots. Canada have almond branch. Canada has boiling pot. Philippines have an almond branch and has boiling pot as well. WE can legislate when the church comes together. “On this rock… whatsoever you bind…”
The Mental Hospital will be transferred to Antipolo soon and the pastors said, “Why will it be transferred to us?” God ordained the times and seasons on the earth (Gen. 1:14);
The Canada geese, they migrate, they knew their time yet the Church of Canada knows not the season and time.
I was born again in 1972. We had this hippie type long hair. I met this man from Jerusalem who was born again in the 1970’s in US when he saw a plane that hit two buildings. Then No; 2 appeared. Many years later, he switched on the TV and he saw planes hitting Twin Towers Building. He saw it happened before it actually happened.
The seasons govern or rule us says in Genesis 1:16, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. “
The word “rule “ in Hebrew “memshalah” means to govern and have dominion.
It is typhoon season in the Philippines now, we cannot do anything about it. It is her time for rainy season. When it is rainy season, be prepared.
What is now the season in Canada? We know the season in the Philippines? But you Canada what is your season now? The trees know when to shed their leaves, the birds knew their season to migrate, but to Canada what is your season now?
Time to born, time to die, to speak time to keep silence. What is the time of Canada? Will this be your time to speak or time to keep silence?
God dispenses his redemptive plan to mankind and the earth by seasons according to Ecclesiastes 3:1
Three dimensions:
Chronos. The General time. Acts 7:17
Karios the opportune time strategic time, Acts 17:26
Pleroo, the fulness of time Gal. 4:4
Can a nation be born at once? (Isaiah 66:8)
Genesis 3:1-3
You need to declared the Word of God. God changes the seasons. Why would the church is hiding? He removes king. When God releases judgment---
Australia has born -again Prime Minister. Because the church begun to pray. We also have this problem in the Philippines. We are far from the cashless society. God appoints the season for the nations.
Acts 17:26, “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; “
What is the time for Canada. Mordecai said to Esther, “when you do not obey” Till she said, “ If I perish, I perish.” You must choose to confront the situation.
There is a set time for every nation.Psalm 102:12, “But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; and thy remembrance unto all generations.”
The men of Issachar are men “who had understanding of times and seasons of God”.
March 16, 2019 was our 490th Jubilee Year.
Ten years ago, March 9, 2009 Cindy Jacobs was there and I was one among the speaker of about 6,000 people. The Holy Spirit spoke to me,”Count the number of years since you were discovered by Magellan.”
That was March 16, 1521 to March 16, 2010 = 490 years biblically counting.
We have been praying for the past 21 years that time to the nation, yet it is getting worse while many Filipinos came to Canada but I chose to stay.
We need saviors, we need defenders, insignificant people no matter whatever the cost..
That is our almond branch.
the unravelling of our 490th Year Jubilee Season
Do not let your wealth and riches numb your spirit. A kingdom will not be established unless there is a war.
God see your heart, you are desperate people. Gideon is desperate person. Why? Why evil triumphal over the good? Why Goliath will defy God? This young man defeated this man a giant.
Daniel 9:24 is the pattern made by Cebu.
The 490 yea speaks of the Jubilee Season
6 Redemptive events during 490 years.
finish transgression
make an end of sin
make reconciliation for iniquity
establish everlasting righteousness
seal the vision and prophesy
anoint the most holy place
The cross was first planted in Cebu Island and that marked he conversion of the tribal leaders from Paganism to Christianity making the Philippines the first Christian nation in Asia.
The Dutch invaded Indonesia but they did not converted the Indonesians. The French invaded Vietnam but they did not convert the Vietnamese. Spain invaded the Philippines and converted the Filipinos.
The Jubilee Marker
We blew the shofar in Cebu. And I invited Brother Sadhu to encourage us and not to rebuke us. He said, “You are not ready for Jubilee because you are divided.”
We had this Bangon Pilipinas. It is like “Stand up Lazarus.” Then Sadhu called for pastors for repentance. Around 3,000 pastors stood up, wailing and crying and repenting. I repented, “This is our Jubilee. Kill me now. I Wanted to go home.” Our expectation is so high and we have not able to reach.
God gave me then the vision of a split bamboo and He commissioned me as He said, “ I am healing the wound.”
3-Day National Fasting and Prayer, April 21-23, 2010 at Rizal Memorial Baseball Stadium. As told to Sadhu, we had this 3-day prayer and fasting with 12,000 people on the first day and 20,000 after two days.
