“The right to be heard”
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- Category: Teachings & Articles
- Published: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 04:26
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“The right to be heard”
Isaiah 6:8/ NLT
By Augusto A. Kho
September 7, 2019 (Saturday); 3:31 am
Revised: September 10, 2019 (Tuesday); 11:31 pm
How does it feel to be rejected and no one even opens the door for you?
These are 3 stories in 1 story. It is 3 in 1. These stories took place just in less than a week time from Tuesday to Saturday. This trilogy is subtitles to the following
“Outside the door”
“Scary Scenario”
“The right to be heard”
Isaiah 6 :8 (NLT), “8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”
At the door
Have you ever been pushed away? Or denied? And no one let you in? How does it feel?
When she closes her heart to you, will you still knock out from the door of her life? When she closes her heart to you? How does it feel to be rejected and no one even opens the door for you?
Will you still wait outside the door until she opens her arms back to you again? If not, will you sulk outside her door and you will give your best emo (emotional) shot? Otherwise, out of the rain, will you let the rain washes you tears away?
“At the door” was inspired from my Quiet time last Tuesday morning at 9:00, September 3, 2019 while I was preparing for what I was about to share in Dagupan City for a provincial prayer meeting.
It is the story of four persistent four men who have taken their paralyzed friend to Jesus but found the house where Jesus was completely crowded and there was no space to bring in their friend to the Lord. Literally, there was no space even outside the door so they decided to bring in their bedridden friend from the rooftop. The Scriptures reads:
“Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even out the door. While he was God’s word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat.” – Mark 2:2-3 / New Living Translation
In this this particular passage there was no room left to them while carrying their beloved sickly friend. Why would some of us are not given a space?
At the Palace
Why President Duterte opens the Palace for LGBT and not to Christ? Why is Jesus Christ is still outside the door from the executive level branch of our government be in presidential, gubernatorial or mayoral office?
The planned EO (executive order of Pres. Duterte) is intended to partly address LGBT concerns as lawmakers continue discussions on the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill and the Anti-Discrimination Bill. Is SOGIE Bill Discriminatory Bill?
SOGIE Bill, discriminatory?
Discriminatory to the Bill of Rights; Social Justice & Filipino Family & Filipino Marriage – attack to humans
Discriminatory to Art. XIV, Educ, Culture, Arts, esp. Science (Genetics and other Natural Sciences) – attack to science
Discriminatory to Preamble – attack against “Almighty God”
Discriminatory to Rule of Law – attack to Philippine Constitution and to the Rule of Law.
Can law attacks law or can a law attacks legislator ? SOGIE Bill once approved is a “self-inflicting law against the rule of law.” (RA 6713)
These what I shared in Dagupan City in a IFP provincial prayer meeting.
At the legislation
We have two legislative body : the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines. While most legislators opened the doors of their hearts to SOGIE proponents and not to Christ, few good people made their strong moral ground.
Other legislative bodies are Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) and Sangguniang Bayan (SB). Bb Barangay officials can function the 3 Branches of the Government in terms of barangay ordinance (Legislative); execution of ordinances (Executive) and interprets the law (Judiciary) in the like of Barangay Lupon.
Senator Sotto stood his ground on SOGIE Bill. The Photo below shows it.
Yet a SOGIE -proponent, an author of the bill insisted it as photo below shows it.
Nothing wrong
There is nothing wrong with legislation. The question arises is when a bill will curtail other’s people rights, what will we do about it?
There is nothing wrong with the Bill of Rights of 1987 Philippine Constitution. Article III under the Bill of Rights guarantees full protection to every Filipino regardless of their sex, status, religion, ethnic group, affiliations and others even the LGBT group and all should be accorded with their rights be in their personal life, education, labor among others.
In other words, the Philippine Constitution guarantees full respect of human rights even to the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender), why there is need of such “mega-law” which once I described on the bill at the lower house in Congress in 2014. Senate President Sotto branded it as a “class-legislation.” A class -legislation is a law to few privileged class of people that violates the Preamble, “for the common good” or “sa ikakabuti ng lahat.”
