Politics & Church Pornography
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- Published: Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:30
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“Politics & Church Pornography”
By Augusto A. Kho
On Election Day; SM-Rosales, Pangasinian
May 13, 2019 (Monday); 12:31 P.M.
Revised May 15; 2019 (Wednesday); 3:00 PM; Airport Road; Paranaque City
Revised: May 18, 2019 (Saturday); Rosales, 6:31 P.M.
When you give up your birthright, you give up your legal rights –Augusto A. Kho; May 7, 2019
What makes people famous for?
Perhaps among the presidents of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln was the one who popularized what democracy is. Democracy came from the two Latin words “demos” and “kratos” i.e. people and power.
While I was visiting Washington, D.C. in 2006, I was quite fascinated on the foundation of the great nation America in terms of their collective high ideals on terms of governance. When I visited the Abraham Lincoln Monument, a former U.S. President I remember his classis quotation on democracy that states that:
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth”.
Demokratia or democracy was used in ancient Greece, most notably Athens, and began its use around 500 BCE. In a participant government, citizens who wish to have a say in government can participate in it. Demokratia excluded women, foreigners, and slaves. It barred between 80 and 90 percent of the population from political rights .
The word demokratia comes from δῆμος demos "people" and kratos "power": "the people hold power." Demos, including the lower classes, had political equality and not while respecting laws and institutions, was given full and absolute control of power and government." according to Morris & Raaflaub Democracy 2500?:
While we are visiting the aged city of Pergamon, Asia Minor (now Turkey) sometime on June, 2017, we saw an ancient inscription carved on a stone that reads, Demos and Kratos meaning “democracy.” Here is the photos below:
There are many important and fascinating archaeological remains in Pergamon which was found dated back to 3,000 BC during the Bronze . Information made also from inscriptions dated back to 6 BC from the time of Alexander the Great.
People’s Power
Demos and kratos or democracy is enshrined in our Philippine Constitution of 1987. And also that make us a republican and democratic government. We are ruled by laws and we are not ruled by men.
Nene Pimentel’s Local Government Code is meant to be empower people to avoid tyrannical rule. However our very own government agency, DILG or Department of Interior and Local Government is who is task to empower the people fails to do so.
But when money ruled out people’s will, how will you call that?
But that quotation I mentioned earlier no longer apply to the Filipinos at least now. A writer, popularized Lincoln quotes on democracy with these words following the recent Philippine Election last May 13, 2019:
“Of the people, for the people, buy the people” - Columnist Alejandro del Rosario writes,
God forgive me
May God forgive me.
I couldn’t help to think amiss when I saw very large herded -people in SM -Rosales that flocked all the fast food chain stores that you could hardly see an empty seat.
My thoughts are obviously discriminating in relation to the large-scale vote buying for that day’s election that filled up many bare and hungry stomachs. Obviously, this is an ancient type of Esau who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup (Genesis 25:34). And how many Filipinos have sold their dignity for the votes they have sold in exchange of few hundreds if not merely couple of pesos?
Yesterday, May 12, 2019 (Sunday), while preaching from pulpit I said these words, “Is there any sort of pornography in the Church?”
Then I added, “When you sell your votes in any form - cash, in kind, political favor, kakilala-system, kamag-anak system and others, then you are like, “Esau, a fornicator” according to Hebrews 12:16 that says,
“Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. “
The 2019 Election
In my own hometown, an incumbent Barangay Captain is shown for “alleged vote-buying” as it gone viral on the Facebook.
A very reliable source claimed that politicians are no longer scouting house-to-house for “vote-buying.” A new strategy is formed by giving away the allotted funds of P100,000.00 – P150,000.00 per barangay to the barangay chiefs or captain and another P100,000 will give given away once the candidate who funded it will win on such a specific barangay.
An incumbent politician seeking for re-election lamented to me and to my wife, “Why pastors solicit funds or building materials for the construction of their church during the election?” My wife and myself was very much surprised hearing that.