Bishops, pastors, leaders gathered for reconciliation.
Washing of the feet among the Bishops. There was a renewal of commitment to one another. Re-dedication of the nation as one. a time to embrace, this man
Psalm 33:12, “ Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. “
BSP approved the printing of the Scriptures in our peso bills. It ws released 2010. It became the most stable currency in the world. the lord is healing our economy. April 2012, we became a lender to other nation.
Ephesians 4:1-3, “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. “
Then there is a deepening of relationship among bishops and leaders and experience of the heavenly fatherly love. There is no husband and wife that doe not quarrel. But the quarrel should not divide them apart.
Forgiveness is not enough said Robert Misst. He said, “you must love one another….” A stern warning of the danger of division in the Body of Christ by Robert Misst.
1 Peter 4:7, “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. “
In the pursuit of love and unity in the body of Christ . I told to Bishop Tendero of PCEC, “The Lord told us we should love one another.” He readily agreed. So we had this first breakfast. Then this millionaire said, “ I have hotel in Palawan,” so we went there.
These are the pastors and bishops….
Sadhu Selvaraj
Our gracious and loving father and we come to your holy presence. Thank you for speaking to your children from the first session up to now. Now we pray….
Make yourself real one more time Lord. Let the written word becomes a spoken word and becomes flesh in one spirit of love and become powerfully real in their spirit and their bodies.
Let them see deeper and understand further as they are listening, the spirit or revelation to teach them and understand many things. Manifest your glory Lord, manifest your Spirit Let them smell your presence, the smell of your robes, the smell of your cinnamon, to make them tangibly real, give them tangible experience as they never had before in their lives. More than anything Lord I pray, let them have encounter with you, that they may be changed and transform.
Let me teach you wonderful word.
I wanted to say, yesterday evening when I saw the chief angel of Canada, there on the back, when I saw him and acknowledged him, he asked me to kneel down. He have shown me the abominations of Canada. I do not remember every single word but I saw the Vision which I can relate. we can transcribe the revelations. what I could not understand, you can understand better because you are the sons and daughters of Canada, you are the people of this land… you as Canadians you can apply them. God revelations is not to frighten us but show us where the fault lines is.
I have a friend in India, who is fearful in signs of sickness and does not like to see a doctor. But lately he was so sick and he said he does not like….
I said, “Why you are folly?”
In the same way, God shows us the cancers in the Body of Christ so that we can do something about it.
Whether I would say or I would not say, you can just enjoy all things, all evil in this world, Why would you make holy life only to go to hell.
So why God shows us that? So that we can repent for the sins of the land. Two, so that we see the problem and make intercession and make litigation to ask mercy of God.
The vision I saw in the middle of Canada, a huge snake like anaconda slipped into the chasm, a hundred or thousands of snakes, coiling over one by one. When this anaconda entered him, then this little anaconda came out from chasm … The foundation of this nation, they made a covenant with God, they made dedication to God and not to allow any idol to this land. If you look at the state of this nation. Where is Canada founded? 1867. Now is 2019. How many years 152. In the last 152 years as a nation, is it up or down. Are you sliding down to the lowest point? What caused the downfall. Your forefather has built an altar. Today, the secular, the government has kicked that altar and lay down broken and destroyed.
God said “Prepare a message and show them a way out.” 1 King 18, you read a battle between Elijah and Baal. 400 people.
Prophet Elijah repaired the broken altar. Supposed such hypothesis is correct that prophet Elijah repaired the broken altar that false prophets built. The false prophets repaired the altar for Baal. So that is wrong. What altar that Elijah repaired?
Before Queen Jezebel became queen in Israel, many prophets built altars there including Mt. Carmel. Before she did, she destroyed all the altars built for God and killed all the prophets of God. by restoration the altar, Elijah is signifying to repair the broken relationship.
we need to repair the broken altar and find the covenants made by your forefathers. Pray for repentance, much sin in your government. there are lots of abomination. The devil is spewing poison, spraying in your government. It keeps on spewing it to your prime minister and all your lawmakers. as a result, they will make wrong policies, policies against the righteous men of God… This is what is happening.
Intercede much of your Prime Minister and Parliament… It is not Trudeau, but the office of the Prime Minister, members of Parliament so God choose leaders in your Parliament.