The Judiciary
Should the bill will be approved by the lower and the higher house, will someone out there like YOU and ME will challenged its constitutionality in the Rule of Law under the Supreme Court, how will the Judiciary interprets the law? Will it be the Rule of Law or Rule of men or the Rule of God?
At the door
Should Christ Jesus be at the door of the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary, will these three
branches of the government of the Philippines will open the doors of their hearts to the Lord Christ who Himself is a King, a Lawmaker and a Judge?
Isaiah 33:22, “For the Lord is our Judge (Judiciary), the Lord is our Lawgiver (Senate, Congress), the Lord is our King (Palace, Executive)?”
Or Christ Himself will be outside the doors of
their governance just like in the case of Laodicea Church in Revelation 3:20 that says,
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
The Church
Even the Church of Laodicea is closed to the Lord. Christ is pictured there knocking and He is outside the door.
It is very surprising that when I called for many pastors in our District in Pangasinan, only a handful came to sign in against the SOGIE Bill last September 7, 2019 (Saturday) at the residence of our District Representative Hon. Congressman Atty. Tyrone Agabas. Only around 60 out from over 250 pastors in District 6 came. Two (2) towns have not even a single representative.
We presented our sentiments and our moral stand on SOGIE Bill (and not the persons) to our honorable congressman. And he did listen. And at present, I am mobilizing a Signature Campaign in our District on “NO to SOGIE Bil !!l” as a prevention rather than a cure.
Once a Signature Campaign is done, we can have it photocopied and attached our Cover Letter or Position Paper if not a Manifesto and we can send these to the legislators such as follows:
Sangguniang Bayan
Sangguniang Panlalawigan
House of Representatives
Senate of the Republic of the Philippines
Prayer Points
On that day, September 3, 2019 at Dagupan City our prayer points is focused on SOGIE Bill which now became a hot national issue:
Malacanan and the President (EXECUTIVE)
Congress and Senate (LEGISLATIVE)
Rule of Law & Constitution & Supreme Court (JUDICIARY)
A day earlier
A day earlier, I received a text from the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines that reads:
“1:02 PM : From 0927-840-9861
Bishop Balais and Pastor Kho good afternoon. The Senate Committee on Women would like to invite you as a resource person to its 2nd public hearing on the SOGIE BILLS (SBNs 159, 412 and 869) on September 4, 2019 at 10 am at the Senate Laurel Room. We hope you could attend and participate. Thank you and kind regards. Yours truly, Eloisa Tecson, Legislative Staff (02) 552-6888.”
Why Senate invitation?
Why did Senate officially did text me for the coming session of SOGIE Bill at the Senate on Wednesday, 4th of September 2019?
On August 22, 2019, I went to Senate myself to formally follow-up my Position Paper with over 8,000 signatories on “NO to SOGIE” which was received by the Office of the Senate dated August 28, 2018. And again a Letter addressed to the Senate dated August 22, 2019 and that was the time that they informed me that they can invite me should there will be another hearing on SOGIE Bill. I told them that I represent Bishop Daniel A. Balais of Intercessors for the Philippines (IFP) and also the pastors of Pangasinan as IFP-Pangasinan. I requested their office should they will invite me in the near future inform my legal covering no less than Bishop Balais.
Duty of public official
The duty of public official and employees in terms of formal letter sent to their office is that prompt reply is their ethical and civil duty.
According to Republic Act 6713 known as “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.”
Section 5 Duties of Public Officials and Employees of such Code says, “In the performance of their duties, all officials and employees are under obligation to:(a) Act promptly on letters and requests – All public officials and employees shall, within fifteen (15) working days from receipt thereof, respond to letters, telegrams or other means of communication.”
My Position Paper dated August 28, 2018 is addressed to ALL the Senators as well to the Senate President. And it was received by their office with the following names _______ and it was never been acknowledged at all as mandated by the law
Hopefully I can attach on this my letter to the Senate dated August 28, 2018 and letter dated August 22, 2019.
