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- Category: Teachings & Articles
- Published: Tuesday, 05 February 2019 04:59
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By Augusto A. Kho
Bible Study; Municipality of Rosales
Province of Pangasinan
January 30, 2019 (Wednesday); 4:00 P.M.
Edited: February 04, 2019 (Monday); 9:37 P.M.
Have you been officially sent to attend this non-mandatory bible study? Is there any department head here now? Are you here because you are told or you are here because you desire to know about the Word of God? Can I give you this Scripture Readings which has something to do to what I will be sharing to you this afternoon.
Scripture Readings
Psalm 19:7-10
“7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”
True-to-life testimony:
The conversion
As a Catholic I am very religious. Visiting pilgrimage places is ingrained in my soul.
I often visited Lady of Manaoag in Manaoag, Pangasinan; the Nazareno in Quiapo or St. Jude Church near Malacanan. I visited Salisbury Cathedral in England, the Notre Dame in Paris, France or Mary’s Church in Egypt and even the Vatican’s St. Peter Square.
Not until I came to know the Lord in January 16, 1986 in Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia where I was apprehended by 6 Saudi airport policemen for carrying drugs and I was under strict interrogation for the next six hours from 10 P.M. – 4:00 A.M. the night day. I dreaded for my life but right there and then when God spoke to me audibly yet the Saudi didn’t hear His voice then God translated my spirit somewhere else. While my body is left at the airport under police interrogation my spirit is being interrogated by God Himself showing me the details of my sins as far as I can remember when I was still a child. It was from there and then that I repented for my sins and asked God’s forgiveness and given up my life to Christ completely when He said to me this “I am the Way” (John 14:6).
The miracle of God is that I was released unharmed and I have been provided a car no less my apprehending policeman that finally brought me home in my apartment in Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia. That was the start of my spiritual journey.
From that time on, I had this burning and insatiable appetite of knowing His Word, the Scriptures or the Bible and to my own surprise, I didn’t realize that God delivered me instantly from drug-addition and cussing (cursing). He said to me that “He is the way “ which can be found in the Gospel of John 14:6. And the word, “Way’” in Greek “hodos” means “a journey.” And my journey and encounter with Christ and His word converted my soul.
The Scripture Readings I gave to you earlier says:
“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul,” (Psalm 19:7)
Better than gold
Three (3) years after my conversion, the Lord God personally spoke to me and directed me to quit my secular work from the airline. His will truly not my own choice because I struggled much that time. But I did obeyed him and simply left my $2,500.00 a monthly salary as Manager of Travel Department in one of Riyadh’s most prestigious hospital.
When I arrived Philippines in November 15, 1989, I was simply made too curious seeing a newspaper’s ad that Consolidated Travel in Binondo, Manila is looking for a Manager. I submitted all my necessary documents and Air Lines’ Training Certificates which I have gone through in Swiss Air (SR) from Lausanne, Switzerland; Japan Air Lines (JAL), Marlboro Street in London office; United Arab Emirates (Emirates), Dubai of UAE that instantly qualified Consolidated Travel to receive an IATA accreditation and I was given a P40,000.00 monthly salary but I did not report from work anymore.
Why? I thought to myself that perhaps God wanted me to resign from airline industry from Saudi Arabia and find a place for me in the Philippines. But my heart tells me that I was wrong because as …
What the Scripture Readings I gave to your earlier says:
“The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold,” (Psalm 19:9-10)
God’s Word and serving Him is matchless compared to the worldly wealth today which is what most people are aspiring for. The calling of God is priceless. God and His Word for you and me, be personal or vocation is better than gold.
God or the president
When Values Formation Council of Pangasinan (VFCI-Pangasinan) which I headed was spearheading values education to the police force in this province and beyond, Malacanan took notice of me. VFCI – Pangasinan is under the National Police (PNP) in Camp Crame, Quezon City.
An arm-office of Malacanan offered me to work with the Ramos Administration to spearhead Presidential Proclamation 62 (PP 62) known as Moral Recovery Program (MRP) in Northern Luzon. I was told that I will be closely coordinating the MRP to LGU’s, governors, mayors and congressmen in this area.
And I had this thought that time, should God will take me in from secular job just to work in the government? Will serving a president is better than serving God? So I did choose God and declined the offer from the palace.
God’s call is non-negotiable. While politicians today seek power, money and fame God looks for a man and a woman like you and me to serve Him. Would serving men is better than serving the God of the presidents of what this world combined?
As what the Scripture Readings I gave to your earlier says:
“The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes,” (Psalm 19:8).
Well, money and power of this world can beclouds your reason but through God’s Word as pure it enlightens your very eyes. The Scriptures can give you a clearer vision and understanding.
Below I.Q.
I finished Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Far Easter University (FEU) in Manila. I took units of Masters on Business Administration (MBA) at Centro Escolar University (CEU) in Mendiola, Manila near Malacanan. Often whenever I take Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Tests the results were so devastating. My I.Q. always falls “below than average.” Should I equate that myself I would fall into M.R. or “mentally retarded” level.
Yes I was employed in various airlines like Sudan Airways, Japan Air Lines, Garuda Indonesian Air, United Arab Emirates and Singapore Air Lines in different stint in the Middle East.
I must admit my 8-year involvement in using illegal drugs it twisted my tongue and in effect I became stutterer and I could hardly speak straight. But after God’s deliverance and my frequent reading and study of the Scripture associated with preaching and teaching the Word of God, my speech impairment gradually gone without a trace. Then God opened some avenues where I found myself not merely teaching or preaching but legally arguing with the experts like academe people, lawyers, legislators, congressmen and judges both local and national level just like in the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlalawigan and in the House of Representatives (Philippine Congress). In various occasions I have given the floor to give various Privileges Speeches on some controversial bills like SOGIE-Bill, same-sex marriage bill or the so-called Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) now Basic Organic Law (BOL). How could such a person like me with a low I.Q. will engage in such verbal stunts and legal argument that requires high mental acumen?
