The Walking Stick
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- Published: Friday, 04 October 2019 08:54
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The Walking Stick
by Augusto A Kho
September 29, 2019; (Sunday); ; 1:15 a.m.
I am preparing for today Sunday preaching at 1:15 A. which is inspired from Mark 6:7/NLT and I was looking for separate prophetic words given to me many, many years ago. The first one is from Eddie Cairns of New Zealand while I was in Thailand and he said, “I saw food that are well cooked placed on a serving tray. God has given you a gift in teaching brother and I saw you with a pen in your hand. “ The second one was in 1994, when Darry Baxter in the company of Bill Hamon Prophets is here in Rosales when I hosted two of his two separate 2-Day Prophetic Seminar in Urdaneta City and Dagupan City and he prophesied me these words, “God is telling that you will make a headquarter like a NASA shooting astronauts on the space for He have given you the gift to multiply and to evangelize. He who wins souls is wise Proverbs says and I saw you wearing a headdress just like of those ancient Indians of America while you are holding an ancient pen with feathers on top of it.”
While scanning my Diary starting from 1990 up to these days, at 4:22 a.m. this came to me, “Christianity, Politics and Religion: order of ordeal”.”
It is a 3-year account of my personal order of ordeal for court litigation from year 2011-2013 which was dragged for the next five (5) years. The accounts speak more in my personal walk with the Lord as a Christian, the God-given ministry that has something to do with politics involving Politics (local and national) and the strong influence of politics in the Church because of religion led me to the national scene in the Senate.
It was on 2011 when a former Malacan appointee plotted a sinister plan to pin down a mayor. He also used Vice Mayor to invite me personally as an observer to their regular session in their legislative agendas while two other lawmakers concocted how to let me let me speak on a certain irregularity in government contract that led to my warrant of arrest few days later.
The question is what is the connection of those two prophetic words in today’s Sunday preaching that involves a “pen?” Perhaps I may be able to explain it later, let us see how the preaching goes from here.
Presuming that jour journey start from there (see the above photo), what will you bring with you? You can probably choose from the following: a pair of shoes; extra clothes; packed or canned foods; a cane or a stick; a loaded backpack; water jug; compass or/and money of various currencies.
Have you made up your mind which one will you carry with you in jour journey?
Take nothing
Last September 24, 2019 (Tuesday) at 1:06 Devotion reads this way:
Mark 6:7-9/ NLT, “Then Jesus went from village to village, teaching the people. And he called his
twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast
out evil[c] spirits. 8 He told them to take nothing for their journey except a walking stick—no food,
no traveler’s bag, no money] 9 He allowed them to wear sandals but not to take a change of
Probing closely to the text you will find a progressive revelation there.
Christ’s pioneering ministry did not come as grand. Jesus begun his ministry not from the city but from unheard far-flung places from the countryside. It says, “village to village” or “barrio to barrio.” Unlike of today’s mega-churches, Christ shunned public scrutinizing eyes or limelight. His style is simple yet very intimate “teaching” people closely, then sending them “two by two.”
From rural lifestyle of ministry until into teaching, he sent disciples in two’s. That’s progressive. Then He commanded them this way, “Take nothing!”
Take nothing means – no food, no water, no extra clothes, no medicines, no extra sandals except just the footwear you are wearing at the moment. Nothing means bare or empty. He will simply empty you upside down. The only resource you’ve got is Him and His Word.
I am trying to recall how Christ called me and how he stripped me naked from anything that I can depend on for a living. In fact, He have taken everything, all what I got – my degree, my profession, my work, my life and even my aspirations in life . He left nothing but just His words where to get the sole source of what I can hope for.
Then Jesus said that the only thing the disciples can bring along with themselves is this – “take nothing for their journey except a walking stick.” What? Yes, a walking stick?
Why a walking stick?
In today’s generation especially among millennials a walking stick suggest senility when old men and women uses sticks to help their deteriorating balance system especially when they are walking. A walking stick suggest aging status.
Is it Christ’s strategy is out of trend today because He talks about a walking stick? Is this the culprit behind why millennials are now leaving their God-given calls and the work ministry and the Church? (See
Well, I presumed when Christ said to His disciples to take nothing except a walking stick, such stick is rather literal and not figurative? Can literal walking stick speak of great companionship and our edge in the task of the Lord?
According to Bleek, the staff or a walking stick in the Gospel of Mark is meant only”” for support,” not as a weapon of defense.
But what the Bible shows us to understand in regard to a walking stick, a sole companion in our journey with Christ?
The rod
The Book of Genesis or Beginning tells us that even Jacob, the twin brother of Esau held himself a “rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree,” (Gen. 30:37).