Today’s preaching
I often say that since 2013, “Today’s preaching or teaching is tomorrow’s headlines” referring to Tuesday Prayer Meeting in Dagupan.
The Bible says “word of God can become flesh,” (John 1:14; Isaiah 9:6-7)
When Elisha spoke the word to Hazael that he will become a king, the latter was overwhelmingly confused and ran on unbelief to what was spoken by God though His prophet 1 Kings 19:15) But the prophet’s words came to pass and Hazael became a king of Syria (2 Kings 8:15).
I remember that I have spoken the “words” sometime on February, 2014. Just a day later, it became trending No. 2 and on the second day, it became Trending No. 1 all over the Philippines until it became an international news. That is properly documented to this very day and I still have the proofs with me.
What can be spoken from the pulpit, can it be the words to be spoken in the Senate as well?
Progressive revelation
There might progressive revelation of what has been shared from the pulpit on that Tuesday Prayer Meeting which may goes like this:
Tuesday, 3rd September, “Outside the door”
Wednesday, 4th September, Jesus said, “Sin no more” and “Scary scenario.”
Friday & Saturday, 6th and 7th September “The right to be heard”
Outside the door of Senate
I came inside the Senate at around 8:51 a.m. on Wednesday, 4th of September, 2019. And I came second as one among the resource persons next only to Atty. Lyndon Cana of Bacolod City (as far as I remember).
At around 9:35 a.m. The Senate Laurel Room is already full packed with media men with their cameras in placed. Conference table have no name tags yet of the resource persons, janitors and janitress were seen busy placing some chairs. And I seated on the back of the gallery. I stood up later and asked a Senate female staff if they have a name tagged of Augusto A. Kho. She shown me my name tag but she did not put there on the table.
Other resources speakers and members of the Senate came in at around 11 a.m. As far I remember, the session officially started at 11:15 a.m. officially opened through a Prayer and a Roll Call.
Roll Call
I heard my name mentioned as IFP during the Roll Call.
Resource person’s names are being introduced during the Roll Call to officially open the committee hearing. Many resource persons who came late were given the privileged to speak. But my name was never called. I texted someone who was in charge of the Committee informing her that I might leave for an urgent and important meeting at Subic at 3:00 in that very afternoon. A lady approached me and she got my name tag and placed it on the table of Obed, a resource person who was already left because he had already done his piece. I waited for nearly half an hour more but around 5 or 6 resource persons have already spoken yet my name was not called yet.
“Am I too assuming or presuming,” I said to myself. Or “am I pretty much greedy for “media-mileage?” I decided to leave the session room at around 1:10 p.m. and gone outside the door.
“But I stood there outside the door of the Senate session room for a little while”
But I stood there outside the door of the Senate session room for a little while and sought the help of two security guards securing the venue to call the attention of the person in charge of the committee hearing.
Someone from the Senate staff sent a text message requesting me just to send my “Position Paper.” I texted back saying I already did last August 22, 2019. She said she haven’t received any copy. I texted back saying, “The Senate is not organized?” And she texted back saying, “Kasi ditto po sa Secretaria wala po kaming copy. Very organized po and Ssenate. Mga boss po naming ang mga Senators.”
Finally, the one in charge of the whole SOGIE Bill Committee came outside the session to meet me personally. I told her that my Position Paper last August 22, 2019 was the second one. The first one was dated August 28, 2018 which the Senate did not acknowledge which is a violation of the government’s ethical standards (Republic Act 6713). Hearing that I submitted at least twice and the legal counsel of the Senate President said last August 22 that I might be invited as resource speaker she insisted me to go back to the session hall and she will talk to Senator Hontiveros to prioritize my slot to speak. I told her not anymore because I might be tagged as so assuming but she insisted. When I came in the third time, my nametag is again placed on the table and Senator Hontiveros called my name to share my NO Position to SOGIE Bill.