What is happening in the Philippines is a success story, for the principle they applied. If churches is changed and transformed, then the nation is also changed. So the country’s economy is going up. There is no nation in the world whose currency is biblical except the Philippines. They prayed and prayed and prayed. Evil rulers toppled out, New governor of the Bank introduced this currency and they have this Filipino passport saying, “Go ye in the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”
So the Filipino does not only get an Philippine official passport but getting the mandate to become a missionary. Not to give you an ego because this man obeyed God. …This simple man, gentle man, one among 600 men… In meeting, he organized 12,000 people, one among well-respected, well-known Christian leader in the Philippines.
My first meeting in the Philippines we exposing the sins of the nations, this man came to the stage repenting. I thought my Indian British-English they do not understand and told them to go back to their seats. How come 3,000 pastors repented? So I repeated message again and told them to repent. So I said there must be something is wrong. So I told them to go back to t heir seats. So I told them in slow motion. So I Said slowly, “Only Pastor… you must be pastor in a church, not a cell group leader…A church is….Pastor come here…” Then 3,000 came again until Bishop Daniel Balais said, “Brother our pastors is also our intercessors…” I was shocked. They don’t normally show up,… they are just not pastors but also intercessors.
I grew up with a shock, all pastors are intercessors….
In their 3-day national fast and prayer with 20,000 people, they washed each other feet, when that happened, many changes is happening in the Philippines. Now Philippines is one of the great nation in the world.
Unprecedented revival in the youth in the Philippines today. I felt that this is a proven, successful model. It can be modelled and implemented in the nations and can be implemented in Canada.
For the success to come, one great factor is that pride must die. You must be willing to come down from your throne and willing to wash feet. that is the foundation of revival. Fasting and praying alone are not enough. There must be brokenness and humility. God has given us the tools, fasting, and prayer and spiritual warfare.
Before ISIS came, I organized in 2011 a Prophetic Conference with intercessors in the Middle East. The Lord revealed to us that after match of was on the rise of ISIS. He told us to set up prayer houses in the whole Middle East and we went back to our nations. Till ISIS rose up and massacred people. Half of Syria is gone. Half of Iraq gone. They established caliphate in between Syria and Iraq. I asked the Lord, “Why this happen? “ He said, “Go back to your notes and what is told to your notes.” I fell on my face and repented to do the strategies I failed to do so ISIS came.
So I called Bishop Balais. He is more prophetic and prayerful. So I called him as a partner offering hm spiritual insight while he does the spiritual warfare. So we did a conference in Bahrain and 300 Filipinos attended there. My mistake … The Lord gave me to raise up 22 houses of prayer in 22 cities in the Middle East. You can see them in the power point….
Saudi Arabia
As we started praying, ISIS is gone. Filipino prayer warrior did that. You can do the same thing in Canada.
All the problems of the nation lies on the church because we are all self-centered. Bishop Dan was moved to release the Filipino pastors and take good care of Canada rather than Philippines. Your heritage is intercession. God sent you as a missionary. In as much you do your work to earn a living, you are a missionary.
Who knows you are superman? If you don’t know superman then you are not of this world.
Who is superman? He is from Krypton. He is reporter by day. When I was growing up, I was watching this batman, superman, robin, Aquaman, birdman, Wonder woman,….
They are superhero by their own right. This must be all started. Two years ago they decided to bring all these together, the Avenger. I was watching this movie in a flight one day. Sometimes you bring out the boy in you.
I was watching this movie, there was this superman who died. And this evil villain came out. they were all fighting for this evil man and they could not overcome him. They are wondering what they can do. They had this ego who was the greatest. Then it spoke to me, about spiritual strategy:
stop fighting among ourselves. no room for ego. we must cooperate.
we must raise up superman, we must work together. This is the key of the last days. All the ministers must be working together. Acts 13:1-2, pastors, prophets, evangelists were there no ego there, they worked together in unity. If we remained divided, the task will not be completed. at the end of the day that is all matters but not titles and no reverend.
love must rule our hearts and walk in humility. Only the name of Jesus must be lifted up; that alone must be glorified. How to overcome the problem
I give you study
one that happened in the Philippines
one that happened in the Middle East (about the ISIS)
There is no more ISIS in the Middle East but there is not yet the end of the story This is what the Lord showed to me last month in Dubai. I said this to Pastor Dubai. It will surely come and can cause destruction and this cannot be prevented but the righteous can be saved, the righteous can be found a place of refuge. We should be do what God can do.
Any question, superman? Batman? There must be total surrender. Total surrender of yourself, total surrender of your agenda. The plan of God must be done Number 1. This is one success of Philippine Story to give importance to the corporate plan. you must be willing to die. Just like the King of Nineveh who put on sackcloth. From the midst of the throne, there is a flow of river….
