10 Towns
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- Published: Monday, 20 May 2024 00:52
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The 10 Towns
By Peps: May 16, 2024; 10:59 PM
Sunday, May 12
It was in the middle of Sunday preaching when the Ten Towns came up, needing to be prayed for with a strong impression of sprinkling salt on the seat of power, i.e., the Local Government Unit (LGU), declaring the supremacy of Christ as the Head of the Church.
Monday, May 13
By late evening, an invitation was extended to the pastors with the thought of exercising corporate prayer, intercession, and declaration.
Urgency may be necessary, devoid of planning in some cases, as only immediate action may suffice (Ezekiel 1:1; 2:1; 6:1; 7:1).
Tuesday, May 14
I left home at 5:00 AM to pray at the church. As I passed through the gate, I heard an audible voice that said, “Pa,” meaning “father.” I looked around, but no one had uttered such a word.
In between worship, I prayed and made petitions. I asked the Lord whether the sudden plan of making rounds to 10 towns was His. As I opened my Bible, these words unveiled before my very eyes, confirming Sunday’s thought in the middle of the preaching about “towns” and “salt.”
“The Destroyer will come against EVERY TOWN. Not one town will escape. The valley will be ruined. The high plain will be destroyed. The Lord said this would happen, so it will happen. Spread salt over the fields in Moab. The country will be an empty desert. Moab’s towns will become empty. No one will live in them” (Jeremiah 48:8-9 / ERV).
Take note of these words: “gate,” “pa,” “Moab,” and “salt.”
Jeremiah 48 refers to Moab as Amman, Jordan, in our present day.
Moab, according to James Strong Bible Dictionary, means “from the father.” The same word that I heard from the gate at the house, “Pa.”
To the Jews, forefathers, fathers, elders, or tribe leaders are dubbed as “Elders of the City.” They always sit at the gates, watching people come in and out of the city, as if they were intel officers. They are like gatekeepers who can discern or smell danger as it approaches and are ready to blow a trumpet if necessary.
The word “sit” or “sat” at the city gate or door has a deeper meaning (Genesis 18:1). In Hebrew, “yashab” means to dwell, stay, or judge. Jesus was at the door at Laodicea (Revelation 3:20).
Revelation 3:20: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice…”
The word “stand” in Greek, “histemi,” means “to make a bid before the judges,” which is similar to the word “sit,” meaning “to be in the tribunal or court.”
Pastors and the Pastoral Movement are modern-day “elders of the city,” who watch their “city gates” 24/7, not just spiritually but also morally and politically. Even King David was subject to the prophet Nathan. King David always sought counsel from the Lord through His servants, the prophets.
“Elders of the City” are not confined to the four corners of the sanctuary. They can see beyond what politicians or kings can see. They can hear the sound of the wind or see a “cloud” the size of a hand when the rain comes, just like Elijah during the time of famine.
Elders of the City can discern the slightest faint sound of the enemy or danger. A shepherd or pastor is always on guard 24/7 (with little sleep because he watches the city or sheep every now and then).
Jesus said, “I am the door” (John 10:7). As a gate or door, the sheep must know His voice, not the voice of a stranger. A Christian believer can discern the footsteps of his master. A Christian believer should discern the voice of God, even outside the door (Revelation 3:20).
John 10:3 says: “To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.”
Why would Jesus claim to be the gate or door? What year do we have now?
Year 2024 or Year 5784
The Gregorian Calendar Year 2024 is equivalent to the Jewish Calendar Year “5784.”
5784 is the “Year of the Gate,” “Year of the Door,” or “Year of Breakthrough,” symbolizing freedom according to Jewish interpretation.
If 2024 is the Year of the Door or Breakthrough, the question is whether it is a door of judgment or a door of deliverance.
If it is God’s judgment, then we need to hear from Him, declare deliverance, and file petitions of prayers, to name a few.