Chairwoman Lisa Hontiveros
I remember what the Chairwoman of the SOGIE Bill and Senator Lisa Hontiveros in her opening remarks said:
“We are here to work together. For advocates who are fighting for this for two decades now.. we are all against all forms of discrimination and to preserve our values and our Filipino family. .. bukas isip at bukas puso. What we are hearing from the online, … are we speaking the message that want to all this… may I ask of this from all of you…”
And I presume that the lady-senator will also open her mind and the door of her heart to the Lord.
Should the lady-senators on that bill will listen to God’s voice or they will be one-sided with LGBT group alone? Let us wait and see.
As a resource person, I said the following in just three or four minutes:
“My name is Augusto A.Kho. I am representing Bishop Daniel A. Balais for the Intercessors for the Philippines (IFP). I am also representing IFP in Pangasinan
Discrimination can be taken good or bad. Will this bill somehow discriminate the words “big, bigger, biggest:”
Discrimination is merely a distinction, discernment or unfair treatment (Webster definition)
The Philippine Constitution clearly protect human rights under Article III regardless of sex or gender, status, religion, ethnic groups even the LGBT and others. We say “NO” to SOGIE Bill because it is unnecessary due to the following reasons:
No.1: SOGIE Bill is discriminatory to Art. III, Bill of Rights; Social Justice & Filipino Family & Filipino Marriage – it is an attack to humans (Art. XIV, Sec. 3 (2, 3); Art. XIII, Sec. 16; Art. XV, Sec. 1-3). Is it the bill is encroaching invasion of sanctity of marriage and Filipino family? It is an invasion of child innocence, a form of child abuse aided by legislation?
No. 2. SOGIE Bill is discriminatory to Art. XIV, Educ, Culture, Arts, esp. Science (Genetics and other Natural Sciences) – it is an attack to science (Art . XIV, Sec. 10 like Science of Genetics, Biology, Genealogy, etc.).
No. 3, SOGIE Bill is discriminatory to Preamble – it is an attack against “Almighty God” (Art. II, Sec. 6; Art. III, Sec. 5; Art. XIV, Sec. 14, Sec. 3 (3); Art. XV, Sec. 3 (1).” The Preamble says, “We, the sovereign Filipino imploring the aid of Almighty God…”
No. 4, SOGIE Bill is discriminatory to Rule of Law that makes us a republican state (meaning we are under the rule by law and NOT the rule of men” – it is an attack to Philippine Constitution and to the Legislators (Ethical Standards).
If legislation or lawmaking is on the basis of emotion or feeling and not be reason, then when are not under the Rule of Law. Is it not Philippines is a republican state because we have the rule of law? (RA 6713).
In closing, is it SOGIE Bill once approved is a “self-inflicting law?”
Sin no more
Atty. Lyndon Cana was the first resource person who gave his piece on “No to SOGIE.” His approach is very intellectual, scientific and constitutional.
Talent Manager and former movie actor Anselmo shared his homosexual life and how he was changed by the power of Christ did a very scientific and spiritual approach.
A former gay turned pastor also testified citing the power of God in his life.
Four evangelicals and one of the from is from a Theological Seminary gave their favorable stand on the bill. A young evangelical quoted several biblical verses on Christ’s compassion to sinners saying who are we to judge.
While other Christian evangelical suggested their pro-stand on SOGIE Bill citing the salvation of Christ, it spoke in my heart what Jesus said to the adulterous woman, “Where are who condemns you? … Go and sin no more,” (John 8:10-11). Man’s salvation through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross must not be a license for us to continue sinning.
I immediately left after that on my way to Clark for an important meeting yet I was still contemplating while driving. I asked again these two questions:
1. Am I too hard, too pushy and too persistent to speak in the Senate?
2. Am I after for media mile-age?
Looking back
Looking back is what has been transpired since August, 2014 that made my way to the Senate. And that was five (5) years ago.
Am I so assuming? Am I an addict for media exposure? Where is the fruit of our labor since August 2014 at the lower house in Batasang Pambansa at SOGIE bill Committee Hearing? I have been lobbying against this bill for sometime the past five years.