What will happen when you drink a filthy water, you will be corrupted? And you will become like your weather. And every of your leader will become gay…when you eat the grass of righteousness you will grow like a fat land, grow in the likeness of the shepherd, grow in the voice of the shepherd, not the voice of a man. what comes out? pride, arrogance…. God will visit Canada very soon. (Applause)
God will visit your nation with judgment with great devastation to this nation because of the evil that is crying out from this land to the presence of God. Many angels are coming before God testifying this land to God. The angels came from Sodom and Gomorrah and came before the presence of God and God have them word to proclaim judgment to the land
Yesterday, just the prayer ended, this angel came to me and handed this sword, and he said this sword if for you to pronounced judgment to this nation – blessing or judgment.
Judgment I always like what Bishop Dan said, Mercy triumph over judgment. In judgment there must be an act of mercy. Even judgment has a work to do. every judgment pronounced to the nation of Israel is a message of hope, a message of reconciliation, a message of restoration. I pray and I will leave this hope with you as I see this nation will rise up again as a nation of God.
Two things
Church must humble herself. Fast and pray
The sins of the nations must be put away otherwise there is judgment to this nation. And the judgment will be premediated and the righteous will be protected. When Jerusalem was judged, the righteous were spared, Nehemiah, Ezra, Daniel…..If you read the prophesies of Jeremiah, they tried to change it but Jeremiah said it must come to pass. Some may be averted but some must come to pass. sometimes we submit ourselves to the judgment of God to produce something good.
Watch over your children, evil is designed to them regarding impure lifestyle through education – gay. I wonder there is a sudden rise of gay. what causing it? Politicians, government, they are not ashamed they are gay? So I was praying and pondering and this early this month in Jerusalem and God showed me ---- Revelation 18: 3, the entire chapter is devoted to his woman, all nations drunk with her cup of fornication… what happening is the spirit of Asteroth, in the last day, Malachi 4:4-6 God will send two witnesses. These two witnesses contended with two powerful spirits – Moses against Pharaoh and Elijah vs. Jezebel. These two spirits were given to the worship of Baal and sexual immoralities. they are he goddess of Canaanites it is the god imported to Israel when Jezebel came. Elijah after killing 480 Baal prophets and intended to kill 400 others hiding in Jezebel Palace and he run as faster as a horse with sword in his hand. The spirit of the Lord still with him with one swift he could killed 400 Baal prophets. When you step out from the will of God the very enemy that you sent to kill, that enemy will overpower you, and you will run away from that enemy. He was taken away, kept aside….Now in this last day, he will comeback again. If Elijah is coming so is with Jezebel. If Moses will be coming so with the Pharaoh.I I will show you..
(Peps: Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar).
Rev. 11:8, “ And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. “
The false prophet will kill the 2 prophets and killed called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Sodom stands for gay and Egypt stands for witchcraft. Both of them will exist at the same time. This is what going on all over the world now.
Rev. 11 and 13 will happen simultaneously
Transgender plays a very important role in Egypt called eunuch. The eunuch of yesterday is the transgender of today. This eunuch whether they are men or women, they are the center, most sought official or guards in the palaces. Esther was kept for eunuch so also with Daniel. These eunuchs are very important, they act as middleman of two realms. they are like princes that offer all these sacrifices. You find a great revival in these communities. Taiwan the first nation in Asia that legislated the bill. I was invited to do conference there in Taiwan. And I was told by God before she became a president that once she will becomes president she will declared the same sex message.
When you promote evil, you attract God’s judgment to the nation.
The sword that I received from the angel yesterday, what I received is also what you also received. You are my representative. You should not allow the chasm to open and to serpents to come out.
stand up for a word of prayer…..
Let’s do what we have to do… Close your eyes…
We have done this one year earlier instead of 2020.
As long that you promise to go to Niagara Falls, I felt that we are being used by the Lord, half of attendees are walked in… they think is we are being vised by the prince angel. and the Lord spoke to me and God is looking our gathering. And we released the anointing. we have the anointing to open the nation in Rev. 3…
There will be a reverse Macedonian cal. I will meet others… main agenda now CLSF. We will be serving Canadian Church and they came from Bethlehem… And we have gathering in 22 nations…tomorrow we will find time… whatever agenda of God we will do that…our main agenda today is to release the CLSF Church is to release you in intercession….
You know, kahapon, as if I am tatay na nag re release ng anak.