Excuses were not enough for Moses not to bring to pass his call as leader of the Jewish nation and God told him to get a rod. The rod speaks for signs. “And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs,” (Exodus 4:17). Signs in the Hebrew “oth” means an “evidence” of Moses divine call from God Himself. A divine call without signs has no legal bearing. What you say in the name of the Lord should show proof or evidence. So it is said that Moses “took the rod of God in his hand,” (Exodus 4:20). It is the same rod of God when Moses divided the sea (Exodus 14:16). It is the same rod of God that defeat the enemies of the Jews, the Amalekites in Exodus. 17:9.
Rod is a tool as an offense for other. Rod if used against anyone should be punished as well. “And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished,” (Exodus 21:20)
But the rod of God is not meant merely for His enemies, it is the same rod that is also meant for His own people, a rod of discipline.
Rod of discipline
God also uses rod to discipline His own people not just for His enemies. Proverbs 13:24 says, “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” Chastening or discipline is a part of the process or instruments to develop a man’s character.
And I remember a young man who successfully made P38-M in just five months a few weeks back these words, “A man without character is not fit to run an organization, otherwise he is not fit to lead.” Character is the key for leadership and not just skills. Proverbs 22;15 says,
“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.”
Chastening just like using a rod will not merely develops one’s character but it is also an expression of intimacy and love according to the author of Hebrews (12:5-7).
Singling out
While the word “discrimination” is being used by many proponents of SOGIE Bill in the lower and
higher Congress i.e. the House of Representative and the Senate, also known as “Sexual
Orientation for Gender Identity and Expression” for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender), such word “discrimination” is being used by God in a very positive way.
God would choose or single out anyone whom He is well pleased of. God uses the rod as a form
of selecting His anointed. In Number 17:5, God said “the man’s rod whom I shall choose shall
blossom.” ” And in Numbers. 17:7, “And Moses laid up the rods before the Lord in the tabernacle
of witness.”
Whatever God chooses becomes holy then. And whatever passes though the rod is considered
holy before God (Lev. 27:32).
The prince
What do you the mocking Roman soldiers gave Christ a rod? Was it given as a form of prophesy
in favor to Him or merely used as a scoffing device?
In the Old Testament time, rod speaks of authority. It speaks of dominion and kingship. Every
head of the family of the tribe of Levi represent a rod to represent his fathers or clan (Numbers
17:2-3). It is called “a rod for each prince,” (Numbers 17:6).
Rod speaks of a specter. And specter speaks of dominion or authority to gather people.
The assembly
To assemble God’s people in the Old Testament is synonymous for a rod.
“Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye
unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them
water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink,” (Num. 20:8)
The word “rod” here in Hebrew “matteh,” means “a staff, branch, tribe.” It also means “shaft, branch (of vine) or a tribe (or company led by chief with a staff).
According to Strong Bible Dictionary, the rod is being used for chastening and correction. It is a “ruling scepter if not athrowing (lance)and walking staff (a support for life). “
In Psalm 2:9 the coming Messiah is believed to be a hard King that He will rule the whole earth with the “rod of iron.” That was also confirmed by John the Beloved when He saw that Messianic King in a vision in Revelation 2:27 that says, “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. “
That prophetic word of “rod of iron” has been revealed to John in connection to the prophetic word to “Thayatira Church” who is branded as “harlot” and fornicated with Jezebel. Shall a Christian or Evangelical Church who will not stand against the SOGIE Bills or doing nothing but by merely a bystander is influenced by the Church of Jezebel?
In Psalm 2:9 the words, “a rod of iron” in Hebrew “shebe” means “a staff, spear or dart, a
shepherd’s staff or rod, a scepter (mark of authority), clan or tribe.” Iron in other words is being
used as a noun as well that speaks of name or person. Dennis Trillo if not Bethany Christian
Church is synonymous to a rod.
According to Strong this rod is meant as a “ stick (for writing, for punishing; ruling, walking, correction, dart, rod, sceptre, staff, tribe.”
Take note of the word “rod” which is meant “writing” according to Strong. So rod is also a writing instrument. Perhaps now you can recall why earlier I am looking for the prophetic words given to me by two prophets many years ago.
Can a rod or a writing pen or a blog or a teaching (written words) can be regarded as well as a rebuke, warning or judgment as a declaration to a thing, person or nation?
While I Psalm 23 that says, Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” that word “staff” meant as “mishenah” in Hebrew referring to “support of every kind, sustenance, a walking stick.”
A walking stick is being used in Mark 6:8 in New Living Translation (NLT) while King James Version (KJV) called the “walking stick” as “staff”. A staff in Greek “rhabdos” means “a walking stick; a staff (used for journey or lean upon, used by the shepherds; for kings (rod of iron speaks of most and severest and rigorous rule, or a royal scepter.”
Can a layman or a clergy just say a words or poem or song in a form of prayer or petition to God to
declare a war and puts a nation to deliverance? Would that be possible and why did I say?