As what I earlier shared to you from the Scriptural Readings, it says:
“… the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple,” (Psalm 19:7b)
Reading, analyzing and studying the Scriptures made my simple mind made me wiser, investigative and analytical that brought me to the various halls of legislators. That must be God’s doing through His divine Word.
Chartered chopper
Last January 25, 2019, I was at the domestic airport in Pasay City supposedly to board a chartered chopper with six (6) others on board. I was there to collect the P1.5-Million rental of the chartered chopper we provided to a certain client and I was tasked to bring the payment in cash back to Manila. But for whatever reason, I was suddenly been replaced by an aircraft mechanic when I was about to board and the alleged pilot said, “the mechanic should be in board just in case the chopper will encounter a mechanical trouble.’’ As a result I was offloaded and I found that very intriguing.
Thought on Ton Gan, the pilot (not his real name) had pre-occupied my mind the whole day. And I shared this to my other 3 business associates whether I was bumped off purposely so the pilot can take the money. Is Ton, a professional, high-end swindler who took prey in the aviation business? I met him on the night of the scheduled flight and he is stunningly handsome that matches today’s actors on the screen wearing branded and expensive clothes and apparels. You cannot truly judge a person by mere (physical) looks. Who would ever dare to think badly on this man who is a pilot and a boyfriend of a flight stewardess which is based in Manila?
True enough as I had pre-conceived, there was no word from the pilot named Ton including that payment which I should have had collected up to this most recent writing. And my business associate told me to forego it as company’s loss.
And by Sunday, January 27 I was completely awake the night earlier till 6:00 A.M. of the next day that a pilot like Ton can endanger the lives of his passengers for greed of money. The dangerous man must be stopped and pilot’s licensed must be revoked and his erring action must be reported to CAAP (Civil Aviation Association of the Philippines).
As what the Scripture Readings I gave to your earlier says:
“The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever,” (Psalm 19:9).
We should not wickedness prevails. The fear of God is clean that rinses our filth away. And as of today, as I strongly prodded the Board and we decided to file a police blotter on the alleged theft and estafa committed by that person and bring it to the Court if necessary. Don’t let the evil flourish. We should not be overcome by darkness and he who fears God should be a light instead.
That is how the Scriptures work. Scheduling a bible study is not merely a religious activity or a political stunt. One has to live with the Word perfecting or maturing him as a person or as a public servant like you.
What purpose?
So when I first heard from the honorable mayor and honorable vice mayor that today will be the launching date of bible study and that will be followed on every Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 pm, I couldn’t help asking myself this question – “What is the purpose of this bible study?”
Is it a political stunt or this is in connection with the recent signing of Presidential Proclamation No. or PP 125 dated January 5, 2019 declaring January every year as the “National Bible Month,”’ no less by our President Rodrigo R. Duterte.
Focus Defined by Webster
Focus according to Merriam-Webster is the main purpose or interest. That is a very simple definition. So I have this following questions when this bible study was finally planned and verbally approved.
What is the main purpose of this bible study?
What is your main purpose of this scheduled bible study?
What is your main purpose for being a public servant?
What is your main purpose in life?
Focus in Hebrew Bible Definition
Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
“Purpose” in Hebrew “chephets” (khy-fets) i.e. delight, desire, longing, valuable thing, what
I like that definition? “What matter matters.”” Does life matters to you? What matters in your life duly matters. Do you believe that?
What is a matter by the way?
Matter in scientific definition is any thing that occupy space and time. Do anything in your life that occupies space and time? Time and space be in the form of your work or job has certain limitation of authority and inclusivity of time or date. No one can monopolize space and time because it is God’s handiwork.
Purpose in Greek Definition
Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.”
“Purpose” in Greek, “prosthesis” means “to set forth a thing; placing of it in view; a purpose;
proposal or intention; as exposed before God; the showbread (eaten on a Sabbath). ”
The question in your own life is this, His purpose or your sell-willed purpose? There is a great difference between the two.
Your life is divinely inspired but you can either do the will of God or go against the will of God by defining your life according to your own selfish interest and ambition.
RA 6713
RA 6713 will define your life purpose as a public official or employee.
RA 6713 is also known as “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.”
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy – It is the policy of the State to promote a high standard of ethics in public. Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public interest over personal interest.
Code is a systematic statement or a body of law or system of principles or rules or moral code according to Merriam- Webster. While conduct according to Webster is a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles. That is why in an organization they have this called Guiding Principles or Code of Ethics.
In the same way, RA 6713 is exactly a set of moral standards provided by the law and state for a public officials and employees to have their sense of focus in their purpose for the civil office. Anyone who fails on such a standard may be disqualified should stricter implementation of the law will be applied.
The word “shall” denote a command which is mandated by the law. In effect, RA 6713 used the word “policy” which is “a definite course” or ‘’method of action,” (Webster) which is optional but rather mandatory.
Character -values
Take note that the given Code of Conduct is not on the basis of your academic gains or mental abilities but rather focused on attitudes, behaviors, values-orientations, ethics and moral principles which are as follows:
Competence (right or fair)
It sounds that competence measures mental ability it taking it from but Anglo-French-Latin means competens meaning “right” or ’’fair.”’
Just (righteousness)
Modesty or simple life (frugality)
Public Servitude i.e. “public interest over personal interest.”
As the Philippine Constitution of 1987 puts it this way:
“’Public Office is a public trust,’’ - Article XI, Section 1
And that is exactly your sense of focus.