Vote-buying is not an isolated case to the poor electorates. Even Apostle Judas took bribe to drop or ilaglag si Kristo. Much more today.
Bribery is universal and classic type of covetousness as warned by God to Moses prior to the passing of the Laws. The Scriptures show that “bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions of the godly,” (Deuteronomy 16:19/ NLT). In other words, anyone can be fall into its trap, no poor or rich, educated or not.
A week prior to election, a man who belongs to a very affluent family in my hometown bragged before us how he received P2,000.00 from a candidate running for councilman.
Another incumbent politician also gave away P100,000.00 to a certain person to buy votes for P500.00 for 200 voting individuals and the source of such related vote-buying incident is very much a reliable also.
I remember how a mayor from another town who won a landslide victory pulled me suddenly in one corner at SM-Rosales when he saw me. This mayor said these words, “Bakit naman ganoon pastors ang ginawa sa akin ng mga Pastoral Movement sa akin? Tumanggap sila ng libang libo bawat isang pastor at binoto nila ang kalaban ko pero ako di ako nag bi bigay (Look what the Pastoral Movement done against me. Each one took P5,000 bribe from my political opponent and they voted for him. But I did not given away money for my votes). “
Pornography in the church
I said these statements last Sunday preaching, 12th May, 2019 barely a day before election:
“Pornography in the church? …Is it possible that a Bishop, Pastor or a Christian can be branded as “strip-teaser” or a “pornographer?”
In less than 24 hours after I said such a strong statement from the pulpit, no less than the President of the Republic of the Philippines “confirmed” it without a shadow of regret or remorse which is to quote:
“Vote buying an integral part of Philippine elections — Duterte” as reported by Alexis Romero, Edith Regalado (The Philippine Star) - May 14, 2019 - 12:00am. President Duterte added: “vote buying is an “integral part” of elections in the Philippines, a country that he said is beset with poverty and a feudal system…. everyone has engaged in vote buying which, according to him, comes in many forms…”
No less from the mouth of President Duterte said that “vote -buying” is INTEGRAL in our election system.
What is “integral” by the way?
Ïntegral according to Miriam-Webster Dictionary means “very important and necessary.”
Hebrews 12:16 says the Esau is branded as fornicator as the Scriptures validated it, “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.”
Cambridge Dictionary defines “pornographer” as a person who makes or sells pornography while a strip-teaser is burlesque act in which a performer removes clothing piece by piece.
Pornography biblically defined
The word “fornicator” is derived from the Greek word “pornos” or “pornography” in English means “a man who prostitutes his body to another’s lust for hire” or “a male prostitute” or “a man who indulges in unlawful sexual intercourse, a fornicator” according to Thayer Bible Dictionary. James Strong defines “fornicator” as “whoremonger” or “a debauchee.”
A fornicator is derived from the Greek root word, “piprasko” meaning “to sell one into slavery.” Metaphorically it means “sold under sin.”
In other words, any form of bribery whether it is election-related or not is a form of pornography.
Even Local Government Units (LGU) and the central government recognizes that without battling an eyelash that such “norm” or “systemic culture” is already ingrained in the Filipino system especially in terms of “procurement” or “projects”. They call such “commission” which is a form of “bribe, graft and corruption” as “SOP” or “standard operating procedures.”
SOP is a term we are using in Economics during my Masters on Business Administration (MBA) at Centro Escolar University (CEU) in 1980. Even the history of terminology of words or Etymology as a science is also being corrupted by the thieves and robbers.
What a shame on us Filipinos!
Is it Filipino is a world-class prostitute or pornographer? (Please let us read first before we react).
In 2016, Pornhub listed Filipinas as the world’s number one female porn watchers with an average of 14 minutes and 20 seconds on the site for every visit.
One among Philippines’ leading newspaper writes, “Pinays in top 20 porn site viewers,” as published by Manila Standard dated March 13, 2019. The newspaper added: “Despite strong government request that Internet service providers block access to porn sites, a review published Tuesday and seen in Manila suggests Filipino women are among the top 20 female visitors of PornHub worldwide.”