Remember the man who said, “Give me liberty or give me death?” Do you know the history of
today’s great nation, United States of America (USA) and how it became a superpower up to this
very day?
World Power
Can you topple a superpower by the stroke of your pen?
Spain has the largest armada before. Armada means a sea fleet. Not until England rose to power
and superseded Spain as the world’s power. During England’s heyday, North America which is
the United of States of America today only a mere foreign territory of Great Britain until the former
flexing her military muscle against her territory, USA.
Whether America will succumb to the demands of Britain’s military strength or not will be the
former’s political decision. In a convention, the Americans decided to submit themselves to
England but someone from the crowd protested and yelled these words saying:
“Give me liberty or give me death !!”
That was the very words of Patrick Henry, one of America’s well-known poet who strongly
protested and hold his ground that he will not succumb to the foreign power of England, then the
world’s great superpower.
In that convention, the Americans inspired by the very words of the poet decided to decline
England’s demands resulting a clashing war between America and England. Until American won
against England up to this very day.
Will you still doubt what the power of words can do? Will you still doubt what the song of David
can do? Will you still doubt what the prophetic Word of God can do? Can we be like David, a
songwriter who used the power of pen to declare war against God’s enemies? Can we be like
Patrick Henry, the American poet whose stroke of pen and the uttered speech overpowered Great
Britain as the world’s superpower?
What else can we doubt for in the power of the walking stick or the stroke of a pen?
The songwriter and his pen
David, the son of Jesse is not only a king of Israel. He is also a poet, a songwriter and a warrior.
The fact is that he wrote a lot of Songs of Deliverance and thus he wrote, “my tongue is a pen of a
ready writer,” (Psalm 45:1/ KJV). In NLT, it reads, “Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a
lovelypoem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.” And he himself became
a deliverer of his own nation Israel.
Let’s learn from this songwriter and the power of his pen.
Take note that coming messiah was sung by this very the same songwriter David. He wrote, “I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, "You are my Son, today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter (rod of iron) you will dash them to pieces like pottery,” (Psalm 2:7-9 /New International Version). Such is a very powerful lyrics of a song that we still sing to very this day. Why are we singing those songs written by David and other men of God?
It is the power of songs has something to do with the power of pen like a walking stick?
So what if you write a song of deliverance against SOGIE BILL, same -sex marriage known as “Civil Partnership,” “Absolute Divorce Bills,” “Dissolution of Marriage” and any other controversial yet dubious bills that are being legislated by the Lower House and the Higher House and sing or utter them before the Lord for the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines? Or perhaps declare it from the church pulpit? Will it matter?
Can it become a pen of judgment or a word of rebuke to the nation? READ THIS
“And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right
hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!.”
The Pen of judgment
The word “reed” in Greek “kalamos” is not only interpreted literally as “staff or rod made of reed.” referring to a walking stick. It is also being interpreted as “a writer’s reed” or “a pen.”
The Roman soldiers ridiculed Jesus Christ placing a “walking stick” on His hand as a form of severe mockery against Him as a future King of the Jews right after His trial both by the religious Sanhedrin but also before the superpower Roman Government (of that time). YET without knowing that these Roman scoffers it putting a “pen of judgment” on the hand of Christ as a “scepter” of the highest degree of authority to judge which is equivalent to the “rod of iron.”
That’s the reason I was looking for those two prophecies given to me concerning “pen.”
When you have the walking stick or the power of pen then you have the authority to declare the power of God.
Is it the power of pen or the “NO Position Papers on SOGIE: I submitted to the House of Representatives since 2014 and to the Senate of August 28, 2018 has somehow is gaining credence to the voices of the Church today towards the Bill? Just like the recent coalitions of evangelical Christians in regard to SOGIE Bill at the Senate Grounds along Diokno Avenue, Pasay City last September 30, 2019?
Is it the result of the walking stick or the pen?
Is it a coincidence that the poem, “Give me liberty or give me death” by a poet named Patrick Henry, is an evangelical church layman while the result of evangelical rally at the Senate on SOGIE last September 30, 2019 also outsourced by a church pastor since 2014?
The term discriminate appeared in the early 17th century in the English language. It is from the
Latin discriminat- 'distinguished between', from the verb discriminare, from discrimen 'distinction',
from the verb discernere according to Oxford Dictionaries
Give me liberty
“Give me liberty, or give me death!" is a quotation attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775 at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia according to James D. Hart
"Give me liberty, or give me death!", lithograph (1876) from the Library of Congress
Henry is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the convention to pass a resolution delivering Virginian troops for the Revolutionary War. Among the delegates to the convention were future U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
The speech was published until The Port Folio printed a version of it in 1816.[2] The version of the speech that is known today first appeared in print in Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry, a biography of Henry by William Wirt in 1817.[2] There is debate among historians as to whether and to what extent Henry or Wirt should be credited with authorship of the speech and its famous closing words (Cohen, 1981)