If I will not insist to speak in the Senate in behalf of God then, where is the voice of Pangasinan
Christians and pastors?
Since then I warned the Bishops and Christians alike since 2014 that if we will not act legally & swiftly, SOGIE bill will become a national menace, a scary scenario. And we are not against the persons of LGBT but we are against the bill. The LGBT still a recipients of the saving knowledge of Christ.
After several hearings on SOGIE at the lower house, we were assured by the lawmakers that SOGIE Bill is not a prelude to “same-sex marriage” BUT on February 22, 2018 and that was last year, I was one among the invited Resource Speaker on “Civil Partnership Bill,” a same-sex marriage, Pinoy style at the Congress. No less than Rep. Vilma Santos was the once who graced the opening prayer on that session.
If you are lobbying against a bill for the past five years, don’t you have the right to be heard?
While on meditation at 7:00 p.m, 6th of September, 2019 (Friday) in Ninoy Aquino Avenue, Airport Road along Paranaque, the words, “The right to be heard” came in so serenely. If we have the right to be heard, can God invoke His right to be heard as well?
I was still in Manila then on a Friday afternoon when the office of the Honorable Congressman Atty. Tyrone Agabas called me up to invite the District 6 Pastors in his residence for TESDA scholarship grants allocation today, Saturday, 7th of September, 2019.
I cancelled my important appointment in Manila for the next day to take the opportune time to gather the signatures of pastors in our district for “NO CAMPAIGN TO SOGIE BILL” at the lower house as well. Every man and woman of God should fight for RIGHT OF GOD TO BE HEARD. And I just drove from Sucat, Paranaque at 4:53 am and just arrived today at 6:23 am. At 4:13 a.m. while driving along NLEX in Bocaue, the words, “The right to be heard” again came into the picture.
Constitutional right
To invoke our right to be heard is our constitutional mandate.
Under the Bill of Rights, Article III, Section 4. it says, “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.”
You and me has the right to be heard especially when a bill for example affects our Bill of Rights.
In the case of “SOGIl” and “Civil Partnership” or the same-sex marriage” bill, the word “vilify” can be seen in the provisions of those bills. What is vilify?
Vilify according to Webster is “to say or write very harsh and critical things about someone or something.”
When someone like you or me quote something harsh from the Scripture like “adultery, fornication, uncleanliness and lasciviousness” related to homosexuality, lesbianism and sodomy which is related to Galatians 5:19 these can be take us a ground against the others. If those words or any harsh words related to LGBT have spoken on it from the pulpit or personally spoken or quoted, posted it on the face book or messenger or published them on a newspaper or church newsletter, that will be considered a criminal offense punishable by maximum imprisonment and P500,000.00 fine or both. Unless of course, those provisions will be deleted or changed from those bill provisions.
In the case of “same-sex marriage,” a church minister who refuses to officiate LGBT wedding rites commits “discrimination” violating his right of conviction and religious freedom. He too can be criminalized and his church can be padlocked I presumed. The same thing goes with a civil or government servant who refuses to provide marriage license to LGBT can be criminalized as well or to a judge or a municipal or city mayor who refuses to render his public service to LGBT marriage rites.
Right of information
I found myself like a fool, parading myself be personal or in the internet plugging my advocacy against these bills that sometimes I felt I am too much like too persistent, assuming or perhaps arrogantly holier-than-thou.
The right of information and even people’s assembly to be socially and politically relevant is protected under our present law.
Bill of Rights in Article III, Section 7 and 8 states that, “ The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law. Section 8. The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.”
Did Abram invoked his right for information when he leant that Sodom and Gomorrah will be completely wiped out? Would that concern Abraham? Yes, because his nephew Lot lived in Sodom. God in fact said in Genesis 18:17, “And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do.” In effect, God wants Abram to intervene for the city or for his nephew.
Are you concern with your town or city my dear pastor? Are you concern to this nation Philippines? Will you just allow God to judge our nation without picking God through your intercession?