Philippines 2nd country with most sex offenders barred
Evelyn Macairan (The Philippine Star) - February 9, 2019 - 12:00am
Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said the US embassy commended the bureau for registering the second highest number of intercepted sex offenders in 2018, next to Mexico. - File
Filipino Pornography, a national state of emergency?
Is pornography among Filipino is a national issue? Shall we call a “national state of emergency?”
Manila Standard dated May 12, 2019 at 01:00 am. Columnist Alejandro del Rosario writes, “Of the people, for the people, buy the people” "This is how Filipinos vote," the writer said. He added, ‘’The Philippine Constitution describes a government “of the people, for the people and by the people.” Filipino politicians, however, have given this noble intent a twist by changing the last phrase to “buy the people.”
Manila Standard; May 13, 2019 at 01:30 am by Abe Almirol writes, ‘Vote buying rampant, worse than in ‘16 polls’. An election commissioner said Sunday that vote-buying incidents this year are worse compared than they were in the 2016 elections.” ‘Vote buying rampant, worse than in ‘16 polls’
Philstar.com) reported last May 16, 2019 at 9:03am writes, “P12M vote buying money seized in midterm polls, says PNP”
Manila Standard; May 13, 2019 at 01:30 am by Abe Almirol writes, ‘Vote buying rampant, worse than in ‘16 polls’. An election commissioner said Sunday that vote-buying incidents this year are worse compared than they were in the 2016 elections. ‘Vote buying rampant, worse than in ‘16 polls’.””
INQUIRER.net dated May 14, 2019 as reported by Cody Cepeda reads: ‘Nakakaiyak’: Celebrities air midterm elections misgivings”” MANILA, Philippines — Some celebrities did not hold back in their reactions when it came to the 2019 midterm election ….. Actor Felix Roco, meanwhile, did not seem pleased people voted for former senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla. “May tanong ako para sa mga bumoto kay Revilla,” he said via Twitter on Monday. “Alam niyo bang magnanakaw siya?”
Philippine Star Headlines read, “The fault in our system: How to fix elections in the Philippines”
Patricia Lourdes Viray (Philstar.com) - May 13, 2019 - 1:00am. MANILA, Philippines — Among Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines has had the longest history of democratic elections but the country still has a long way to go in terms of protecting the integrity of one of the exercises of democracy — the right to vote.”
“Youth group calls for overhaul of PH’s political, electoral systems,’ reads from BULLETIN; March 14, 2019, 1:56 PM By Merlina Hernando-Malipot. A youth group has underscored the need to “overhaul the entire electoral and political systems” in the country so that those who will hold government positions will become “true champions” of peoples’ interests.
Can a Bishop, a Pastor or a Christian commit pornography directly or indirectly? The answer is “Yes”.
Worst is when a pastor loses his integrity and credibility because he sold his very freedom to choose for the RIGHT CANDIDATE on the basis of 4-FOLD TESTS then he sold his birthright?
One may say, “We are a republican-democratic state” as the 1987 Philippine Constitution says?
But the Constitution also says we must be “patriotic and nationalistic.” And we must defend our democracy against invaders and that includes wickedness that destroy the real state (condition) of the nation.
Besides the Scriptures strongly warned us that we should not use our freedom to sin (Galatians 5:1). Despite of several years to make a Godly and Constitutional and Ethical Standards among “God’s flock” Christians still deny the very words of God.
I appealed in my writing the I posted it to our website to follow the standards below should we wish a godly government. Unfortunately, I am not Mocha Uson who has millions of followers:
RA 6713, the Constitutional & Ethical Tests.
Exodus 18:21, The Biblical and Spiritual Tests
1 Peter 2:8, says that “they did not believe in the word, “ will surely “will be stumbled such was God's will for them.”
National & International Issues. Social- Political Tests
Conscience Vote. The Moral Standard Test
This is not for sale, not connection
Right after Sunday preaching, the next day Philippine Star Headline reads: “Vote-buying an integral part of Philippine elections – Duterte.” In other words, it is part of the culture. Corruption is systemic and we seem to be in the national state of paralysis.