Right to be heard
When a person can exercise his constitutional right to be heard, is it God has no right as well to speak up? But the question is who will speak for Him?
When God is about to judge the nation of Israel, He looked for a man to speak in His behalf and at the same time for the nation of Israel to invoke their rights for information (judgment or blessings from God).
“Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me,” (Isaiah 6:8).
While God is the Sender, Isaiah became the messenger. Will you be a willing messenger of God no matter it poses a great risk in your life?
Willing to die
When the Lord spoke to me on a Sunday early morning at 1:00 sometime in 2013, He said to me, “Will you speak to my Government?” Preparing still for the Sunday Preaching, I grinned in laughter and said, “Lord, I’ve been preaching to the government since 1992.” There was a complete silence for half and hour and I could strongly sense the Spirit of the Lord was grieving. I shifted and said, “I am willing, Lord !” Then God replied as if He was about to break His tears and gently said, “Are you willing to die?” I ran in disbelief and felt tears rolled down at my face and I said, “Why?“ The Lord replied, “I sent my servant, John the Baptist, the voice in the wilderness and Herod beheaded him,” (Matthew 14:3-10).
On a Tuesday after that, barely two days after God spoke the commissioning, I was invited to attend in a regular session of our legislative merely as an observer. To my surprise, I was tasked to stand up and speak up for what I know outside and inside the gallery of the lawmakers.
Few days later after that, a warrant of arrest has been issued by the Court and the legal battle begun.
Jeremiah spoke for God but he was sent into dungeon and prison instead. He was even placed on exile.
John the Baptist was the voice in the wilderness. He was revered and well-respected and preached boldly of the coming Messiah, yet he was imprisoned and then beheaded. No less than the state government plotted to silence the messenger John. I
Is Satan silencing the Church not to speak up?
Or shall we silence the voice of God in the area of legislation and pretend we hear no evil at all?
Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me,” (Isaiah 6:8).
The word “send” in Hebrew “shalack” (shaw-lakh) means “to send, to shoot, spread, push away, reach forth, to let go, to set free, to shoot forth.”
Send means to push away. Pushing away requires persistence and force. We must be pushy as the need arises. We must be persistent should Satan flexes his muscles over the Church.
Sodom vs. SOGIE Bill
What is the difference between Sodom and Gomorrah compared to SOGIE and CIVIL PARTNERSHIP Bills?
Sodom and Gomorrah displayed their immorality on a broad daylight but SOGIE Bill, is it this bill is displaying its immorality and nakedness in the form of legislation? Where in the world that sin or lasciviousness or immorality is being legislated? Not even the city of Sodom dared God the way our legislators are doing now.
While Sodom’s immorality is manifested by action, SOGIE Bill is even far much worst because immorality is being legislated as normal, casual and right.
Voice in the wilderness
Old Testament already revealed that “voice.”
Isaiah 40:3 (KJV), “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
Voice in Hebrew “qol” means “ a voice, sound noise, crackling,, proclamation, thunder. “
And I must say that the Voice of God must be like a thundering proclamation in all our legislative departments of government be in barangay level, municipality, city, province or nationwide.
The “voice in the wilderness “ is also mentioned in New Testament. Mark 1:3 (KJV) says, “ The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight..”
The word “voice” in Greek “phone” (fo-nay) means “a sound, a tone, a voice, speech, language, tongue.” Strong Bible Dictionary define “voice” means “a disclosure, by implication an address (for any purpose), noise, sound, voice.”
And I prefer to use the “voice of God” as “disclosure” of truth, justice and righteousness before our legislators be in the Congress and Senate.
God’s rights
God’s rights is always right. He is not a man that He should err.
If every Filipino has the right to be heard and to air his or her grievance as his or her constitutional rights, is it not God has more rights to be heard as well?
God’s right in Preamble
Preamble of the Philippine Constitution states that: “We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”
“Imploring” according to Webster means “to make a very serious or emotional request” to God in the area of our Filipino governance.
Does God have the right to be heard in the area of legislation? Then who will speak for Him?
Will you be the ONE?