Like Esau, are we pornos as well?
What pornos can do?
What happened to Esau after selling his birthright? What will happen to us when we sold our votes from already concluded May 2019 Election? Let us listen from this Catholic Bishop…
“Our one vote is our dignity – let us not sell it,” Bishop Pabillo
Even the Roman Catholic Church Bishop calls for soberness of mind when it comes to vote-buying. Why can’t we as an Evangelical Christians cannot seem to unite to public proclaim what is “right, true and Biblical?” Bishop Pabillo in his homily pleaded that way. And how that is related to the rights of Esau, biblically speaking? And how such rights of Esau apply to us as Filipinos and Christians?
Hebrews 12:16, “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.” Meanwhile, Good News Bible (GNB) reads this way:
“Let no one become immoral or unspiritual like Esau, who for a single meal sold his rights as the older son.”
“Birthright” from Greek word, “prototokia” refers to “the right or advantages of the firstborn son” according to Thayer. Strong define it as “primogeniture” or “privilege.”
The firstborn or firstborn son (Hebrew bəḵōr) or BKR is an important concept in Judaism. The role of firstborn son carries significance in the redemption of the first-born son, in the allocation of a double portion of the inheritance, and in the prophetic application of "firstborn" to the nation of Israel.
The firstborn or birthright gets “double-portion” of inheritance according to the Hebrew culture. “Birthright” and “first-born” are closely associated with the Hebrew word “first-fruit.”
“First-fruit” from Greek word “aparche” (ap-ar-khay) refers to the “first-fruit of the production of the earth” or “the first portion of dough, from which sacred loaves were to be prepared to be consecrated to God,” or “persons superior in excellence to others of the same class.”
New Testament relates “first-born” with the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:25; Luke 2:7; Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15, 18; Hebrews 11;28; 12:23).
In Hebrews12:23/ KJV, only those who are first-born get the “double-portion” of their inheritance. It says:
“To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.”
Take note of the words: “general assembly,” and the “church of the first born,” and “written in heaven.” Is it possible that you are claimed to be the Church of Jesus Christ yet you are not the “Church of the First Born?” Will you be invited in the divine “general assembly?” Is it your name or your church is “written in heaven?”
How such “general assembly” looks like?
Good News Bible (GNB) used the words “joyful gathering” and BBE used the word, “great meeting.” It is like an RSVP invitation meaning, “Reserved Seat for Very Important Person.” Will it be a time for commendation or judgment
Pag naka kuha ka ng ng suhol noon nakaraan election, paano ka magiging “first-born?
If you have already sold your birthright of being a firstborn last May 13, 2019 Election how could avail your privilege or right to get a double-portion of your inheritance?
Spiritual treason
The Jewish nation, the Sanhedrin and the Roman Government i.e. people, priests and princes as prophesied by the prophet from the Scripture that says, “what is holy from the profane and what is clean from the unclean” finally came to pass when the people crucified the King of the Jews rather than putting him into power that could have provided the godly governance (Ezekiel 22:26; Mark 15:13).
Now, is it Filipinos a world -class prostitute?
It is you who will judge on the basis of the following?
If we are world-class prostitute?
The President confirmed it. “Vote buying an integral part of Philippine elections — Duterte”
An incumbent politician said it to me personally. ““Why pastors solicit funds or building materials for the construction of their church during the election?”
The media confirmed it. Columnist Alejandro del Rosario writes, “Of the people, for the people, buy the people”.
The police confirmed it. “P12M vote buying money seized in midterm polls,” says PNP.
The election-agency Comelec confirmed it. ‘Vote buying rampant, worse than in ‘16 polls,’ an election commissioner said Sunday.
A pornsite confirmed it. 2016, Pornhub listed Filipinas as the world’s number one female porn watchers with an average of 14 minutes and 20 seconds on the site for every visit.
God Himself confirmed it to the first human legislator, Moses. “Bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions of the godly,” (Deuteronomy 16:19/ NLT).
The Scripture, the Bible confirmed it. Hebrews 12:16 “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.” Majority of us as Filipinos sold our birthright from the recent election. Period.
What validation do we still need?
Should we, as a Filipino people gets the kind of pornos-government that we truly deserve?
We call that “democracy.” Our very right to be a porno or not.
Filipinos, world’s class prostitute?
“Pinays in top 20 porn site viewers”
STANDARD; March 13, 2019 at 01:25 am by Manila Standard
Despite strong government request that Internet service providers block access to porn sites, a review published Tuesday and seen in Manila suggests Filipino women are among the top 20 female visitors of PornHub worldwide.
Pornhub, a Canadian pornographic video sharing and pornography site on the Internet, was launched in Montreal in 2007, providing professional and amateur photography.
Pornhub also has offices and servers in San Francisco, Houston, New Orleans, and London. In March 2010, Pornhub was bought by Manwin (now known as MindGeek), which owns numerous other pornographic websites.
In a PornHub study that summarized the viewing patterns of female visitors worldwide, Filipinas landed in the top 20 viewers of the adult video streaming site.
The study did not suggest any profile of the viewers.
For the “Most Viewed Categories By Women,” Filipinas mostly view Japanese porn and outrank other viewers in the “Romantic” category with 233 percent of viewership.
Filipinas also prefer “Behind The Scenes” with a rate of 204 percent and “Verified Couples”—or real couples copulating—with 160 percent.
No other Southeast Asian country landed in the top 10 list of time spent on the site. Following the Philippines is South Africa, the United States, Ukraine, and Canada.
Aside from that, the Philippines topped the list for having the highest proportion of female visitors at 38 percent.
Following that is Brazil and South Africa which both have 35 percent female visitors.
In 2016, Pornhub listed Filipinas as the world’s number one female porn watchers with an average of 14 minutes and 20 seconds on the site for every visit.
It added that the top search term for Filipinas was “hentai,” or anime porn.
Birthright or Rights of the Firstborn
“Birthright: Etymology and usage”
The semitic root B-K-R means "early" or "first" in Ancient Near East semitic languages. Classical Hebrew contains various verbs from the B-K-R stem with this association. The plural noun bikkurim (vegetable first-fruits) also derives from this root. The masculine noun bekhor, firstborn, is used of sons, as "Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn" (Genesis 10:15), whereas the feminine noun, and female equivalent, is bekirah (בְּכִירָה), first-born daughter, such as Leah (Genesis 29:26). Derived from bechor is the qualitative noun bekhorah "birthright" (בְּכוֹרָה), related to primogeniture, such as that which Esau sold to Jacob. In the plural this qualitative noun "birthright" can also mean "firstlings", as when Abel brought out the "firstborn" (bekhorot feminine plural בְּכֹרֹות) of his flock to sacrifice (Genesis 4:4).
Hebrew Bible
The earliest account of primogeniture to be widely known in modern times involved Isaac's son Jacob being born second (Genesis 25:26) and Isaac's son, Esau being born first (Genesis 25:25) and entitled to the "birthright", but eventually selling it to Isaac's second son, Jacob, for a small amount of food (Genesis 25:31-34) A similar transfer is shown by the writer of 1 Chronicles 5:1-2 where, although the tribe of Judah prevailed above their brethren, nevertheless the "birthright", the double portion of two tribal allotments, was Joseph's.
According to the Law of Moses, the firstborn may be either the firstborn of his father, who is entitled to receive a double portion of his father's inheritance (compared to the other siblings), (Deuteronomy 21:17) or the firstborn of his mother. Deuteronomy 21:15-17 provides inheritance rules preventing the husband with more than one wife from leaving property to the son of the favoured wife.
Death of the firstborn of Egypt
The Egyptians also attached significance to primogeniture and birthright. The death of Pharaoh and the Egyptian's firstborn at the first Passover is direct recompense for God's identification of Israel as his own firstborn.
Source: Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament 2 p121 G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgren - 1975 Article BEKHOR, section FIRSTFRUITS